Im 54 years old, black and I quit smoking in three days after starting vaping.

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Hey everybody, I have been reading this forum for a few months and I decided to join since there needs to be some diversity in here. :2cool: Yes, black people do vape. I started smoking 35 years ago when I was in the USMC. I had snuck a few cigs from my mom when I was in junior high, to be with the "cool kids", but I was basically a book nerd so that didnt really go over well. In the Marines, I started in boot camp, and by the time that was over I was smoking about a pack a day. For years I smoked about a pack or a little less per day until later when the price started climbing and I started feeling winded at times. I cut to about half a pack a day, and sometimes it would be more than that. I have been a lifelong IT professional, and as I climbed up in my field, I found that personal interaction with people sometimes was affected by the smell of cigarette smoke and/or yellowed teeth. Im a middle class guy, not into the hip hop scene or any of the "hood" stuff usually associated with blacks in the media. Think a younger Cosby type (not the ......!), or perhaps Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air with a little more swag. :)

Anyway, I decided to try the cigalike...I think it was a Blu. That lasted for about two days, hated it. Then, I saw the Ego starter kit and I bought one. It had two 650mAh batteries (one black, one stainless) and two of the wick type cartomizers and I bought some tobacco flavored juice. This is how it starts for many of us. By day three with the Ego, I no longer wanted analog cigarettes. After a week, I actually hated the smell of them and I started noticing that many of my clothes had a tobacco smell to them. I washed down my apartment walls, all my clothes were taken to the cleaners, and I started noticing the new smells and tastes as a result of my senses returning to normal. That was in October of 2013 and I have not had a cigarette since.

Now, I have an extensive e-cigarette collection, and I even made a vape display for my gear which has as it's centerpiece my Vamo V2 mod. I have every type of tank including wax tanks. I still have my original plastic cartomizer and Ego batteries just for sentimental reasons. Here is the vape display I made:

20150103_221843.jpg 20150101_202626.jpg 20150102_013652.jpg

From what I am seeing, many people who make the switch start vaping as a hobby. Well, I think I fall into that category. HOWEVER, I stop short of "cloud chasing". I dont want some big merchanical mod with coils where you have to drip juice on them just to get big ... clouds. That seems to be what the kids want and that's okay. I prefer to see it as a more fun way to "smoke" and get a bit of a higher end experience.

Anyway, HELLO PEOPLE! :laugh:
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jan 26, 2014
It's windy, USA
First of all, welcome!

Yes, black people do vape.

Well, argument settled then. Back onto the unicorns I guess.

Now, I have an extensive e-cigarette collection, and I even made a vape display for my gear which has as it's centerpiece my Vamo V2 mod. I have every type of tank including wax tanks. I still have my original plastic cartomizer and Ego batteries just for sentimental reasons. Here is the vape display I made:

You should be super proud of that stand, it looks great and I wish it as mine.

Since you have a few posts to go until you're out of quarantine, can you edumacate me on what that wavy brown tank in the pictures is, and what's your current favorite battery and tank?
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First of all, welcome!

Well, argument settled then. Back onto the unicorns I guess.

Watch it, my unicorn might feel insulted by that statement! :laugh:

You should be super proud of that, it looks great.

Since you have a few posts to go until you're out of quarantine, can you edumacate me on what that wavy brown tank in the pictures is, and what's your current favorite battery and tank?

Welll...that wavy "brown" tank is actually a double bubble wax vape. That was before I cleaned it. :) My favorite combo rig is my Vamo V2 with the Aspire Nautilus and one of my custom drip tips (Im partial to the swivel one on the far right). My favorite e-juice flavor is French Toast with Banana Nut coming in a close second. I use my Vamo in mini-mode with an 18350. I have the 18650s and the extension, but it is just too freakin big and people stare at it. You gotta understand, I work in an industry where people are wearing slacks and dress shirts. :blink:. At home, I throw on the extension and put in my 18650 and vape e-juice or wax in the bubble. The one next to that in the display is a single bubble and I have not used it yet. The double gets used a lot (obviously).
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Welcome aboard! I think you'll find an bottomless well of support and information here.

This place was supporting me from day one. :) I just joined because I realized we are a COMMUNITY. :) Big Tobacco hates this vaping revolution. I am old enough to remember when Big Tobacco was using doctors to sell cigarettes on TV commercials. It was crazy when you realize what we know today. If I share my experience like so many others here are doing, we can really make this revolution global. Thanks for the welcome!
We still have a few more posts to go until you're released into the wild -- so tell me more about these custom drip tips, since I can't see them well. Since you can work with wood, are you making them or?

