Inawera- a few reviews

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Mar 28, 2015
I have used Winkel three times now with no problems. Their standard shipping takes ten days. DHL is faster but much more expensive. My last order I didn't receive a conformation email so I wrote them. They replied quickly which was odd because it was 8:30pm their time. They've won me over. My only complaint is I just received my last order and realized I really need to work on more dessert recipes and they come out with crème Brulee and Marzipan! OK last order for a while I swear. This time I mean it...:unsure:

But the ginger bread is mixed and steeping can't wait to taste it.


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Thanks for pointing out the pricing difference, Glasseye. I had only looked at winkel and did think they were a bit expensive but never got any farther than that. Creme brulee is one of my fav flavors and I do want to give it a try. I think I've only tried two INW flavors I did not care for and that's probably personal preference. I'll bet the brulee is very tasty. Of course I'll have to order several other flavors in order to "justify" the shipping

Thank you Pokepie for your help. It's good to know winkel comes through with no problems. Doesn't it always happen when you place an order or buy some new piece of tech equipment that something new and better comes out right after your purchase. Every time!! lol

I really appreciate the help..... now to buy even more flavors to add to my overly large collection.....:thumbs:
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Jan 24, 2014
I have a question, for all you INW afficionados. I *finally* got some DNB... and I see it's a Tobacco Absolute. Would I use it the same as other Tobacco Absolutes, in my recipes? Currently I'm using Virginia Tobacco Absolute in my Smocha mix, but it really isn't terribly "smoky," and I wondered if the DNB would give me more of that effect... and if I would use the same amount? I'm using 2.5% of the VA TA in my Smocha, but I know that some TA can overwhelm a mix, if you use too much.



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Nov 18, 2012
Isle of the Wizards
I have a question, for all you INW afficionados. I *finally* got some DNB... and I see it's a Tobacco Absolute. Would I use it the same as other Tobacco Absolutes, in my recipes? Currently I'm using Virginia Tobacco Absolute in my Smocha mix, but it really isn't terribly "smoky," and I wondered if the DNB would give me more of that effect... and if I would use the same amount? I'm using 2.5% of the VA TA in my Smocha, but I know that some TA can overwhelm a mix, if you use too much.


I reviewed it here
Inawera Flavor Review - 45 Flavors From InaweraShop - Add Yours Too! | E-Cigarette Forum

I view DNB as two-fold, one for creating a general "dirty base" for tobacco juice mixing (It's intended purpose), or for adding an ashy effect to any tobacco juice. 1% would be light ashy (5 drops on 10ml, from original bottle only), and 2-2.5% would be heavy ash (10-12 drops on 10ml, "")

I have not tasted the absolute you mention, but I'm almost certain this will add much more smoky/ash than the absolute, it can easily and quickly taste like the bottom of a dirty wet ashtray :D

Smoke & Prunes WG is another flavor you should highly consider trying if you want more ashy type flavors to mix with, it's very deep and ashy
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Nov 18, 2012
Isle of the Wizards
That sounds like a good starting place, then you can easily add another 1% if you need it more ashy. That smoke and prunes is super ashy too, so you'll have to try it sometime if you really enjoy the ash :)

* Almost forgot to mention! You need to wait about a week, or at least 5 days or so, for the ash to show up. Before that it wont seem like there's any there, don't add more until at least 5-7 days have passed. Applies to both, more-so the DNB
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Jan 24, 2014
Never really cared much for prunes, though I love black plums.

I never steep, with my other stuff, even with the Smocha, I vape it straight after mixing; since that Smocha contains nearly 30% flavor, steeping just seemed stupid -- waiting around to see if something is good or not is just not my style. But it's enough in advance of July that I could go ahead and mix up a 5ml test, using the DNB instead of the VA TA (I do fresh mixes every month since I'm decreasing my WTA percentage each month).

Although, on the subject of steeping -- I presently have a couple of test bottles steeping, that I mixed last week; both contain 6% Vanilla for Pipe and 5% Deluxe TDM. When I first mixed them, I gave them a few hrs heat-steeping, and since then, have just left them alone for this week, though I gave them a couple of "sniff tests," to see how they were coming along. Do you think that is sufficient steep time? Would I be able to make any sort of judgement about them, at this point? I let these 2 tests steep because they do contain tobacco flavors, and the flavoring in each is only about 20%, far less than I generally use, but having so little experience with steeping, I really have no idea how long is long enough.



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Jan 24, 2014
What the #*@$! is a Cherimoya? I mean if it's anything like a Chernobyl, well hell I'm game. Oh well might as well just order it and find out.

I wondered that myself! :D To me it sounds like a cherry-something-or-other.



Full Member
Mar 28, 2015
Never really cared much for prunes, though I love black plums.

