Is anyone here not a fan of e-cig?

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New Member
Oct 26, 2008
I'm about to get one of it, but I would like to know the negative side of e-cig before getting one.

Does it taste like real cig?
Since there is no smell of smoke, is it still enjoyable?
What about the feeling when inhailing the smoke, how is it different from the real cig?
Do the branded juice taste like the real branded cig?

so on and so on... I just want to know the deep comparison between e-cig and real cig.

Schroedinger's cat

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2008
North Carolina, USA
Hi Wippypitt
The short answer to your main question is no, the e-cig does not taste like the real thing.

The degree to which it is enjoyable varies form person to person. A number of people here say they like the e-cig better, and can no longer smoke real cigarettes. I have been using the e-cig for 4 weeks, and I still prefer the real ones. However, I went from 22 a day to 4 a day, without too much pain, which I never thought I could do. I am not looking to quit, but to reduce my consumption, and to survive the upcoming smoking ban at my workplace.

The feeling when inhaling the smoke is different, in large part -I think- because the smoke tastes different. In my case, it satisfies a great deal of the habit of smoking.

The branded juices (I only tried marlboro) tastes NOTHING like the real branded cig, as far as I am concerned. That is why, after thinking at first that the various flavors were not for me, I gave up and went for flavors that did not even try to taste like the real thing, because -in my very limited experience- they are very far from it. I do, however, prefer the so-called marlboro taste to the "classic" taste. In general, however, if I cannot have my "burnt tobacco" flavor resulting from real combustion, I'd rather go for vanilla, chocolate, etc.

I can only speak for myself, but e-smoking is mainly a way to smoke less cigarettes and, perhaps in the future, to reduce my nicotine dependence, too. I intend to keep enjoying 4 or 5 cigarettes a day for quite a while. I was overall surprised that it took me so little to get down to 4-5 a day (less tan 2 weeks), and that I could stick with it. This is, in itself, great. And you can have some fun with the flavors, once you resign yourself to the fact that this is somehting different.

This is my (verbose) 2 cents. I hope it helps....
Cheers, and welcome!
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Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
No, it doesn't taste like a burning cig, even the brand named eliquids.
It's very enjoyable when you get used to it.
Vapour simulates smoke quite well but can be wispy with some devices.

They break down frequently, don't cost as little as some sellers claim, aren't as reliable as cigs and can be frustrating if you are relying on them. There are no long term clinical trials so we don't know how safe they are. There is no regulation of supplies so we don't know if we're buying tainted eliquid. Suppliers don't tend to supply safety information or proper packaging for the nicotine liquid. Purity and quality of ingredients is questionable.

Some people get to like them better than cigs, some try and give up.


NZ Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 13, 2008
Wellington, New Zealand
Hi wippypitt,

Here is my thoughts to your questions

Does it taste like real cig?
No it doesn't is the honest answer, but they do taste similar to cigarette smoke. When I first tried an e-cig I found the taste was different and it took me a couple of days before I decided I liked it. Now I find I reach for an e-cig before a real cigarette, in fact I don't like the taste of real cigarettes anymore at all.

Since there is no smell of smoke, is it still enjoyable?
I consider this to be an advantage, after you've been using e-cigs for a while and your sense of smell and taste begin to return, you will be stunned at how bad smokers and cigarette smoke in general smells. I'm glad I don't smell that bad anymore.

What about the feeling when inhailing the smoke, how is it different from the real cig?
It is similar. A vapour mist comes close to the feeling of inhaling tobacco smoke, but it is different. Most liquid I use has a good solid feeling on the inhale and also the exhale as well as giving feeling of smoking in general.

Do the branded juice taste like the real branded cig?
Again, similar would be the answer I'd give, they come close but are not the exact representation of the brand they imitate. But there is a huge range of different flavours available, most of which you cannot get with tobacco products.

To sum it all up. I'm not disappointed I changed from tobacco smoking to e-cigs. I look at the benefits of the change, I'm no longer inhalling all of the crap chemicals that cigarette smoke contains and my overall health has improved because of that.

Most suppliers offer some sort of money back scheme ... why not buy one and try it for a week or two and see if you do like it ... If not return it for the refund. I'd be pretty confident when I say that you wont be returning it :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2008
Maryland USA
What "Cat" said but I don't smoke burning tobacco anymore, mainly because I think I have forgotten what the burning tabacco cigs taste like and am a bit concerned if I went to even one a ecig experience would be compromised.

ecigs to me work with my lifestyle sooo much better i don't want to go back to those stinky things! and yes sometimes I miss those burning tabacco sticks, but I don't want to go back to them.


New Member
Oct 26, 2008
Thank all of you for your answers. They really helped me decided to click on "buy" button on "". HEHE, that's right guys, I'm getting one :D.

I'm not actually looking to quit smoking, just that I'm looking to cut down the amount of tar i'm consuming each day.

I notice that many are not satisfy with "super e-cig", but I just like to give it a try. I'll be posting a review in about 5 days. :thumb:

Schroedinger's cat

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2008
North Carolina, USA
I had the same experience as MNZ. For the first two or three days I made myself use it because it definitely tasted funny, and then it did grow on me. If you don't like it right away, try to stick it with a few days before you give up.

I bought a penstyle, because of the longer duration of batteries and certridges, and also because I had read here that minis and superminis had a steeper learning curve for smoking them in a satisfactory way. Even with the penstyle, for the first couple of days I had tired cheeks....
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