lung "hit"/brain "hit"

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 11, 2009
Maryland, U.S.A.
I read a while back that the reason nicotine from e cigs did not get absorbed in the lungs and then went rapidly to the brain, was because the nicotine particles were either too large or too small (I can't remember which). Some people felt e cigs would seem more like analogs if the nicotine could be absorbed the same was it is with analogs. Does anyone know anything about this? Would it be true that if particle size was somehow altered, it would make a difference? How could this be accomplished. Or, is it that the lack of MAOIs, etc. is what makes e cigs unacceptable to some people - i.e., not as "good" as analogs.


Super Member
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Apr 1, 2009
I read a while back that the reason nicotine from e cigs did not get absorbed in the lungs and then went rapidly to the brain, was because the nicotine particles were either too large or too small (I can't remember which). Some people felt e cigs would seem more like analogs if the nicotine could be absorbed the same was it is with analogs. Does anyone know anything about this? Would it be true that if particle size was somehow altered, it would make a difference? How could this be accomplished. Or, is it that the lack of MAOIs, etc. is what makes e cigs unacceptable to some people - i.e., not as "good" as analogs.

Karen...this blog entry by DVap addresses some of your questions. An excellent read!


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
First of all, I believe they use ammonia to create "freebase" nicotine in cigarettes so that it is more readily absorbed by the lungs. Also, if I understand correctly, the nicotine in smoke is absorbed primarily in the lungs, whereas the nicotine from vapor is absorbed primarily in the mouth and throat. I think that was something about the vaporized droplets being too big to be absorbed efficiently into the lungs or something. I believe, but am not certain, that the nicotine from vapor is absorbed over a longer period of time, so you don't so much get "hits" of nicotine from electronic cigarettes, moreso you get a slow infusion. And then of course there are all the other things in cigarettes like the MAOIs that you mention, that is discussed at great length in many thread here in this forum.
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