Mechanical mod battery positive side up or facing down ?

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ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2013
so bottom part touches firing switch on bottom and the positive end touches the 510 connection that connects to ur atty?

if i i have positive facing down and touching the firing button and the bottom facing up touching the 510 connection to the atty it will create a short and is no good? but it can still fire

On my home brew battery unit I didn't make much effort to case up or insulate the battery can, so there's a large area of negative polarity covered by only the original heat shrink sleeve wrap. With the possibility of contact on metal objects in my pocket I've wired the negative can directly to the exposed metal part of the screw connector, instead of putting the switch in that part.

The switch goes from the least exposed positive stud to the pin in the middle of the connector. My construction method is to use a short stub of hot melt glue stick between the battery and connector - which makes gluing it all together very easy, and provides a flexible mount that isn't just asking to be snapped off, just gluing it together seals all the positive bits of the circuit.
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