Looking for NiteLiteVapor liquids? They are at PVLiquids :)

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2011
Roe Dylin
Any suggestions on good build, good ohms to get the most out of bounty hunter? I put a very steeped bottle into a Kraken at .4 and I'm not getting the flavor I used to on my old 306 set up? I didn't do so well on my rba's either, but I'm mainly a Kraken and KF vaper now. It seems really sensitve to the build.

I will say that NLV Gold is awesome in my kayfun, haven't tried it yet in my Kraken as I only got a 10 mil bottle to start. Promptly ordered a jug and waiting for that to arrive.

Also, what is recommended steeping on these two juices? NLV Gold didn't need any IMO.

Couldn't get into Tappules, Renegade, or Backston, so I'm letting them steep for a while. Tobanna was ok but I like Gorilla juice better, but I'm going to let that one steep as well and see if it changes.

BH's sweet spot for me in a genny is right around 1Ω. 1.0 to 1.2Ω is excellent for achieving best flavor. but BH stands up to a half ohm build in my aqua quite nicely. sure the flavor isnt where it could be but i am not displeased with its performance in this setup.

for BH (and Gold as well as Tappules) in particular i commend your choice of a genny because mesh wicks seem to get the subtle nuances that im not able to get in my sub-ohm drippers. Line Rider can dip as low as you care to, and Tappules too to some extent. Harbor Nite can handle the heat as well. Renegade does fine under pressure. Gold is the one liquid I havent ever been able to get to taste authentic in a sub-ohm setup. Gold for me is a low wattage vape. Mesh is the best for achieving true flavor, silica is good too. Cotton not so much. Cellucotton (rayon) is decent for Gold- its somewhere in between silica and cotton for me.

but anyway, getting back to your BH question..i find that smaller air holes work better for BH. if youre a lung-hitter, use a size air hole where you can just barely lung hit. introduce too much air and BH loses its glorious savory buscuity backdrop. and the vanillas lose some of their richness.

lung-hitting sub-ohm Gold massacres the flavor (for me). turns it into a charred skeleton of itself. i prefer Gold right around 8 watts, which for me is way low. but its the only way you can get that magnificent buttery mapley wonderland of a flavor (for now). however, i am holding off on solidifying that decision until i get my magma, which is on its way. being that the magma is a flavor factory, it might do something for gold that my current setups are not.

try Tappules in your kracken if you havent already. around 1Ω with not too large of an air hole ought to get you on cloud nine.

no steeping necessary on any NLV.


Full Member
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Jun 30, 2013
Ridgefield, CT
BH's sweet spot for me in a genny is right around 1Ω. 1.0 to 1.2Ω is excellent for achieving best flavor. but BH stands up to a half ohm build in my aqua quite nicely. sure the flavor isnt where it could be but i am not displeased with its performance in this setup.

for BH (and Gold as well as Tappules) in particular i commend your choice of a genny because mesh wicks seem to get the subtle nuances that im not able to get in my sub-ohm drippers. Line Rider can dip as low as you care to, and Tappules too to some extent. Harbor Nite can handle the heat as well. Renegade does fine under pressure. Gold is the one liquid I havent ever been able to get to taste authentic in a sub-ohm setup. Gold for me is a low wattage vape. Mesh is the best for achieving true flavor, silica is good too. Cotton not so much. Cellucotton (rayon) is decent for Gold- its somewhere in between silica and cotton for me.

but anyway, getting back to your BH question..i find that smaller air holes work better for BH. if youre a lung-hitter, use a size air hole where you can just barely lung hit. introduce too much air and BH loses its glorious savory buscuity backdrop. and the vanillas lose some of their richness.

lung-hitting sub-ohm Gold massacres the flavor (for me). turns it into a charred skeleton of itself. i prefer Gold right around 8 watts, which for me is way low. but its the only way you can get that magnificent buttery mapley wonderland of a flavor (for now). however, i am holding off on solidifying that decision until i get my magma, which is on its way. being that the magma is a flavor factory, it might do something for gold that my current setups are not.

try Tappules in your kracken if you havent already. around 1Ω with not too large of an air hole ought to get you on cloud nine.

no steeping necessary on any NLV.

Thanks for that, put BH in my KF at .8 and it's much better. Still not getting everything I think I can out of that juice though, so I'm going to rebuild it over 1 ohm and see what happens. I have high hopes for this juice, and I think the Kayfun draw with all air hole screws removed will be perfect based on your notes.

