Imaginative bystanders

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
i stealth vape every where.
so far no one has one has fell to the floor with
a severe allergic reaction. no one has broken out in hives.
no one has started gagging or coughing uncontrollably.
no babies have turned blue. no children have started vomiting
as if having just ingested poison nor started foaming at the
mouth do to second hand exposure. no pets ever have shown
any kind of distress. plants have not wilted. (even when i exhaled
directly on to them. the plants that is.)
i say vape likes its normal if you can. we must show the public
we are just plain people not out to harm them.
stealth vape if you think its prudent. no one will notice,get
cooties nor,care.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 9, 2013
Poole UK
The only people who object to me vaping are the ignorant and self righteous. Luckily for me they are a big minority in the UK.
Most people have the sense to realise they are being poisoned daily by hydrocarbon fumes, radioactive fallout, phosphates in the air, food and water, bad diets, alcohol, plastics etc etc.. A little VG, PG and nicotine is pretty much the least of their problems. I suppose that if the poison is produced by the state or for convenience then it is ok. If vapour is being produced by an individual then they are fair game....
Perspective is great and should be mandatory in all schools. :nun:
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