I want to order a device.....

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New Member
Dec 30, 2010
Hello, I am a new member here. I was searching online this morning for E-cigarettes and have come across a plethra of devices. Then I found this forum and registered so I could get advice from those that have actually solved my dilema.

As of right now I was considering either a SS Choice No. 7 starter kit, Joycig or a Blu. I provided links below just in case:

Electronic Cigarette by blu E Cigarette - Home

Joy Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit

E Cigarette Starter Kits, Electronic Smokeless Cigarettes

Why these three? Well, they are in my price range. By that I mean, I didn't want to go bananas and purchase something that might not work. If you have an alternative that works and is pricier, I am open to suggestions. Right now I smoke about a pack a day (Marlboro Menthol Light 100's or Gold 100's for those familiar with the new labeling), some days less. Days when I have a few I smoke alot more.

I've read articles where these items are not very good for you. Then there's the variety of accessories available. Flavors, battery life, cartridge refill price. It's all new to me.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Jimmy


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 1, 2010
Hold on to your money and watch these videos FIRST. Seriously. Just do it because it will save you a lot of time, frustration and MONEY!

Mistress Nomad's Videos for Newbies

Welcome to ECF!

WOH is right. Some of the deals on the internet aren't as good as they sound and that's why this vid was made. Good luck and
to ECF.


New Member
Dec 30, 2010
Hold on to your money and watch these videos FIRST. Seriously. Just do it because it will save you a lot of time, frustration and MONEY!

Mistress Nomad's Videos for Newbies

Welcome to ECF!

I clicked the link and saw the title and chuckled. I'm not broke. I want to purchase something that will work. If it costs $29 or $290 I'll purchase it. I just didn't want to order something for say $150 and it not do what I need it to do.

Honestly, my sound doesn't work on my computer. Although it is probably an easy fix, I have chosen not to worry about it. I don't use my computer to watch things really. No porn is a little disheartening but I make due. I'm kidding.

By chance, can you provide cliff notes on the videos? I realize it looks like I am being a PITA newbie but I promise as time goes on and once I am released from this forum, you will appreciate having me around!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 23, 2010
Hold on to your money and watch these videos FIRST. Seriously. Just do it because it will save you a lot of time, frustration and MONEY!

Mistress Nomad's Videos for Newbies

Welcome to ECF!

Mistress Nomad is a "Doll" for doing this video. I just wish a couple of my buds would have watched this first instead of blowing $ on crappola. I know a few of the troops love ya Mistress Nomad.:hubba: Keep doing what you do best and vape on.:vapor:


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 10, 2009
Key West,Fl.
OK,808s look at Vapor4life,easy,cartomizer set up.
Liberty flights has Rivas and Egos that are 510 and have atomizers.Nice but you have to fill more often.You can also order cartomizers for these.
Juices,I would say try Vapor renu or maybe Bombsdrop vapor.

Look around and figure out what type you want,then come back and give us a better idea.


Trippy Tip Hoarder
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 11, 2009
*The Swamp*
For a 2 piece system the KR808D-1 is a good unit. Vapor4Life has them. Runs at around 3.7v.
For a 3 piece system the Ego is good and battery has longer life. Cignot.com has them. Runs at around 3.2v.
If you go to the Forum page you will see the different vendors with listed links and you can browse their websites and look at prices. Forum Suppliers
Bloog has come out with the MaxxFusion-It looks very promising.
Good luck on your quest.
Hope this helps.
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New Member
Dec 30, 2010
For a 2 piece system the KR808D-1 is a good unit. Vapor4Life has them. Runs at around 3.7v.
For a 3 piece system the Ego is good and battery has longer life. Cignot.com has them. Runs at around 3.2v.
If you go to the Forum page you will see the different vendors with listed links and you can browse their websites and look at prices. Forum Suppliers
Bloog has come out with the MaxxFushion-It looks very promising.
Good luck on your quest.
Hope this helps.

I've got a ton more reading to do. Thanks!


My friends call me A.G.
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 23, 2010
Vaping Heaven
I feel like Bloog Boy lately, but their new Kr808D-1 is called a MaxxFusion, it is a great way to quit analogs. The R&D guy is Leaford, who is a respected, long time vapor, reviewer, & proponent. You can see his videos on YouTube too.


Later, you may move on to mods, VV, dripping, etc...
The KR8 is a great way to start. IMO.
It was the model I used to quit analogs.

(There are other companies who sell the KR8, but this one is 320mAh...a sweet battery for such a small size.)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Also read the illustrated multipart guide in the Library here - just follow the link in the New Members sticky thread that has Library in its title. Starting in part 4 a number of popular models will be shown (though Blu is also shown because the author had fond memories of it, many people have problems with that and end up replacing 1/2 with another models' parts)

It doesn't matter how much you are willing to spend because you would just be wasting money by buying many of the fancy website models. All cigarette-looking e-cigarettes are made by a handful of Chinese companies. The rebranders jack up the prices (sometimes terribly on replacements and spares - like $50 for a battery instead of $15), and worse, sometimes they use inferior models, unidentifiable models or crippled cartridge systems that discourage refilling.

