i won 15 30ml bottles of ejuice from young coconut. has anybody tried any of these?

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Elizabeth Baldwin

Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2014
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
well, they are parting with boutique juices that retail around $20+ each... so It's a great deal if you are a person who would want that juice anyway... sounds like they are covering some kind of cost, or at least offsetting it... I wouldn't accuse them of trying to scam.

Personally, I'd pass, because I don't care for those brands...

What I think is shady is telling people they won when in reality its more like zamplebox where you pay a fee and get juices each month. You aren't really winning you may be getting a deal, but you aren't winning. Winning means totally free. I've won things before...no charge. I've supposedly won things from places that wanted my credit card number for different reasons. I refused because winning anything shouldn't cost you a dime. This business should say exactly what they are doing... Not pawn it off like winning a lottery.


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Mar 5, 2014
It depends on the prize, and the value. Could be as simple as it contains Nicotine.. so different laws could apply if it's over a certain value.
Also since they have to be able to ship it worldwide laws may allow for the winner to pay shipping, whereas if they were doing it say just in the state they reside in they would have to include shipping.

Win a new car? read the fine print.. Laws (not the company/group/etc giving away the car) require YOU the "winner" to pay the tax on the car.. Win a $100k car.. You will have to pay to get it.

Elizabeth Baldwin

Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2014
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
Paying taxes is a different story. That is a given. There are no laws on paying hefty shipping costs. I have won juices before. It cost me nothing. You are not winning paying huge shipping costs. I've never "won" anything that I had to pay for.

If you tell people they won a box of juice but turn around and say but yeah there's a 40 charge to get you your winnings then it is not winning. It's more like zamplebox except they are deceptive about it.

I've won several things before. One thing was quite heavy but it was shipped to me free because I won. LOL. You aren't winning anything with paying hefty shipping. If they were to ever email me saying You won, I'd pass on it. I don't do business with people who misrepresent what they are doing.

Elizabeth Baldwin

Vaping Master
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Feb 2, 2014
Lexington, Kentucky, United States
This is no different than these crazy eBay deals way back that eBay put a stop to. The item would list for a penny but shipping would be 20.00. It's called deceptive selling.

Sure, you think its a good deal and to some it may be. But the point is its not a winning. You are paying for that box and its just like zamplebox. Zamplebox is a good thing but at least zamplebox isn't deceptive.

There are several complaining because they paid 40 for shipping for their "winnings" yet it take a while to get it. Then once they got it they done some detective work and found out shipping was no where near that kind I'd money. These people doing this are buying large quantities and telling people "you won" then charging enough in shipping to make a profit. It's shady because they are not being honest.

I would pass no matter what juice was in it. I don't like being lied to. Shipping 3 pounds doesn't cost 40 bucks. It costs 15 bucks at the most. And if you win you shouldn't pay anything. It's a sales gimmick plain and simple.


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Sep 10, 2013
constitution state
all the ones i tried so far are very good. i don`t normally buy ejuice that cost $22-25 for a 30 ml bottle. these are definitely premium quality juice. my shipping was $33 and if i went to a premium vendor like Halo or Five Pawns i would only get 1 30 ml bottle for that price. i feel like i got a great deal on this juice. of course it would have been better if shipping was free.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2014
BTW: there are no laws about shipping nicotine and costing more to ship or anything.

I did not say it cost more to ship it DUE to the nicotine.. I said it could be that because of the Nicotine given away as a PRIZE the shipping may be able to be passed onto the winner. And it's wasn't a $10 bottle.. The total value of the prize could have been over a certain amount that some obscure law says the "winner" has to pay shipping to verify they are over 18 etc.
Or it could be exactly what you said, the shipping was nothing more than a way for the company to recoup some/most of the money they were giving away.

I didn't enter, and I don't care really. If they listed it as part of the deal.. then nobody can complain.

I hear you on the shipping cost being a little high as well, unless they paid for overnight etc. I hate how companies who charge double or more for shipping with USPS also because "USPS charges higher prices" which is a total joke, consumer reports has dispelled that myth for 20+ years. (UPS is at times twice the cost of USPS, and they charge to pick up packages as well..)
My mother just got audited by the state (WA) because of some stupid law about freight tax. She has to charge a company the normal state tax.. and if it's over a certain weight (which is pretty low) she has to tack on a freight tax.. even if she ships it via UPS/USPS. And she has to pay the state a "fee" if she allows a local company to order online or by fax/phone.. and picks up the order at her office to save time/shipping. :facepalm:

Nutshell: There are stupid laws out there. And there are people that try and screw others.
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