Innokin MVP Vs eleaf IStick

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2014
MVP is a proven workhorse, with lots of real world use, that has shown it can be depended on.

The istick is new, and still has yet to prove it reliable.

The iStick can go up to 20W, the MVP only 11W.

The iStick is smaller.

both have an on-board battery with pass through ability, but some people complain about the isticks charge port being on the bottom.

the iSticks power regulation is a bit hot and rough, and for some people this has led to juice scortching issues.

They are what i would consider in the same class, the first baby step up from a stick batt type e-cig, but for myself.. just because of the proven track record I would favor the MVP.


Full Member
Oct 26, 2014
Philadelphia PA
Both really nice man, like he said the MVP has proven to be a beast. I think my friend Max is the only person I know who managed mess his up at the 510 connection, no one else I know has broken one, He uses an Innokin VTR now. I've used the MVP more than the Istick but I don't own either. I would probably go with the MVP over the istick just because of the build quality and I don't need max power. I just prefer stainless steel 18650 tube mods, switching out batteries and checking on them to make sure everything is going okay gives me piece of mind after learning about battery safety. I am thinking about getting an MVP in case something happens to my main vape. Let us know how the Istick compares to the MVP after using and trying both of them. Maybe it will sway me to buy an ileaf if I end up pulling the trigger on a box mod. Who knows? hah. From using both my stand point would be with the MVP for now though. Don't be scared though, he broke his from wearing basketball mesh shorts all summer. The weight of it would make it swing into things in those pockets. And it would also slide out of the pockets when he sat down sometimes, more of a being rough/user error thing than bad build quality.
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Dec 6, 2011
North Carolina, USA
I will add that the MVP has the ability to charge other devices via the USB port.

The biggest differences would be the size, which the iStick wins, and the power regulation, which the MVP wins. Also, the iStick has a better menu and display IMO. Lastly, I feel that the MVP could probably take more of a beating than the iStick. The MVP would probably survive being run over by a car, whereas the iStick would probably not fair so well.

Both devices suffer from 2 simple drawbacks. 1) The charge port being on the bottom and 2) the 510 center pin not being adjustable or spring loaded.

I have both, and being that I am a low wattage vapor, the MVP is my preferred device. Can't wait to see what the MVP 3.0 will bring to the table.


Full Member
Sep 21, 2014
Oakland, CA
I have both and like both. The MVP is full featured and, as has been said, is proven and accurate. I use it with my RDA because it is easy to keep standing up on end. I don't need it to crank out more than 11 watts - most of my flavors are great from 9-11 watts. I did have to send mine back due to the post inside the 510 connection coming loose, but it was covered under warranty, so I got a new one, no big deal. I bought another one, as well, just to have as a spare (and spare phone charger!). I really like it.

OTOH the istick is less accurate but at low wattage performs great and mates very well with my nautilus mini BVC, and the charge lasts a really long time. And compared to the MVP, it's very lightweight, not to mention smaller. So I always take the istick/mini rig out as a travel and on-the-go vape, and I am quite happy with it as such.

Since you guys have both now, you'll be able to assess how each of them meets your particular needs. I am thinking about getting my sis, who is new to vaping, an istick, though. A little simpler and will be easier for her to carry around with her. You might end up swapping devices w/your hubs. Either way, I think you will like both. The istick is cheap enough to get another of, though!
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ECF Guru
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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
I have several MVP v2's and have had zero issues with any of them. I have considered getting an iLeaf iStick (and may still do so) but be aware of possible issues depending on what you put on it.

The iStick is not capable of down regulating power. See ECF member Peraspera's post or watch Phil. (more to follow in my next post)



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
I have both.

...hard to choose in many respects. The iStick is *messed up* at low power, but can get up to 15w with most of my clearos.

It burned a handmade coil & cotton (1.5ohm) on the lowest setting yesterday, so I'm not giving it 10/10 just yet.

Apart from the size, the MVP tops out at too low power and the iStick doesn't seem to be able to drop down the V or W enough for... (for some resistances)...


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
I love my MVP, but I agree that it depends on what you are looking for. Overall build quality, ease of use, reliability...all the reasons I love my MVP. I also use newbie tanks (Nautilus and iClear30s), so I don't need something that goes to crazy high voltage.

The Nautilus isn't really a newbie tank.

It does however vape better around 12-14 watts than 9-11, which makes it less good on a device limited (theoretically) to 11w.


Ultra Member
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Apr 24, 2014
Lauderhill, Florida, United States
I have both, and like both, it just depends on what you are looking for. I use my MVP around the house and when I travel. It feels like a strong sturdy piece of equipment. My first one had some 510 pin issues, but I fixed them with an o-ring. It does what I need it to do with my kanger tanks, and ego fitted devices. The battery life is unbelievably good, and it also works as a back up battery for phones. It is HEAVY, at least for me, so if I am just running around town, or going out for the night, I hate carrying it.

The istick has issues, but none of them have affected me so far. Some people have had the pin issue (but both the MVP and VV3 have them too), some have had threading issues but they haven't bothered me. I do have to dial down my wattage with the istick by 1-1.5 watts from what I use on my MVP with my Kanger tanks, but I can take it up with my Nautilus and other bvc tanks. It seems that 9-11 is where I like it with those tanks. It is really tiny, and lightweight. The batter is pretty amazing, it will last all day and night depending on how how you set the watts and how much you vape.

Either would be a good choice.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2014
Dallas TX
Itaste is coming out with the 3.0 in early to mid December. From their press release it is to compete directly with the eleaf istick. They stated that it will maintain the sturdy build (can be used as a hammer if stuck on a desert island) as well as the functionality. They are not yet set on the cost model they will be following, but there are other "gadgets" that will be coming along with it. They are not leaking this out yet as they don't want the shadow competition to happen.
Personally I use my MVP, my neighbor bought the istick and likes it. I used it for a few days and still prefer the MVP mainly as it has a nice feeling of weight in my hands.


Vaping Master
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May 5, 2013
Grayson, Georgia
I prefer the I stick simply for the size and weight. It's not going to "scorch" your wick. That's just rediculous.

Yes I've owned both. The MVP is certainly no " beast" as others claim. It will break if you drop it on concrete. I've done it twice.

The MVP will charge your cell phone which is a big plus to some.

Both have a crap poor quality 510 pin , so just be Carefull.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Senior Member
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Oct 29, 2014
Update: I tried the MVP for a day or 2 and it just wasn't for me. Heavy and bulky and I didn't like the fact that to adjust the watts or volts down, you had to scroll all the way through the range to start over and get a lower setting. I ended up selling it and buying an iStick, and I love my iStick! Lasts me easily for 2 days, sometimes 3 without charging and charges very fast. Good range of adjustments too, I have been able to find a happy spot for all my tanks. So far it seems durable too, I have dropped it a few times with no bad effects.
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