I want my taste buds to come back so bad. A full month without any taste.

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Jan 9, 2012
United States
I've been vaping for 45 days now. I had one pack of cigs during the first week but none since. That's the good news. The bad news is that I can't taste any liquids at all and haven't been able to since the first 7-10 days. I started off with a JOYE 510 manual and everything tasted pretty good. Lemonade, butterscotch and carmel tobacco from COV were yummy. Candy cane and white choc raspberry cheesecake from Vixen Vapor were even better. But, after a week or so, I couldn't taste anything, and my candy cane flavor was gone.

The lack of flavor combined with the constant fiddling had me ready to quit. The folks in the forum convinced me to give better equipment a try. I got a nice KGo, some LR cartos, some fluxomizers and the fiddling annoyances were gone. Yippie! The flavor problem, however, is still with me.

If the level of flavor of water is 0 and some strongly flavored meal in a great restaurant is a 10, I would rate the flavor of all the liquids I have (many!) at a 1. Mind you I'm not talking about how good or bad they are, just whether I can taste them at all. At a level 1 it isn't even possible to rate how good it tastes because they are either just vaguely nasty or smooth. I even got my wife , a non-smoker, non-vaper, to try strawberry shortcake this morning and she confirmed it tastes like strawberries. Not to me though. To me it is just vaguely smooth and tastes like nothing in particular. Only my (reordered) candy cane flavor has any taste.

Anyway. I would really like this phase to be done. One solid month with no taste.


Ultra Member
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Jan 22, 2012
I think that might be part of my problem too. I can taste the flavors, but just barely right at the start of a fresh refill, then it sort of blends into nothingness a lot of the time except for the very strongest of flavors. Actually, thinking about the fact that it might be my "smoker's taste buds" screwing things up for me (2 weeks quit now) I'm a little worried about telling one of the peeps in chat today that the flavor I do like is still pretty mild --- maybe it's just that it's REALLY strong, and that's why it seems to hold it's flavor throughout the day for me. Uh oh. I hope they read this. LOL If I told you to try the chocolate malt from Blue Mist because you like mild flavors maybe you should consider the fact that my taste buds may not be "feeling" it true to form. LOL


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Jul 31, 2010
Reno, Nevada
When I put the cigs down, I found my sense of smell came back pretty quick, a couple months. It seemed to take much longer for my sense of taste. I guess the ciggies do more damage to your tongue than your sinuses. In any case, I did not notice any marked improvement in my ability to taste until I had been vaping for several months.

Things you can do; try stronger flavors or mix your own juice with higher levels of flavor concentrate. Also, I noticed that switching flavors improves my ability to taste them. Try switching between two or three flavors in a day and see if that helps.

Generally speaking, I think flavors are over-rated anyway. I'm perfectly happy vaping unflavored juice, though given the option, I don't do it all the time.


Ultra Member
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Jul 21, 2010
Gulfport, MS.
I think everyone goes through the phase of tasteless juices. I found that brushing my tongue
with toothbrush and frequently rinsing with mouthwash helped.

Even after a year and a half, I still can't vape the same flavor all day without it fading.
I keep 2 or 3 flavors in rotation because of this. One of them is always a strong
flavor like anise or absinthe.


Ultra Member
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Jan 24, 2012
Out in the middle of Nowhere
This is a very interesting post for me, as I've had alot of the same problem as OP. I've not been vaping very long. To start with I couldn't taste anything either...then I started making my own juice and using alittle more PG in it as some here suggested that. I had been vaping 50/50 to start with. I also increased the flavorings..and that helped too. But Im still having some problem with after vaping for a minute or two all the flavor seems to go. So I guess it's my taste buds. I've found that I can taste banana, bubble gum, Mt Dew, and blackberry pretty well, but milder flavors like vanilla escape me for now.


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Jan 15, 2012
Thank you. It's nice that whenever I come here with a problem I find that other people are going through the same, and others have been through it and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This forum is just as "can't believe it, it's too good to be true" as vaping itself.

It's getting worse by the day, however. In the beginning, I think it was much better, but in the past 3-4 days I really cannot even tell what I'm vaping most of the times. Some high tart note from a key lime or just a hint of sweet from various coffees. Menthol is strong as usual, but I don't like it to begin with. I've been drinking tons of water, alternating flavors, and I don't vape all that much to begin with. Anyway, I sure hope it does get better.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2011
Middle Georgia
I have been vaping for about 4 months now and my taste buds are starting to come back, but only with some flavors and I am finding that some things I used to think were great are to strong now. I had to mix them strong to taste them and now I am having to thin them out to tone them down, but some flavors taste smooth - just without flavor (I hope this makes sense)...


