lurker's first post

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Full Member
Nov 19, 2012
Buffalo, NY
hey ECF, I've been lurking on here for a few months now. I've learned a ton and have finally decided to start posting myself to tap into all that is offered by this awesome community. I started vaping about 9 months ago, fell off for a while and have been back continuously since the beginning of october and I'm loving it! I'm totally nerding out on all the science behind vaping and i just upgraded from an ego to exploring variable voltage and wattage. I'm currently using a vision vv/vw mod (cuz it was cheap) with a vivi nova tank. I also ordered a genesis clone to try my hand at rebuilding. I'm gonna bet that I will be looking for some advice with that.
Well enough ranting about me. I just made my first order with HHV, it should be here in the next day or two. I got a sample pack w/ crackberry, bleeding heart, oompa and atomic grasshopper, and also a 30 ml of gandalf. I've been looking for a good pipe tobacco and it seemed highly recommended so I just went for it. How long should I let them steep for?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
Welcome! And from what I can taste, gandalf is indeed a pipe tobacco flavor. I've heard everything from steeping a week to using a warm water bath to cut that time in half and if you do not like the flavor of a juice, let it sit and steep a month. Also mentioned has been steeping with the lid off and refrigeration. Not sure about any of these methods, I got sidetracked with a new juice flavor and forgot about it :p
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