Got my NLV Gold today, damn that's a sexy juice. Put it in my Kraken at .4, and just over powered it. Put in my Kayfun at .8 and Bam, there is was. Mixed Halo Tribeca and Gold in the Kraken just to see if the halo would allow the heat, and not too shabby actually, but not a keeper build either. going to have to keep playing with this to find the right build. Thanks for the tips! I think I'm going to throw the Gold in my Magma after i rebuild it and see how that goes


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Feb 12, 2011
I started vaping some Tappulles yesterday for the first time and wow is it good.

Today, I tried mixing some Vanilla Strait with Tappulles in my Nautilus Mini and OMG it is so good!

Dang!! I swear that vanilla strait is the "swiss army knife" of these liquids. It blends with anything. I love it.:)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2011
La Salle, Illinois
well lucky me!:) Glammy girl would not let me give her the coolfire. She insisted on sending me some NLV. Got me some more bounty hunter and linerider in the mail yesterday. Thanks Glamdoll!!:)

You are welcome, Cat....and luck had nothing to do with it. It was a mutual trade with thumbs up on both sides. Hope you are loving that Line
Rider...I do. Yup, I do. :)

I been gone a few days....did anyone notice? :p:laugh: Daughter has been visiting her old mama.....I only get to see her 3 or 4 times a year, so I took advantage of the 3 days she was here. We did some traveling and family visiting.

I got my Itaste going right now. And you were right, Kat....I do love it. I never did figure out how to do the buttons, so I just messed with them until my juice tasted just right to me. :laugh: Kinda not following a recipe....just adding a pinch of this and that until you think you got it where you want it. :D Right now I got some Caramel Reef mixed with the Line Rider and some ultra menthol drops....and it is delish. And vapor like you see on those vaping guru videos.....clouds every where. Hope they do not send out the fire department. :facepalm:

Glam's house.........:)



I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
Supporting Member
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Jan 25, 2011
Glam! Missed ya! Glad you had fun with the kidlet! And lovely that you're dialing in to taste on the iTazte. It's quite a cute litte thang, isn't it?

Love the pics, too! Good job, Glamola.

My newest conquest is the hot ticket item around town.... the iStick. I may or may not rush on it, but I'll have one soon enuf. The jury's out on longevity, durability, and quality, but hellsbells it's adorbs! And chirpy cheep!

Thank you for this thread.

Bounty Hunter and Gold are in my rotation. Any other recommendations from NLV other then Backston and Fruit 3?

Thank YOU, dsheik! My pleasure to initiate it, and also my pleasure to have you guys in here enjoying our treasured vliquids together. It's quite the happy crowd.

You asked for recommendations and just based on what you have in your rotates, I would say do try Line Rider and NLV4ya. From there I'd venture on to Tappulles and to Twilite. Let us know your flavor profile (sweetish, fruity, tobacco) and we can all give our opinions on various flavors.

NLV has quite the line up!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 25, 2014
Relax'd..... any idea of the percentages you used?

I used about a 50-50 mix of Vanilla Strait and Tappulles

OMG I love it.

Dang!! I swear that vanilla strait is the "swiss army knife" of these liquids. It blends with anything. I love it.:)

Vanilla Strait is very versatile. It's so wonderful on its own too. :)

NLV peeps are the best :)

Absolutely. Everyone here was so friendly and gave me great advice before I tried NLV. Now I am hooked. I love NLV.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2011
Roe Dylin
Glam! Missed ya! Glad you had fun with the kidlet! And lovely that you're dialing in to taste on the iTazte. It's quite a cute litte thang, isn't it?

Love the pics, too! Good job, Glamola.

My newest conquest is the hot ticket item around town.... the iStick. I may or may not rush on it, but I'll have one soon enuf. The jury's out on longevity, durability, and quality, but hellsbells it's adorbs! And chirpy cheep!

Thank YOU, dsheik! My pleasure to initiate it, and also my pleasure to have you guys in here enjoying our treasured vliquids together. It's quite the happy crowd.

You asked for recommendations and just based on what you have in your rotates, I would say do try Line Rider and NLV4ya. From there I'd venture on to Tappulles and to Twilite. Let us know your flavor profile (sweetish, fruity, tobacco) and we can all give our opinions on various flavors.

NLV has quite the line up!

good recommendations!

and yep that iStick looks adorbs alright. cray cray adorbs even :) i would not be surprised if you got one. you prolly already have your bling picked out for it :D let us know how it is if you do get it!
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