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
- It is vapor, not food. Vapor will never taste anywhere near as strong as food.

- What is the PG/VG of your juice? VG dulls flavors. I use high PG liquids. But nicotine in 100% PG can be very irritating and make your tongue feel numb/burnt by nicotine - you want to avoid that.

- A dirty atomizer kills flavor. A singed cartomizer kills sweetness than adds bitterness.

- you need to try different brands of liquids. And even within one brand, some will have strong flavors and/or aromas and some will be weaker

- Many vapors have little or no flavor because these are the only things the tongue can taste: Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami (MSG). Everything else is in the aroma. You must smell the vapor. Cigarettes and foods make aroma in front of your face but if you don't purposely remember to smell vapor, you won't have the aroma. A apple eliquid should deposit an appropriate amount of sweet and sour on the tongue but is will not be apple unless you smell it. And non-sweet tobaccos can have little actually flavor and be mostly aroma. Make sure you nose and sinuses are clear and remember to smell the vapor.

- the following can dull flavors or aroma - drinking hot beverages or alcohol, having food or drink tastes in your mouth or smells around, vaping the same or similar flavors over and over and over, any medications that dull sense of smell. I vape 2 contrasting flavors - one very sweet and one not sweet - each refreshes my taste for the other.

- You do need to drink fluids and stay hydrated.

- Everybody goes through a period when they can't taste/smell their liquids. That's when i started changing up the flavor of my tobacco liquid by adding vanilla,caramel, chocolate or cocoa liquid. Now I just vape 2 contrasting flavors on the two models I carry.

- By or before the end of the first month people often get antsy and many buy a second model - new model, new flavors, new experience.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2011
New Jersey
Vape less and drink more water. This is the only thing that works for me. I had a long stretch of tastelessness when I first tried cisco 1.5 atties. It sucks, but it'll go away.

I find that if I go for a long stretch of my day vaping, with very little water intake, my taste buds get shot as far as vaping taste goes. You've got to be concious of that..increase that water intake. Your buds should come back after that.


Super Member
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Dec 16, 2011
Hollywood, MD
Thank god my taste is slowly coming back.. everything tasted the same ugh! I had to vape the hell out of menthol and mint though.. and I usually drink a ton of water everyday..

You could try a knock your socks off kinda juice like Vapor Bombs Cinnabomb or Atomic Cyanide.

I have some artic ice (vapor bomb) that I add to juice when it tastes a little flat.


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Jan 9, 2012
United States
Thanks for the tips mouse (and everyone else).

I have juice from 5 different vendors but more of them are from Vixen Vapor and most of those are 3x flavor and 24mg. I get 70 Pg 30 Vg. I've used atties, cartos, and fluxomizers. I think the main prob is me, in some way or another, but I'll be keeping all the tips in mind.


Super Member
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Dec 28, 2011
Crestview, FL
I feel ya OP. One month quit for me....and I still have a hard time tasting a lot of flavors. And if I vape a tank full (3ml) of something the taste is REALLY muted.

Also flavors I can taste are just...well...off. Most tobacco flavors taste like burnt rubber or burned nuts (Halo tobacco juices, and sadly Bobas Bounty...which I find very satisfying, but the taste is not so good for me now at least)

From my past quits...I know it took a solid month or more for my tastebuds to come back. THen things like those pereroncinis you get with your Olive Garden salad or PapaJohns pizza that I LOVED as a smoker were just too darn spicy!!! But it took 2 months or so....
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Super Member
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Mar 18, 2011

try DIY and increase the % of flavoring..most e-liquids around 10-20% flavoring used..i DIY @ 15% and depends on the flavor used..some are light weight like strawberry and most fruit flavors are..but stronger flavors like coffee and vanilla etc U need to tone down..but this D-U-R-I-A-N flavor(durian,the most smelly fruit ever) is super strong and will taste and smell after U have vape on it..if this dont tickle yr tastebud nothing will..regards mafig ps when i vape this durian flavor i am banished to the balcony area,like i was when i am on analogs hahaha
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