Is there a way to drip without the hassle of dripping?

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Full Member
Aug 28, 2009
So, I've been vaping for about a month and a half now, with a couple of the 510's (I think - the ecigs that are about the size of a "100" analog smoke), and they're great, mostly. Awesome for taking out because they're small and last a few hours... but kind of a pain in the ... when I'm vaping around the house, because they're small (so I misplace them all the time) and only last a few hours.

So I'm going to get a bigger vaporizer (or two) for around the house, and I figure that while I'm at it, I might as well see of there's any way to cut out the hassle of dripping too. (I've been dripping instead of using the cartridges, as I don't much care for the hit I get from the cartridges.) Is there any system with the bigger vaporizers where you can just screw in a bottle of juice and go? Or anything like that, where I don't have to drip juice on my atty every few puffs?

If anyone has any experience with something like that they could share, it would be awesome, but even a suggestion on search terms would be helpful.

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JC Okie

ECF Veteran
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Jul 2, 2010
Tulsa, OK
Go to the reosmods thread here and you can see pictures and read reviews and such. I have the REO and it is simply awesome. But....hard to get. They are in HIGH demand with only one guy making them. But...they're worth waiting for, and sometimes you may be able to find one in the classifieds threads. Good luck. There are other bottom fed mods out there...not sure of their names, but I know the REO is the top of the line.


Super Member
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Jan 14, 2011
Rob is pumping out Reos as fast as he can, and he's getting them out a lot faster than some other juicebox manufacturers. The last two sales of Minis and Woodvils didn't sell out immediately, with a couple of each available after a day or two of when the sale went up. Check for status updates. It looks like Woodvils will be in stock next week, Grands the week after, and Minis the week after that. I got a Mini at the end of February and love it.

You can also check the classifieds for people selling theirs. That happens occasionally.


Vaping Master
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Mar 4, 2011
Hickory, NC
Everything I've seen or experienced (eGo-T) has mixed reviews with tank systems. They may be perfected but, not quite yet. The box mods have a very devoted fan base and none of them ever say anything bad about them. They may get rid of one to get something they like better or think they'll like better but, it's not because they didn't like it.


Vaping Master
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Mar 4, 2011
Hickory, NC
I personally don't taste/feel a difference between dripping and using carts. Maybe my cart technique is just a good as dripping, I don't know. I would like to try one of those box mods just for the convenience though.

I used to feel that way too. I mean it's not that much better than using an atty and a cart and it's a heck of a lot more trouble but, one night I had an epiphany. I was watching TV. My cart was getting a little dry and I knew if I filled it up, it would be a little wet and I wanted a good hit. I thought about that drip tip that I used to sample juice. I got it out and found that with very little effort I got good hits every time. I've been dripping ever since.


PV Masher
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Aug 22, 2010
Kauai, Hawaii
Folks swear by their "custom" bottom feeders... wooden; Ali'i and Reo (aluminum or wood), and Phidias.
The Reo and the Ali'i are similar feed system: 6 mil bottle squeezed from the side port, up to the bottom of the atty; actually up a few mm's to base of atty (coil)... very easy.
The Ali'i can be used with 3.7v batteries or 2 stacked 3v for 6v vaping, and has a Variable Volt model too.
The Phidias is a "gravity" feed, where you tilt the box, squeeze, and the juice goes into atty again... 3mil bottle. Can take 3.7 or 2 x 3v batts too.
I prefer the Phidias for a hotter blast than any other 3.7 PV. the vape is more intense for a small battery mod.

I've tried them all, but imo there is no better vape than from good old Dripping. The right amount of juice, in the right place. To me it's worth the little bit of hassle...
Pyrex drip tips are the very best for dripping; juice doesn't come back up, and goes down without getting hung up.


ECF Guru
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Mar 10, 2011
The part of Canada that doesn't get enuf Snow :(
I have a ego t and absolutely love it. It is great. But and I mean a big but if you really want simple and easy a reo is the way to go. I haven't been able to put mine down since I got it. I still use my ego tank and 510lr drips for letting people try vaping to see if they would like to give it a try. Any way if you want the best of all worlds I can honestly recommend a reo to you.


Full Member
Aug 28, 2009
Thanks for all the advice, everyone. I ended up going with the eGo-Tank system, mainly because it was available right away (for less than a small fortune) and I could order it with a huge battery. **SO** awesome to have a vaporizer I can puff on all day without changing batteries or constantly dripping juice onto. I'll probably look into a juice feeder down the line, once they're available without the waiting list.

Just a shot in the dark... has anyone tried to drill the hole wider on these cartridges? (Or any cartridge, for that matter...) Only thing I don't like about them (and every cartridge I've tried, for that matter) is how hard you have to suck through that tiny hole. Or does anyone make extra wide/easy drag carties yet?
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