Looking for help deciding a solid setup MECH/VV/VW + RDA

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So basically, I posted about this a little while back, but I'm still looking at buying my first mech or vv/vw (coming from an mvp2) and getting into rebuilding and dripping. I have saved up about $230 for everything I need. I've been looking specifically at nemesis clones and similar 18650 mods as they look to be the best option so far. As for RDAs, I'd like to get at least 2 or three, probably a tugboat, igo, and maybe a tobh or vulcan. I'll be buying some kanthal and cotton, plus a coil jig, to cover everything I need, but I'm still unsure about liquid. I've been running on MBV for a while, but I just want something of higher quality, but I don't want to completely break the bank. If you guys have any suggestions on places where I could find what I'm looking for, any suggestions on what I should get, any advice, or any specific juice vendor which would be good for dripping, PLEASE let me know. Thanks guys! :vapor:


Full Member
Oct 13, 2014
Hello! Im new to vaping too, first bought mvp 2 with kanger aerotank mega, liked it but get tired for gurgling and buying heads for it. Then i bought Dicodes Dani L with kayfun lite+ v2 from ehpro and i can say its godlike compared to mvp and aerotank. Its pricey but it really is good setup. Only down side on Dani is it doesnt have adjustable pin but neither does provari. You can buy rbas/rdas that have. Kayfun = great taste, good vapor production and easy to build/use. Just my thoughts :) oh and im using cotton and 1.3 ohm single coil micro build.

Edit. Said something about provari, friend has it, we have been comparing mine and his and we came to this = Dani wins hands down on features and all but its too soon to say if its as durable as provari.

Edit2. Sorry but cant help on rda thingy..
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If I can offer a small piece of advice after vaping for a few years now... I would highly recommend spending the majority of your vape savings on a name brand mod instead of a clone. Spending more now will save you the headache of a cheap mod that will give you problems, and potentially be dangerous. Clones are often constructed from inferior materials, break more frequently, and have sub-par performance.

This being said, you don't have to spend a ton of money to get a really good mod. I would recommend going with a VW/VV device because it will offer you far more versatility. I'm not affiliated with the company at all, but check out the Vapor Shark DNA 30. They are about to release the DNA 40 model so the DNA 30 Vapor Shark is not being sold at a lower price. $119 and you get a well-built, stylish, compact device will all of the DNA functionality. And unless you want to do some crazy builds, the 30 watts and 0.5 ohm capability of the DNA 30 chip will be more than enough to satisfy your every need.

As for RBA/RDA, the Vulcan is a really good option for the money. If you want to get into dripping then it is a great option. If you want to get into tank atomizers then I would go with the Kayfun Lite Plus for $99. I'm not even going to recommend any clones, I just don't trust them.

Hope this helps.


Full Member
Oct 27, 2014
Eastern Shore, MD
If you're looking at a Nemesis clone, I got the hcigar clone and my only complaint is that the threads were a bit rough when I first bought it;
Basically, it would loosen up in my pocket, but after a few days of tightening it back up and keeping an eye on it, no more problems from that
I've had it about 2 weeks now and so far everything's running smooth including threads now are screw and unscrew like butter.
I got two batteries, started with an Efest black lable 2250mAH 18650 button top
worked well for me but I needed a backup so I'd have one charged so I went to my local shop and got a 2500mAH Efest purple lable flat top 18650.

Both work fine but I prefer the black button top battery because the button top seems to take up more space in the mod, but the flat top is nice
It makes the throw iiitty bitty but swapping back and forth sometimes I need to tighten the adjustment screw for my RDA;
but normally that's an end-of-the-day-changing-batteries thing.

Overall, I'd buy it again and I spent full retail on it getting a setup in a vape store so that way if I had problems I could get some in-person help.

Other things to note:

Try not to use over 6mg nicotine with an RDA; I did. I made myself sick.

The Nemesis has a tiny copper pin the size of a grain of rice in the bottom switch to keep it from spinning--I suggest getting a tupperware container and take
this thing apart and get familiar with it because if it pops apart on you, you'll want to remember how it goes.

The bottom switch WILL eventually work its way apart if you do not tighten it at the end of the day when you swap batteries.

The bottom switch working it's way apart is not that big of a deal and there's fixes for it, mostly include a small O-ring or Loctite but I ordered the FatDaddyVapes upgrade pins for mine to see if it works, I hear they work nicely.

Not trying to be too long winded but I'm satisfied with this mod clone.
I would not recommend buying another company's clone of the Nemesis other than hcigar and they aren't paying me to say this
I've heard a Lot of bad things about the Fasttech clones.
I also went with an Enigma hcigar RDA clone, and my only complaint is that the juicewell isn't deep enough for me sometimes at home
However I carry this whole thing with me to work and it's my main(Only) device so I just toss a small bottle of ejuice in my pocket and carry it with me for if I run out.

If there's anything more you'd like to know just say so and I'll try to answer as best I can.
Edit: I'm pretty new to vaping, about two months but I went from an eGo pen to this, and I hate using one to taste new flavors now XD

Edit: Forgot about the e-juice thing; I'm using Halcyon Vapors' Dragon Chi and Space Jam's Venus flavors alternatingly so I don't get sick of one.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 6, 2014
I've only been vaping since June, but in that time I have bought a massive amount of equipment trying to find the last set up I will ever need. If I had it to do all over again, knowing then what I know now, I still would have bought my ego-t because it was practical, not knowing if vaping was right for me or not. But once deciding that vaping was a sure fire way to keep me away from cigarettes, I would have saved myself a lot of frustration and an astronomical amount of money and jumped straight to a Reo grand mod with a Rm2 atty. I haven't tried everything out there, and their may be better, but I have tried ALOT! and to me this is a set up that provides everything needed. It's a simple mech mod with very few parts that can tear up(complete rebuild kit for 25.00) and the rm2 is an atty that provides more flavor than any other atty I've tried. It's pricey, with a complete set up and a few extra parts costing around 225.00 but once paid for, there is just nothing else to buy. No more buying the tank or dripper of the month, the batteries need to be replaced once a year or so at less than 10.00 each, and the vape is stellar every single time. I was completely caught up in buying the latest and greatest when I started, and on that road there is no end. There is always something new that needs to be tried which translates into money that needs to be spent, and if that's where you're at, by all means, if you can afford it go for it, but if you're looking for hassle free, top of the line manufacturing, best flavor producing experience, with minimal maintenance and replacement cost, the Reo LP grand with a simple Rm2 is the best there is. I like it so much I bought 2 and eyeing a third for Christmas
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