Just saying 'HI'!

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Full Member
Mar 11, 2013
I'm a new member, but this is my first post. I've been vaping for about a year now - I started with GreenSmoke then added V2 cigs to the mix. I liked the shape and the ease of using them and eventually went to buying e-juice and refilling the pre-filled carts to save some $$. I just recently stepped up to the plate and bought a eGo-C and some clearomizers. It's been heaven ever since. I've been analog free for about 6 months now and am LOVING it. Being able to 'smoke' at my desk while staring at the computer is fantastic.

I am looking for some good juice flavors though. I've read through many posts but I can't seem to find a general list of the 'top 10' most purchased flavors.....

I've tried a bunch of different flavors - some I've liked and some made me sick. Most have been somewhere in the middle for me. Currently I'm vaping 'Hush' by Flux and it's pretty good. I also have Red Leaf by Zikwid for a tobacco flavor. Both are my 'go-to' - the Hush for the day and Red Leaf at night.

Anyone have any other recommendations? I don't want anything too sweet and I would LOVE to find a GOOD coffee vape. I'm a coffee roaster so I'm picky about my coffee and 90% of the coffee flavors I've tried have been way too sweet. I'd also like to find a good cigar flavor as I used to occasionally smoke cigars on my porch with a glass of whiskey. AH - the good old times.

Anyhow - just saying HI and I'm glad to be here!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 3, 2013
Northern Michigan
Welcome. It is hard to find an actual list of top ten juices. Because it is so subjective. I am pretty much still a newbie but have bought and tried a lot of juices. Most vendors sell sample bottles. Which is a good way to test without spending a lot of money. I have bought juices that I felt tasted like rubbing alcohol. Terrible. I like my regular all day vape to be a tobacco and keep some flavored juices in my clearomizer to just hit on occasionally during the day. I like the atomic cinnacide which is a very popular cinnamon from Tasty Vapors. I normally do not like the sweet flavors. Have peach, cherry, blueberry, etc. But not really my thing. As far as tobacco flavors probally one of the most popular is "Bobba's Bounty" made by Alien Vision. I have it an like it. But I also like the "Domestic" from Johnson Creek. For a cigar flavor many people talk about Havanna Gold. Have not tried that as I am female and not into cigar flavor. But if you stay with some of the more reputable vendors you should be alright. Just try there sample packs. Johnson Creek has a nice one and I really like them the most as a vendor. But of course this is my opinion. Like I said it is all subjective. What one vapor can't live without the next will not like it at all. Best of luck. Keep on the forums and you will see what most are using. Have not tried any coffee flavors so can't help you out there but post a link asking for favorites and you should get a lot of feedback.


Unregistered Supplier
Mar 20, 2013
Greenville, SC, USA
I haven't had the chance yet to try 10 flavors. This is my first week. Since I really thought I liked "smoking" I spent my first couple of days chasing a replacement for my cigs. I finally ran across Desert Ship (there are others with similar names...Desert Sand, etc.), and I LOVE it as my go-to tobacco replacement.

I have a few cartridges and flavors coming in the mail (I wanted to load them up with various flavors, so I can easily go back and forth). I can't wait!

This has been like discovering a new continent!

Happy vaping!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 17, 2013
Hercules, CA
Congrats on quitting analogs.

There are many links and sub forums concerning ecig juice and recommendations. I'm sure that you'll find something you'd like try but ecig juice selection is subjective at best. What one person would love another one would hate. I'd recommend trying sample packs from various suppliers and begin there.

Best of luck
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