I think I successfully converted my girlfriend to vaping.

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2011
Savannah, GA
For the past year and a half, I have been trying to help my girlfriend quit cigarettes. It has been especially hard for me because after I quit cigarettes for so long, being around them gets harder and harder. I bought gum and let her use my e cig, but there wasn't any success. She smoked a pack a day. A week ago she has been using my e cigarette off and on, smoking a few cigarettes a day; that itself is a HUGE improvement.

I wasn't sure if she was going to go back to cigarettes until this afternoon.

My order came in today while I was sleeping. I woke up to my girlfriend asking how to fill up my CE3's. When I came into the room there was liquid everywhere with youtube videos open on how to fill these things up.

It reminded me of my first days in vaping when I started to really like it :vapor:


Ultra Member
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Sep 25, 2009
I see a REO Grand by reosmods.com under the Christmas tree for your someone special. All the best you both of you. I remember when I first vaped, I still smoked....it was 3 years ago sept....I did both for about a week and slowly cut down on the cigarettes until I had this one day when I when to smoke after almost a day without doing an analog and you know what....I didn't like the taste of the analog anymore.

Happy Thanksgiving!
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