kgo dual coil w/ Ego Mega Dual Coil Cartomizers

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Full Member
Feb 25, 2012
United States
So i just got my Kgo today and mind you i switched over from blu, so i never have actually filled my own carts before...

I got my cartomizer filled right, or so i thought, and let it sit for roughly 45 minutes. I have been trying to use it now for about 30+ minutes and i'm getting nothing but extremely harsh hits with what seems like little vapor production (possibly because i am unable to take monster hits with this beast yet)

I am using 24mg 70/30 pg/vg eliquid from (currently the peach mango) - I did overfill it a little bit with this attempt for certain (but not by much, there is definitely less than 4ml of liquid that was attempted to be put in, and i'd wager it's got currently about 3.5ml)

As a control i have filled another cartomizer with the very vanilla flavoring and am letting that one sit as we speak. I wont know if it's just the flavoring possibly until this one sits for... oh another 20 minutes minimum (i'm probably going to let it sit for at least 45 total... so probably another 35 minutes).

Is it as simple as the fresh cartomizer needing to be broken in longer? (30+ minutes of attempted use is a lot to deal with harshness!) or did I do a big no no by overfilling a little (which i cant see being the case, because i noted people actually flooding it with the 5ml advertised! and still having better results)

Tips/Advice are are greatly sought after right now guys - Even something like "yeah you effed up getting that KGo"

Help me!!! I was so excited, and now i'm fairly bummed :/


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
EMDCC do give off a bit of a harsher hit. Especially if you use it on a freshly charged batt at 4.2V. Which might be too much for you to handle at this point. Some have had to lower their nic level due to the extra punch that the EMDCC deliver. Others like me don't feel like it hits hard enough at 3.V. So, everyone has their preferences.

Sounds like you did everything else right. Since you didn't describe it tasting burnt and so, it's definitely not dry at all. Although, it might be flooded. After you let it rest, did you blow the access juice out? This might be one of your problems. Since, one of the typical signs of a flooded carto is that you get very little vapor when you take a drag. While still being able to taste the juice.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2012
United States
well that actually brings me to my next question

- i'm noticing that i am getting a little more accustom to what i felt was harsh before (though it may be that my slightly flooded cart is simply not as flooded now! - also bear in mind that i stepped up from blu's 16mg(i think) ... to a 24 mg -

Question: how much is too much to be blowing out of these... because i can definitely blow a ton out of it if i blow pretty hard and keep going consistently... but i'm pretty positive i could blow a ton out of a cart thats not fully filled as well. I have, as the people i know would describe, lungs of steel. Meaning that as an (ex) Wind instrument player i can draw/exhale a ridiculous amount of air and maintain it for a very very very long time.

I have this sneaking suspicion that i'm blowing out a little too much, but i really cant be certain


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
Yeah, vaping on it a little bit has dried it up a little bit from what it was beforehand. Increasing your nic level will definitely have an effect on your experience at this point. If your not used to 24mg then it will probably seem harsh. Also, 24mg might be too high of a nic level for you.

You only need to blow the carto out very lightly. Just enough to get the access juice out of there. No need to go overboard since you'll be wasting juice and have to top if off again anyways. Since you never want your carto to get too dry. So, whenever you notice a drop in flavor. It's time to top it off (drip some more juice in there).


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
Yeah, it's best to let the juice seep throughout the filler material. The reason why this is important is that there are two pieces of cotton that are wrapped around each coil. If they are dry then the heat from the coil will burn them.

Which is one of the dangers in using a carto. Since you will be inhaling smoke at that point. In serious cases, the polyfill/filler material is burnt as well. Trust me, you don't want to inhale any of that. The biggest sign of that happening is a burnt flavor. Then I would HIGHLY suggest that you throw that carto away in that event.

So, by giving it time to rest. Then it reduces the chances of this happening. Remember, that it will happen eventually since cartos are made to be disposable items. So, something like 10-15ml is the limit for cartos.

As for your other question. If you just filled it and blew it out then, yeah it's a little overboard. But, if you have been vaping on it for a little bit. Then don't assume that you have to top it off when you see the filler material is white on top. This is because can be quite a bit of juice still left inside of the carto. So, that's why I mentioned topping it off when you notice a decrease in flavor.

One tip that I did want to mention is to let it rest after a few hits to let it wick again. So, that the pieces of cotton have a chance to get more juice from the filler material.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2012
United States
well i'm currently using a clear tube for learning purposes, and when i say white, i mean it looks like i put a clear liquid in... you can see that it's a bit wet... but beyond one small spot it looks almost new lol

Washvape, you and a few other key members on this forum have been such an amazing help to me thus far that it's not even funny... is there anything more than "liking" your posts that i can do in order to show the level of support you have been demonstrating?


ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
I always overfill my EMDCC's. I windup having to take the dropper off my bottle and sitting the carto on it to catch the extra...then I gently blow through it. Yep, don't do "lungs of steel" burst...just a gently puff through it to clear the airway is enough. They produce tons of vapor and get better as they get used more. With the extra vapor, and higher mg nic you're using, you will get a harsher hit. You're not doing anything wrong. Just keep it nice and wet at all times. If it's clear, watch you filler material. They only hold about 3.7mls on the first fresh fill...not the 4mls they say.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
Thanks! I may drip a few drops in to replace what i mistakenly blew out... but glad to hear that it's nothing too bad that I did lol

LOL No problem at all. Glad that I could help out. Just be careful not to flood it again when you put in extra drops. I would drip about 5 drops at first and see if that takes care of it. If it doesn't then you can always drip more.


Super Member
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Jan 12, 2012
Aurora, CO
Been busy playing with a couple of new boxes and batteries...When I fill my cartos I usually drip quite a few drops in at first, I use smaller cartos than you bought, and I watch it soak in. The EMDCCs hold a lot of juice, and once you fill them to the point it's not soaking in too quickly I would let it sit up right for about 5 minutes and see if it's all soaked up, and continue. Really it's easier to learn on smaller cartos, but I'm bad to overfill still, it sounds like you're on the right track though. Also bear in mind that you're taking a substantial drop in resistance, and a huge step up in nicotine which are the two biggest factors in TH. I usually vape 11mg, and when trying 18 at 7.4 volts damn near choaked on a properly filled carto lol.

If you overfill a little you can always throw the cap on the carto, give it a few sharp pulls to get the juice back on the top, and lay the carto on it's side so it can soak that juice up.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2012
United States
So i had an odd thought just a few minutes ago, when i blow through it to remove the juice hitting the middle... i do wanna blow through the mouthpiece end and not through the battery side... right? for a second i thought it may be beneficial to go the other route but i shook that thought off pretty quick... still, i figure it would be best to just ask!

haha yeah that throat hit from the extra nicotine REALLY threw me off my game for a bit. but i think i've adjusted pretty well already. I did have a sample of thin mint w/ 0mg and I noticed there was nothing but joyous thin mint (and i hate the cookie haha) - I do think I will drop down a few mg on the next batch i procure

off/on topic - whats the best brand of eliquid you have gotten... i do enjoy this these liquids from sweet-vapes... but honestly the blu brand had much better flavor to them (so i will probably try out johnsoncreek at least once since thats their liquid manufacturer). I would like a pros opinion on a good place to go... i would just try out ms T... but i am not a fan of waiting forever :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011
Definitely through the mouthpiece. Since it's more effective that way and the juice comes out through the connection end easier then it would the other way around. Anyways, LOL yeah 24mg is gonna give you a big kick since your coming from 16mg. If you were a PAD smoker of regular strength cigs then 24mg is good for most people. If you smoked around half a PAD then 18mg should be good for you.

Everyone has their own preference for which vendor is best for them. You should check out the forum suppliers on here. There's a button on top (right under the ECF banner) that you can click that will give you a list to check out. Sounds like you like fruit/dessert flavors from what you have described. So, I can give you a few example's of vendors here that are popular: ----Closed at the moment but, they are one of the most popular vendors on here.
E-juice - All individual Bottles
Virgin Vapor | Electronic Cigarette Organic e-Liquid | Electronic Cigarettes
E-Cigarettes,E-Liquids,Atomizers,Drip Tips,Electronic Cigarettes| Woodstock, GA
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 12, 2012
Aurora, CO
My favorite vendors are Mom and Pops for tobacco, though I wouldn't mind checking out what else they have, and eJuiceMonkeys for everything else (they're local, so I can pick up from them, and the owners are real helpful). Suprisingly totally wicked also has some really solid juice, though you pay a pretty solid price for that...Mom and Pops makes some really nice juice.

Made myself wanna make use of my tobacco praze and RY4v2...need more 4 ohm cartos lol. I also forgot to mention V4L, they had my original favorite (Wowboy), and Halo has a pretty decent sampler selection. Really if you look around and see what people are yelling about you'll see certain vendors are more popular than others, and usually for a good reason.
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Full Member
Feb 25, 2012
United States
If you were a PAD smoker of regular strength cigs then 24mg is good for most people. If you smoked around half a PAD then 18mg should be good for you.

I actually quick analogs cold turkey for a full year + some change before I decided to pick up an E-Cig :) So I was a PAD smoker, but not for a long time haha


If I'm paying like $19.95 for about 30ml am I Ripping myself off? Or in some scenarios is that an acceptable price to pay in your opinions
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