Although there are after-market suppliers, I'd like for Provape to offer Pro Ring covers for the top cone top. Also bring back the chrome battery extension cap, even if they don't bring back the chrome body; I was able to purchase one of the last chrome end caps and it really makes for an attractive and complete look.
Not a fan of VW and not an ultra low ohm rba user, so I have no interest there. More colors would be nice. I'd wanted a red one forever, but got tired of waiting and purchased a black Mini...about 3 weeks before the red was announced.
I'm overall extremely pleased with my two Provari's. Together, they are used about 95% of the time. Nothing else I have can compare. The only time I use something else (Smoktech Gripper) is when I am stealth vaping in a movie theater.
Nothing to do with the Provari, but....I'd love to see Provape offer a bottom feeder box mod of the quality of a Provari.
@BADITUDE - Pro ring covers? Can u explain this to me? Not sure if I have heard of this before, well sure I have just don't remember anything specifically about them, thanks!!! Also, a bottom feed box mod would that be basically the opposite of
What it looks like currently (I'm guessing that they are a top feed obviously just not sure
How a bottom feed box mod would work unless they have some kind of anti-gravity feed lines lol) thx baditude!!!