I saw a vaper today!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 27, 2012
United States
It was the first actual vaper I've seen who wasn't in the local vape shop. He was just an average guy working in a store, with a lanyard around his neck that housed an eGo and a Stardust.

I said, "Hey, a vaper!" He looked at me strangely, and I pointed to his lanyard. Then he started to explain how it works. I stopped him and said that I know all about it. Then he told me he upped his nicotine to 30mg, and he's vaping coconut. And he hasn't smoked a cig in 60 days. I paid for my stuff and left -- feeling slightly superior because I haven't smoked a cig in 93 days and I vape 15mg juice. :)

Kind of cool to meet one in the wild.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2011
Brunswick, Maine
They're pretty rare here in Maine; there was my wife but she stopped, a guy I work with who I've helped along with his vaping, and a lady I met briefly a couple of months ago (an ECF member but I haven't seen her on for awhile)-that's it; a couple of local smoke shops & convenience stores sell ecigs, but it's mostly cheap junk I wouldn't touch, probably turn a lot of people off of vaping. I've tried to generate some interest in a local meet, but so far not enough interest.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 19, 2009
They're pretty rare here in Maine; there was my wife but she stopped, a guy I work with who I've helped along with his vaping, and a lady I met briefly a couple of months ago (an ECF member but I haven't seen her on for awhile)-that's it; a couple of local smoke shops & convenience stores sell ecigs, but it's mostly cheap junk I wouldn't touch, probably turn a lot of people off of vaping. I've tried to generate some interest in a local meet, but so far not enough interest.

When I first picked up e-cigs 2 years ago I lived in Wells.


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Verified Member
Mar 12, 2012
Hendersonville NC
I never see anyone except for a few friends that I turned onto vaping. I have seen a couple people with a disposable analog look alike. Those people with the disposable don't really have a clue about the vaping world. It's hilarious when I go to a party or cookout and people stare at my provari with a strange curious look on their face while i'm blowing out plumes of vapor. They eventually come around and ask me what it is or if I'm going to pass it around (puff puff pass).
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