I never steep, with my other stuff, even with the Smocha, I vape it straight after mixing; since that Smocha contains nearly 30% flavor, steeping just seemed stupid -- waiting around to see if something is good or not is just not my style. But it's enough in advance of July that I could go ahead and mix up a 5ml test, using the DNB instead of the VA TA (I do fresh mixes every month since I'm decreasing my WTA percentage each month).

Although, on the subject of steeping -- I presently have a couple of test bottles steeping, that I mixed last week; both contain 6% Vanilla for Pipe and 5% Deluxe TDM. When I first mixed them, I gave them a few hrs heat-steeping, and since then, have just left them alone for this week, though I gave them a couple of "sniff tests," to see how they were coming along. Do you think that is sufficient steep time? Would I be able to make any sort of judgement about them, at this point? I let these 2 tests steep because they do contain tobacco flavors, and the flavoring in each is only about 20%, far less than I generally use, but having so little experience with steeping, I really have no idea how long is long enough.

Someone more experienced than me should answer this. But in my case I use a 4hr crockpot power steep and taste after a week. Inawera flavors are all over the map for me as far as when they are ready. Some are good in a few days like biscuit and Cap. Some take another two weeks like eggnog and Kawa. After a week if the flavor seems light try waiting another week and taste again.

BTW I mixed up your idea of adding VTA to Cap/tobacco then at the last second threw in a few drops of smoke & Prunes. Should be like a cup of coffee with a cig .... floating in it then doing a prune juice chaser! Come ON! you can't tell me that doesn't sound delicious!:eek:


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Jan 24, 2014
Someone more experienced than me should answer this. But in my case I use a 4hr crockpot power steep and taste after a week. Inawera flavors are all over the map for me as far as when they are ready. Some are good in a few days like biscuit and Cap. Some take another two weeks like eggnog and Kawa. After a week if the flavor seems light try waiting another week and taste again.

BTW I mixed up your idea of adding VTA to Cap/tobacco then at the last second threw in a few drops of smoke & Prunes. Should be like a cup of coffee with a cig .... floating in it then doing a prune juice chaser! Come ON! you can't tell me that doesn't sound delicious!:eek:

"Delicious" isn't the word that comes to mind... maybe "Ralph." :D

So a week should be good, to try these out? One of them may be too candy-sweet, with the LorAnn's cherry, which seems more maraschino than anything else, but I'm thinking the one I mixed with TFA's cherry extract might be about right... it smells sweet, but there's a subtle scent of sweet tobacco in there, too.

If these aren't tobacco-y enough, I also just got a bit of Gold Ducat to try out, which I might add just a bit of, to these test bottles.



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Nov 18, 2012
Isle of the Wizards
Never really cared much for prunes, though I love black plums.

I never steep, with my other stuff, even with the Smocha, I vape it straight after mixing; since that Smocha contains nearly 30% flavor, steeping just seemed stupid -- waiting around to see if something is good or not is just not my style. But it's enough in advance of July that I could go ahead and mix up a 5ml test, using the DNB instead of the VA TA (I do fresh mixes every month since I'm decreasing my WTA percentage each month).

Although, on the subject of steeping -- I presently have a couple of test bottles steeping, that I mixed last week; both contain 6% Vanilla for Pipe and 5% Deluxe TDM. When I first mixed them, I gave them a few hrs heat-steeping, and since then, have just left them alone for this week, though I gave them a couple of "sniff tests," to see how they were coming along. Do you think that is sufficient steep time? Would I be able to make any sort of judgement about them, at this point? I let these 2 tests steep because they do contain tobacco flavors, and the flavoring in each is only about 20%, far less than I generally use, but having so little experience with steeping, I really have no idea how long is long enough.


I hate prunes too, and really didn't taste prunes in that flavoring, it's covered up by too deep of an ash flavor for me to taste any prunes. Others mention tasting prunes, but I didn't anywhere, at heavy or light dosage. So it still may be worth you trying if you really love ash, that's what I renamed the flavor, ashtray-wet (DNB is just ash) :D


Full Member
Mar 28, 2015
Is Eggnog a good all day vape?
Is Waffle a good all day vape?

I have both and was wondering if I'll be happy all day stuck with one of these flavors.
In my experience, the waffle most definitely. The eggnog depends on how long it's aged. It takes a 4hr heating and two weeks to come around. Before that it's thin. Nice, but thin. After the two weeks it gets more intense. Very good after dinner but would be too much for me all day. And don't be fooled by the aroma out of the bottle, it will smell potent before it tastes strong.

Oh and early indications are the gingerbread is gonna be very good!


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Mar 21, 2013
Los Angeles
In my experience, the waffle most definitely. The eggnog depends on how long it's aged. It takes a 4hr heating and two weeks to come around. Before that it's thin. Nice, but thin. After the two weeks it gets more intense. Very good after dinner but would be too much for me all day. And don't be fooled by the aroma out of the bottle, it will smell potent before it tastes strong.

Oh and early indications are the gingerbread is gonna be very good!

Has anyone tried the Gingerbread yet?
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