You are best off buying a known basic model in its natural form, a model with multiple hardware vendors, normal carts or cartos, and normal prices. There are some trusted rebranders like Vapor4Life (rebrander of KR808D-1) and some others, but basically any place that charges more than $19 for a battery is not to be trusted.

Most super-minis (king cigarette size) are weak and they all have short battery life. The two with some respect are M402/3 and Joye306 as you'll see in the guide. I vape M402 but I am switching to the M401 batteries (makes it the size of the 110 cig) for the better battery life. I would only recommend the M series to an ultralights smoker, maybe an easygoing lights smoker, not to anyone who is looking for big hot drags and lots of TH. It is a flavorful unit with annoyingly small carts. The smallest size (M403) I would only recommend to someone who needs to vape handsfree. I use all manual batteries to have more control of my hit and to not have the batteries go off accidentally. I was a smoker that savored ultralights and that's why this is the PV for me.

Minis - my impressions so far

M401 is technically a mini - I described it above and M401 is the 110 cig size

510 - flexible, less taste than 401, shorter battery life than M401 with its standard battery, bigger hotter hit, many expansion possibilities (carts or cartos, longer batteries, fat battery version Ego)

KR808D-1 - a dedicated 2-piece model - i.e. no flexibility at all unless you add parts of other brands. It uses cartos. I think this has a pretty big hit (to me), very flavorful due to the cartos, looser draw than a cart (for me). Read the whole Library guide to find the carts vs cartos info.

DSE901 - I cannot give a really fair review because I have only dripped on the atty, but it seems to be a pleasing but softer vape? Read/watch a real review if interested in this one.

I have not tried any pen models yet, nor any fat battery (Ego, Riva - great if you need long long battery charge life), nor any mods but some look interesting like the screwdriver and that Janty stick


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
These days if you're spending more than about $40 for a good quality starter kit you're paying too much. Add a few bottles of juice and you can be set for a while for way under $75.

KR 808 d1 good price, great supplier. 2 piece design. A little longer than a cig and a bit larger in diameter.

Standard 510 kit 3 piece design, short battery life, but good otherwise. About 120mm long and diameter is a little bigger than a cig.
Mega 510 Holiday Kit No Box 3 piece design, better battery life, otherwise the same as the standard. About 120mm long and diameter is a little bigger than a cig.

Electronic Cigarette - Starter Kits - Riva 510 510 threading, bigger battery for hours of use on a charge. Use coupon code "october20" for 20% off and it comes to around $30. About the size of a small cigar.

These are about the best prices going right now. Since they're all around the same price choose the model you think meets your needs. A lot of people recommend the eGo/Riva because the battery lasts a long time. It's a valid point unless you smoke less than 1/2 pack a day. If you want a cig sized unit you'll have to go with something else too, although you may get tired of constantly charging batteries.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 4, 2010
Don't be lured in by the attractive, user friendly websites or the glowing reviews of these products on Youtube. You'll notice most of the shining reviews online for these insanely expensive starter kits with their "cigarette pack" looking cases include a link back to the seller, which gives you a discount and them a kickback for promoting their product. I came so close to buying a Blu cig, because a kid on YouTube (who didn't even look 18+, in my opinion) gave it a really cool review. That and I thought the plastic cig pack looking PCC was neato. Then I did a bunch of research and found that the Joye 510 kit was a good, inexpensive place for a newbie to start. I didn't want to spend a lot of money if I wasn't going to like it, know what I'm saying? Well, I loved vaping, quit the day I got my Joye kit and now I own a Silver Bullet from Altsmoke.

Even if you've got the money to burn, if you don't know if vaping is right for you then you want to start with something small, simple to use and relatively inexpensive and that would be either a KR808 kit (which is great, because it uses pre-filled cartomizers) or the Joye/DuraC/Yeti/Titan 510 starter kit. Both will run you about the same price, although I think the KR808 runs a few bucks more through most vendors.

Now, if you pretty much have it in your mind that you're going to kick analogs altogether and that vaping is something that will become a complete lifestyle change for you and you have it in your budget then you may want to do it up big and order a big battery mod like the Silver Bullet, Puresmoker Prodigy or a Chuck although I wouldn't necessarily recommend those as a beginner device. A good halfway point in terms of price, quality, battery life, versatility and ease of use would be the eGo or Riva. They are a wider rechargeable battery that use the same 510 components as the Joye/DuraC/Titan/etc. and cost a little bit more than those slim style starter kits.
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