What would make a better ecig?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 11, 2009
Maryland, U.S.A.
Aside from making batteries that last longer, etc., what could be done to ecigs to make them more acceptable to analog smokers? People often comment that there is "something missing" in e cigs. Would this just be the MAOIs etc. that are not present in c cigs, or the inability of the e-liquid to be absorbed rapidly in the lungs, or something else? If ecigs were "as good as" analogs, everyone would switch. Why can some people make the switch easily and some not. If those who vape are getting the nicotine they crave, then why is it hard for some analog users to make the switch to ecigs? - for example, my husband! What are your opinions on what's "missing" and would there be anything that could be done to ecigs to make them seem mroe like analogs? Thanks.


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2009
South Florida
That's pretty subjective, Karen, and I'm not sure that an "expert" answer is possible. For me, nothing is missing in an e-cig ... other than all the yucky, foul-tasting stuff in mysteriously-processed tobacco & paper analog cigarettes.

I am surprised by people who are willing to give vaping a try but wind up not liking it (assuming they started with a good model, and appropriate nicotine level, a flavor they like, and a little coaching).

I see three barriers to mass acceptance:

1. Vaping is different from smoking. Most people are not that open to change, the new, the strange.​

2. Most e-cigs are not as convenient as analogs: charging batteries, handling e-liquid, etc. Because of that, I predict that the type of e-cig which will draw in the masses will be cartomizer-based, e.g., the Kr8 or something like it. [BTW, that is not my favorite type; I prefer the 510 and penstyle (in two different ways) ... and a good Mod, of course.]​

3. Exposure: Most people (including smokers) know little or nothing about e-cigs. I have never seen anyone using an electronic cigarette (other than a couple folks I introduced to it and someone I met through ECF). And I live in a fairly densely populated metropolitan area. [Hmm. Maybe this is all an Internet conspiracy and I really am the only vaper in the world.:D]​

As I warned you upfront: subjective speculation, not expertise.
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