Manufactures of Brands-How to Find Information

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New Member
Sep 3, 2009
Manufactures of Brands-How to Find Information
I am considering branding my own e-cig and I am in the research process. I have found (by mistake mostly), some information on the manufactures of brands, but I would like a more comprehensive list, especially of the more common top brands being sold. (for example Loong Totem manufactures for epuff, smoke51, greensmoke).

I am also confused as to the numbering system (the style number, i.e. DSE901,RN4081-seem common ) and wondering if these number crossover from brand to brand and if so how do you know which it is? How do you know when you buy cartridges from various sources if it is interchangeable with your brand? Sure, these are newbie questions...but that is what I am!

Also, a bit worried about all the FDA/tobacco legalities currently going on-any updates?

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