Just Found Juice I like !! But need further help & Info

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Full Member
Jul 16, 2011
OK, Hi all & Thanks for all help so far.
Like Title says, I'm looking for lots of help.
Some history, Started SafeCigs June 6th or so. Menthol ( Even though I had always smoked Marlboro Red, or RYO Peter Stokebye tobacco ) Dont know why I like the menthol E Cigs, but I do. OK, so Liked Safe Cig Menthol 24 mg so much, that I thought I would just stay w them, but got tired of constatnt ordering, Thought I could improve or duplicate taste, draw, vapor, etc, for less expense, and I just like machines, gadets, shiny objects & such. So I wanted to move on, & I had saved lots of dough, cause where I live, analogs cost like 10 dollars per pack, & I would go thru more than a pack per day.
I ordered some various juices from Backwoods Brew, They have great reputation & all, and are VERY nice & respond to my messages, but I could not get the experience I wanted, the draw , throat kick, taste, nicotine satisfaction, vapor, etc. I tried & tried, different juices, different methods of filling old safecig cartos ( Condom method, Swinging with string ( Centrifuge ) method, let it sit & seep method). I then ordered different Cartos, & bats ( RN 4081s, I think ). Tried juices again with different methods, but no satisfaction of my cravings, I kept going back to ordering Menthol 24 mg Nicotine Cartos from SafeCig. I was almost resigned to just staying with them, & that would be that. But Nay, I kept seeing ads for shiny cool looking mods, & everybody here seemed to say that there was a whole lot more to experience out there, I knew I had to get something more.
I ordered a Provari AND a ReoMod mini, & I posted :
 "Just Spent 600 bucks..."

OK, Hi all & Thanks for all help so far.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2011
Oops, didnt post whole post.

OK, Hi all & Thanks for all help so far.
Like Title says, I'm looking for lots of help.
Some history, Started SafeCigs June 6th or so. Menthol ( Even though I had always smoked Marlboro Red, or RYO Peter Stokebye Tobacco ) Dont know why I like the menthol E Cigs, but I do. OK, so I liked Safe Cig Menthol 24 mg so much, that I thought I would just stay w them, but nay, nay, I got tired of constatnt ordering, Thought I could improve or duplicate taste, draw, vapor, etc, for less expense, and I just like machines, gadgets, shiny objects & such. So I wanted to move on, & I had saved lots of dough, cause where I live, analogs cost like 10 dollars per pack, & I would go thru more than a pack per day.
I ordered some various juices from Backwoods Brew, They have great reputation & all, and are VERY nice & respond to my messages, but I could not get the experience I wanted, the draw , throat kick, taste, nicotine satisfaction, vapor, etc. I tried & tried, different juices, different methods of filling old safecig cartos ( Condom method, Swinging with string ( Centrifuge ) method, let it sit & seep method). I then ordered different Cartos, & bats ( RN 4081s, I think ). Tried juices again with different methods, but no satisfaction of my cravings, I kept going back to ordering Menthol 24 mg Nicotine Cartos from SafeCig. I was almost resigned to just staying with them, & that would be that. But Nay, I kept seeing ads for shiny cool looking mods, & everybody here seemed to say that there was a whole lot more to experience out there, I knew I had to get something more.
I ordered a Provari AND a ReoMod mini, & I posted :
I got lots of good advice, & I just got my ReoMod Mini, but no bats yet.
In the meanwhile , I had ordered & got some E-Liquid from E-Cigexpress.com. Menthol 24 mg. I figured I would again try to refill the old SafeCig Carts. SUCCESS !! They taste GREAT to me. I just started yesterday, so havent tried different methods, nor amounts yet. How can it be that I got 24 mg Menthol from 2 different vendors, & the difference to me is TREMENDOUS. Can it be that the juices are that different. Can it be that certain juices work with SafeCig Carts THAT much better than others. Is it all just differences in personal tastes ??
Now, some more specific & technical questions :
The SafeCig Carts, How many times can I expect to refill them before they " burn out " What is it that makes them burn out ?? Will the coil ? burn out ? cake up? How will I know when it is time to toss the re-used cart, & open a new one ? Will it just stop working, or slowly peter out ?
Same type of questions for the SafeCig batteries. I do own a homeowners amp / voltmeter, can I check the battery health ?? Do they usually just die, or will they slowly die out ?
Now, questions on my new equipment, which is just starting to arrive.
Will they work on different technology? Am I now using a Battery and a " Cartomizer " with the SafeCig. I assume an " Atomizer " is different. Will I always need to use a " Cartridge " ? with an Atomizer ( known as an atty, correct ) Will I be going from 2 part technology to 3 part technology ?
On my previous post, someone said that I had ordered a few 901 attys, that I will not need for either the Provari nor the ReoMod Mini. Do I just hold on to them, try to return them, give away ?
I know this is a long post, Lots of questions, so thanks to all who help. I am trying to get ready for a 4 - 8 week road trip, & wanna try to bring along all I need , so I have to learn, experiment & order fast. I guess my family can order for me, & send stuff to me whilst on the road, but it would feel more secure to have all I need right with me from the get go.
Thanks & regards, Ed
Rocky Mountain Vapors Menthol is a good choice i think


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Aug 24, 2010
Nether Iceland of NWPA
Oops, didnt post whole post.

