Layering flavors in carts

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Ez Duzit

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ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
Southern California
Anyone else do this? Layering the juice in the cart? I often do it when I top off an almost empty cart. Maybe 3 drops menthol, then 3 drops raspberry mint, and then either a few more menthol drops, or maybe something like creme de menthe. But you can do whatever flavor layers you want. The juice stays in the layers, and I can definitely tell when I've hit the next one. It's kind of nice to get the different flavors without having to drip, or change carts.
I haven't tried it when filling a new cart, since I doubt it would work as well, but like I said, it works great when topping off. I imagine the PTB wick greatly helps keep the layers separate.


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ECF Veteran
Hey Ez -

I've tried this before and it worked pretty well with two distinct flavors. I had a Cherry flavor in the bottom part of my cart, and a Caramel/Marshmellow/Vanilla flavor in the top part of the cart. It was pretty clear when I hit the Cherry liquid :)

The liquid itself really seems like it needs to be shaken a bit to actually blend together. I thought that they would simply meld together in the cart, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

It's kind of neat I discovered this by topping off an old Cherry cart I was using with the Caramel/Marshmellow/Vanilla liquid.


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ECF Veteran
Aug 23, 2009
NorthWest Indiana
I've been doing it quite a bit. Depends on what you like. I find benson and hedges flavor can pretty much go on top of anything. I also keep cotton candy around as a sweetener. It's great with chocolate. Vanilla and coconut go well together. Some flavors pretty much overpower everything, like the rum flavor. Takes forever to get rid of the taste. Fun to experiment.
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