The vape display was super easy. I went to Michael's and bought two different sized wooden plaques. One was like $2.50 and the larger one was like $4.00. I used a blade drillbit for the holes. I cant remember the exact sizes but I could get them if you want. I used a pencil to mark out the centers of the holes, then I countersunk the screws for the top plaque and covered the holes with wood putty, then stained with dark walnut. I did not sand or laquer because I wanted a flat "artisan" look to match the style of my apartment which is sort of "village-chic". Think a hut with high tech inside. :)

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum Bullock. Glad to have you here!:)

You're going to fit in just GREAT here. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL woodwork vape stand! I'm a wooden box mod gal and just recently purchase two beautiful box mod stands (each holds 10) from RedSkyMods (a register supplier here).

I'm not a "cloud chaser" per se but I do enjoy vaping some of my mods set up to vape at higher wattage.

I picture you as a younger Sidney Poitier!:) That should tell you a little about my age.:)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 26, 2014
It's windy, USA
The vape display was super easy. I went to Michael's and bought two different sized wooden plaques. One was like $2.50 and the larger one was like $4.00. I used a blade drillbit for the holes.

That's actually a great tip for anyone looking to do the same, but you forgot to fill me in on these custom drip tips you mentioned yet I can't see well!
Hello and welcome to the forum Bullock. Glad to have you here!:)

You're going to fit in just GREAT here. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL woodwork vape stand! I'm a wooden box mod gal and just recently purchase two beautiful box mod stands (each holds 10) from RedSkyMods (a register supplier here).

I'm not a "cloud chaser" per se but I do enjoy vaping some of my mods set up to vape at higher wattage.

I picture you as a younger Sidney Poitier!:) That should tell you a little about my age.:)

I like you already! Im also a cat lover. I got my big boy Dante curled up against me as I type this. I have three little lions. :). One of them used to wheeze when he sleeps, and I never once thought it could be because of my cigarette smoke. I inherited the cats from a girlfriend who could not take them to her new apartment. They had decided they owned me when I was with her at her place, so naturally I fell in love with them. She smoked too. And I'll be damned, but the critters stopped snoring and wheezing when I stared vaping. My big Maine .... actually comes to me and sniffs my face when Im vaping my French Toast flavor.

Im not even a wood guy, but I am very resourceful and I like to make stuff with wood. Picture me more like a younger Harry Belafonte (Im light skinned). But really I would say that Alphonzo Ribiero best describes my appearance but in much better shape than he is in right now. About 5'10, 175lbs. :) Hope you arent disappointed!:unsure: :p
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The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
...At home, I throw on the extension and put in my 18650 and vape e-juice or wax in the bubble. The one next to that in the display is a single bubble and I have not used it yet. The double gets used a lot (obviously).

What has your experience with the wax been like?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
WTG Bware! I quit after 3 days, but it wasn't completely easy. Some people are more emotionally attached to the real cigs while others aren't. I didn't mean to quit, I just needed something to cut down my non-ecigs. I sometimes had to recommit my dedication because from time to time they looked good on tv. However, I haven't smoked a non-ecig in 4 1/2 years. I am not a 'harpy' person about cigarettes because people have a choice to either smoke or vape or nothing at all. I don't wish for them to smoke in our house. That's the only rule I have about it. I can be around smokers and their smoke doesn't offend me, but it's so heavy compared to vaping. But I can smell it a mile away!!!!:ohmy:

Welcome to the board, BWare! You won't regret joining! I wish nothing but success to you!:)
Hi and welcome!

Are we supposed to call you...ummm..."Bull?"

I smoked for 40 years and quit the first time I tried an e-cig. That was in July 2012. You'll be amazed at how time flies by.

Call me what you like! :) Yep, I cant imagine why I smoked those nasty analogs for so long. I spent the first week coughing up that black goo from my lungs, and after that everything improved. My skin, my hair and nails, my teeth (especially my teeth) and the quality of my sleep. My first e-cig was the Blu and I hated it and knew it would not work for me. Do the makers of those even try them? :p The Ego did the trick. I experimented with a cig or two for those three days, then the third one got put out immediately after taking one drag. Havent had one or wanted one since last October. I will never smoke another!
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