What is it that makes them burn out ?? Will the coil ? burn out ? cake up? How will I know when it is time to toss the re-used cart, & open a new one ? Will it just stop working, or slowly peter out ?
Same type of questions for the SafeCig batteries. I do own a homeowners amp / voltmeter, can I check the battery health ?? Do they usually just die, or will they slowly die out ?
Now, questions on my new equipment, which is just starting to arrive.
Will they work on different technology? Am I now using a Battery and a " Cartomizer " with the SafeCig. I assume an " Atomizer " is different. Will I always need to use a " Cartridge " ? with an Atomizer ( known as an atty, correct ) Will I be going from 2 part technology to 3 part technology ?
On my previous post, someone said that I had ordered a few 901 attys, that I will not need for either the Provari nor the ReoMod Mini. Do I just hold on to them, try to return them, give away ?
I know this is a long post, Lots of questions, so thanks to all who help. I am trying to get ready for a 4 - 8 week road trip, & wanna try to bring along all I need , so I have to learn, experiment & order fast. I guess my family can order for me, & send stuff to me whilst on the road, but it would feel more secure to have all I need right with me from the get go.
Thanks & regards, Ed

A carto will come to have a harder draw if it doesn't get burnt up inside. You will be able to detect a burnt taste or it will be like sucking through a straw. There are many threads on cleaning cartos on the board. The technology is basically the same on all PVs, a battery powers an atty or carto. You can use a cartridge, but many people give them over rather quickly for dripping or cartos. With the reo you will not want to use a cartridge because all you have to do is give the bottle a squeeze to get juice to the atty. You will want to use a drip tip with an atty on the reo. I use drip tips on cartos because it can get warm on my lips if I don't. You can also use a carto on the reo and provari. It is still basically a two-piece technology (the difference is that you take the battery out of the housing) unless you use atties on the provari and choose to use the cartridge instead of drip. You can buy an inexpensive adapter that is 510 to 901 and use the atties.

For a 4-8 week road trip you want to be sure to have lots of batteries and I'd throw in an extra charger, just in case. Keep in mind I'm a heavy vaper, and would take at the least 210ml of juice for 8 weeks (I reitterate, I'm a heavy vaper). Attys vary in the time they work. I'm an atty killer and would just take 3 packs of LR cartos or 2 packs of normal cartos. You would probably be OK with 3 atties and a pack of cartos (just in case).
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Verified Member
May 9, 2011
North Carolina
I've found GoodProphets to be a very cheap place to get adaptors. If you pick up the "510batt-to-808/901atom" (or maybe a couple) you can easily use 901's on your ProVari. Would only recommend using the 901's on the Reo if you do not use the bottom feeder option with them.

Without this adaptor, the 901's will not fit either mod (remember to pick the "510batt-to-808/901atom" option):
PV Adapters

I would recommend keeping the 901's and getting the adaptor... just to see if you might like them. If you decide you don't like the 901's, then you could consider selling them or giving them away.
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Full Member
Jul 16, 2011
OK, Thanks, Things coming along well.
Hope to have some time later to putz around w my new equipment ( I got the reo mini sitting in front of my computer screen :) )
I am noticing that I ahave been using the same SafeCig carto, & refilling it w the 24 mg Menthol juice from Ecigexpress since saturday morning. I am putting in like maybe 10 drops 3 times per day. Something in that order, maybe actually using more juice than that. Doing well & I like it, I love it.I did notice last night that my batteries seem to be draining quicker. I was using fully re-charged SafeCig batteries ( same as rn 4081, I think ) but it would only last an hour or so, yhen start to blink, & I would have to put it back on charger, & use another recently charged battery.
Could this be due to the fact that the cartridge is getting funky & using more of the battery power w each draw, or, is it more likely that the batteries are nearing the end of their life ? I intend to use a new cartridge & see if I get longer use from the same batteries after recharge.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Batteries have the most voltage right off the charger. ALL batteries. Most ecig batteries have a quick dropoff then a long plateau and then a slower dropoff and then the battery protection circuit flashes out of power. So a standard slim ecig may start around 3.7v then drop quickly to 3.2-3.4 volts and stay there for the majority of the time then hit the slow drop off lower, then be done. A KR808D-1 (like Vapor4Life and Smokeless Image Volt) starts at 4.2v then drops to a long 3.7v plateau, then drops lower for a bit then is done. .

Auto batteries are prone to getting their drag switch damaged by juice leaks (if the drag switch gets sticky, your charge will be used faster. If you get enough juice inside to short it out, the battery is ruined). If you want o stick with Safecig, I think it is RN4081 - but a manual RN4081 battery from AZSmokeFree.com. The manual battery should be totally sealed on the threaded end. Manuals are safer from being dmaged by juice and make it easier to get a good hit.

You could try a Vapor4Life manual battery and charging cable and get a 99 cents 808 to 4081 adapter at Goodprophet and see if the power is better. And try the WOW carto blanks at Vapor4Life on it too. The manuals are almost totally sealed, have a good sized button, and a longer cutoff than Volt, another popular KR8 model. I recommend the standard 78-80mm long standard Vapor4Life battery (120mm w/ carto) for the longest power plateau, and the Vapor4Life WOW blanks are nicely warm.

OR if you want to vape hotter than that, you have to go fat battery or mod. On batteries larger than 450mah you can use LR low resistance cartomizers which run hotter and use battery charge faster.
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