Just got my first e-cig kit from Vapor4Life, it's awesome! but..

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Full Member
Sep 4, 2010
FL, usa
I got the XL kit from V4L today, took my first few noob hits with the XL Battery with the freebie carto they provided (it says Cowboy-24), and the Cool Carts Cowboy Menthol - 18.

I didnt expect the throat hit, which is greater then the Marlboro Menthol Ultra Lights analogs i've been smoking. tastes are ok, but then again, i find all analogs tastes ok.

Anyways, I will definitely never smoke another analog ever again as long as i have e-cigs.

Only thing is, all the carts I have screws onto the XL battery perfectly, but the Cool Carts, including some blanks i got, only screw into in half way to the usb passthrough, and they would not work. The Cowboy-24 sample they send me screw onto the passthrough perfectly.

Anyone have any ideas to why?

EDIT: aah, nevermind, found the answer http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/vapor4life/112279-cool-cart-not-fitting-batt-pt.html

UPDATE: my craving doesnt stop after like 20 drags, that's with 18mg carto.
With analog, i'm good for couple hours after just 1 ultra light.
However i can feel a lot more nicotine effects than the analogs. ugh
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 22, 2010
As for the bat, drop an email to V4L on Monday and they should start the process of replacing it. Be sure to tell them that this is your only equipment.

With the cravings, you might want to supplement with either some Orbs, strips, or Snus. Everyone has their own schedule for transferring from cigarettes to the e-cig. Some quit the first day, some take weeks, and some months. Others need something else in the regular cigarettes that e-cigs just don't have, and those are the ones that supplement with the smokeless products I mentioned. Basically, don't push yourself or stress over it and your personal quitting schedule will develop on it's own.
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