Total Change in Taste/Taste buds?

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Hello fellow vapors :)

I've been vaping on a daily basis for the last 2 months or so and have definitely formed a few 'favorite' e-juices.
My first purchases (all from myvaporstore) were the 'Killa Vanilla' and the 'Strawberry' flavors, all at 1.8% nicotine, 50/50.
The first few days/week, the Vanilla tasted very strong but I've grown to love it and is officially my favorite juice, but as you all know, the e-juice hunt is not easy to cease :)
I've collected around a dozen e-juices and also love the Blue Raspberry and have been enjoying it.

Nevertheless to make a long story short, today I cleaned out one of my tanks and re-filled with my a new batch of Blue Raspberry. Took a hit and it had a total ketchupy after-taste (the best example I can give...). Freaking out about a potentially bad batch, I cleaned it out (Wasting a full tank of juice) and put in Strawberry. Again, the same gross taste.
The strange thing is, there is pretty much no taste to the juices besides this weird ketchupy after-taste.

With a personality that does not give up, I changed the atomizer twice, with no changes in result. As a rule of elimination, I went ahead and began puffing my other 3 kanger tanks, all of which I have not changed or modified for over a week, and they all gave me this after-taste. Currently the only juice that I am able to vape is the Killa Vanilla.

Overall there is a distinct muteness to all the e-juices, but this after-taste is killing me...

I read a few posts and main arguments are;
1) You recently quit, so your tastebuds are coming back.
-I've never been a heavy smoker (my peak being 5-6 cigs a day for around a year, and 1 or 2 a day after that)
2) Drink more water.
-This could be true.
3) Steep the juice.
-I have all of my juice stored in a box, stored in my closet.

I simply do not understand how and why this change is happening pretty much out of nowhere and to be honest, it is bumming me out. vaping has been a fantastic hobby for me and something that I have grown to love, and would hate to not be able to continue.

Is this a common issue and/or have any of you gone through what I might be describing? I made my wife (who does not vape, but will have occasional puffs) try as well, and she has no idea wth I am talking about, so it must be me. I have been taking pain medicine and anti-biotics, so perhaps it is a side-effect of the medications?

Would love to hear some feedback and great to be a part of this fantastic forums :)
Antibiotics are known to cause flavor changes in the tastebuds. I took one once that made everything taste like bleach. especially when I'd smoke. I'd just let those flavors sit until I was finished with that prescription. Good luck and Happy Vaping!

Ah, glad to hear that I am not the only one.
Thank you! :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2013
Spring, Texas
I have been dealing with this too. I first started vaping and all of the flavors were so vibrant and vivid. Now after a couple of months, they all are dull and not so clear. I have heard of what they call "vapers tongue" and am guessing that is what it is attributed to. I am under no medication and my regular routines have not changed withe the exception of not smoking any more. I have read that this subsides after a few weeks and am biding my time right now. For both our sakes, I pray this subsides because I have some killer flavor that I am still vaping but want to enjoy as I did several weeks ago. I will not go back to analogs, no matter what the results. I feel better now but I so want the tastes to come back and get on over this hump I am climbing right now. I believe this will subside after time.:confused:


MKUltra Member
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
It's likely a combo of things - body adjustments, dehydration, affecting medicines.

Take a break from your usual juices (they'll be there when you return) and vape a little menthol or licorice. Flavour intensity still comes and goes for me after 6 months and I find switching it up helps a lot. Also, try a mouthwash 4 times a day - they're great at reseting the palate.

The key variable to wait it out for would probably be the pain meds. Hopefully these are not a long term factor in your life.


Vaping Master
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Jan 18, 2013
Antioch IL
Besides vaper's tongue, I also think that your tastes change over time. At first I was ok with one flavor juice. Now that I can tate again, I prefer multiple flavors, and I can taste them all too. As a beginner, I think it is a good idea to keep all your juice as you may like it better at a later time. And I also don't think it is a good idea to buy large quantities of one thing as you may not like it later.

When I had vaper's tongue, I either vaped cinnamon, which was all I could taste, or get rid of stuff you don't like.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2013
Chevy Chase
I also find that my taste/desire for certain juices changes a ton depending on what I'm using (Carto vs rebuildable vs Genny vs Silica atty) and the resistance I decide to build the coil at. Juices taste very different depending on the setup...for me.

My palate has changed a ton since I first started vaping. All I wanted in the beginning was tobacco flavor and now that's probably my least desirable type of juice to use.
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