Let's Rally together to help a fellow ECFer out!!!

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Apr 27, 2010
As some of you may have read, a terrific member of our community here on ECF, Bella Chic, recently posted a for sale thread in the buy/Sell subforum. She was selling her beloved Precise P16, not for profit or because she didn't want it, but because she wants to use the money from the sale to help two wonderful oganizations.
She will be entering a marathon to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Breast Cancer research, and wanted to put the money towards the marathon's charitable gains. She was looking to raise $250 from her sale, and it was my idea for her to put up some posts on here and ask for help, rather than give up her beloved Precise.
My idea was simple, if every member that was able to make a donation to her cause could give a mere $1.00, she should be more than able to reach her goal. Going by the huge amount of traffic our community generates here and the mass number of active members, if 1% of the members could give $1.00, she would crush her goal. Please, if you are in a financial bind or hardship, it is more than understandable if you can not contribute. But if it's possible, let's see what we can do for this wonderful and selfless person.
Here's a part of a PM conversation I have been having with here with some more details

"The donations will be for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Breast Cancer, I run for the group T.E.A.M. which is the world's largest endurance sports training program and they have helped raise more than **$1 BILLION** to support the mission of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to find a cure for blood cancers by funding research and to provide important patient services and patient aid to blood cancer patients and their families. I am so excited to have y'alls help and I'm so excited to be helping out with these great causes myself by running. I would have never thought myself to run...ever...but I am so happy to be able to do this!"

If you are able to make a donation, she will be using PayPal to collect the money that will be donated. Her paypal address is [Edit: please PM Bella for info if you wish to support her ] . I'm sure she would be more than willing to answer any questions you may have via PM as well. The donations should be made in the form of a "gift" so that she can use the full amount towards the donation. In the message section of the PayPal payment, please type "Donation for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society/ Breast Cancer Research"
If this is an uncomfortable proposition as a "gift" send it as a "for goods" payment, and I will try my best to make up the difference myself for the fees on her account.

If you do happen to help her out, please post in this thread so that there is a running record of all of those that helped out.

(Admins and mods- If you feel this is not a correct idea to be posted on ECF, please let myself and Bella Chic know and I will close it immediately or you may delete it)

Link to Bella Chic's profile so you can PM her:
View Profile: Bella Chic - E-Cigarette Forum
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