I really need your help before giving up on DIYs...

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Mar 31, 2013
Iowa, IA, USA
Here's what I heard. "All my mixes don't have enough flavor."

If all, or a vast majority of mixes don't have the flavor you're looking for and you've tried many different flavorings at various %'s, that leads me to think it's not related to the flavoring. I'd put money on crappy nic, but it could be crappy VG, and there is an outside chance of crappy PG.

That's what I think when I read posts like this.

/\ the result of large fingers on a tiny phone's keyboard - using Tapatalk

It doesn't matter WHICH brand of flavoring that you use - if what Hoosier described is the issue. And that HAS been the issue in the past for us.

We suggest that before ordering a bunch more flavors (of any brand), to make SURE your vg, pg, or nic is not the culprit.

You can get the smallest bottles that WZL labs orders (vg, pg and 60mg/mL nic) for only/around $20.00 Mix it the way you want, make a few bottles of exact duplicates of those you have...and compare.

If your vg, pg, or nic isn't right, all the flavors, money & frustration in the world isn't going to make the kind of juice you're wanting.
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Ultra Member
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Dec 6, 2011
North Carolina, USA
Thanks guys I really appreciate your help! Do you have any specific favorite brand for Mango, Peach, Apple, Melon (or any other basic fruit flavor)?

For straight fruit flavors that are strong, go with vaping Zone's Super Concentrated line (VZ-SC), which are plenty strong enough for me at the recommended 2.5%. They have PG and alcohol based flavors. If you go with the alcohol based, then be sure to let the finished juice breathe for 24-48 hours to let the alcohol evaporate completely.

VZ-SC Gourmet Flavoring - E Cig eGo, E juice, Mods, Cartomizers, Liquid Nicotine, DIY Flavorings

DIY-Flavoring-Alcohol Base | E Liquid Flavoring-Alcohol Base - E Cig eGo, E juice, Mods, Cartomizers, Liquid Nicotine, DIY Flavorings

Note: I have never tried Inawera flavors, and as much as people seem to love them, they are probably worth a shot.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
I don't think it is just me but I have been so pleased with the Vaping Zone gourmet and concentrated flavors. You use a lot less which I think is more economical but the smell of them are out of this world. Good luck to you and I hope you don't give up on mixing. It can be trying at times but the end results are soooooo worth it when you get it right. :)


Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2013
So Cal
Do you have TFA blackberry lying around? If so, 10% will knock your socks off :p I accidentally started at that percentage, and had to go with half that to make it vapeable!

The few Inawera flavors I have are wonderful and very strong, and the FA flavors are also excellent. With flavorings from both these companies I use tiny amounts compared to what I use with TFA.
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