More faulty products are out there than you know!

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Moved On
Oct 25, 2013
Vaping, USA
Btw, for anyone who doesn't think I ever give positive reviews, check out my review on Velvet Cloud Vapors. That type of review is what I give when a vendor either gives me a correct product or tries their absolute best to make up for it. Great people.

Also, my local vendor buddy Scott, who is running a fantastic, but very small, e-cig service. Absolutely great guy, any time there's technical problems, he's tries to go above and beyond to either help me get a working vape or give me freebies when he can't.

Other than those two, I even have about a billion bones I could pick with vendors even beyond the faulty products I've bought from them, anywhere from taking 5 days just to take the product to the post office, to charging $7 for shipping, to being hateful with me over the phone or through email, refusing returns or exchanges, selling clones, ect ect. I usually don't even get into that side of reviewing, but it's all happened to me.

About the only thing that's never happened to me is a vendor shipping out the wrong products. It's absolutely nuts that this happens to so many other people, there's no excuse for it, but hey, I get to sit here and say it's the one thing I don't have bad luck with. But am I going to go around saying everyone else is lying about it? No. Not unless they accuse me of lying first.


Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
GoodNews! I would like to address just a couple of things you have said.

You are obviously upset and not enjoying your vape. I totally understand being in that place and how uttery frustrating it is.

I also see you throwing out alot of accusations that really there is no proof to back. Half the people on the forum work for vape shops? Really? Where are the numbers to back that. I would be much more willing to accept that half the people on the forum are VERY opinionated and unwilling to accept that someone else's viewpoint might be correct. Just because someone has opinions other than yours does not make them employees of a vape shop and involved in the conspiracy.

I admit to having ONE bad Kanger head. The other 13 or so (Two 5 packs + 2 protanks heads that came with the device + 2 evod that came with the devices) have been just fine. On the other hand EVERY knockoff replacement head I have purchased (15 from Fasttech) has been bad out of the baggie. I think source DOES matter and I do strongly suspect SOME less than reputable US shops are selling knockoffs as legit Kanger. Just the nature of the beast I suspect.

As for coils lasting months. I have several (Redux CE5) that have done just that. They are not vaped every day so the wear and tear and buildup are much less. It also depends heavily on the juice for how long they last. The menthol I vape is very clear, very thin and not sweet at all. Easy on a coil in other words.

I myself moved away from clearos for the most part into bottom feeders and drippers. That is my happy place. I do still have clearos, carto tanks and cigalikes. I use them driving as dripping is not comfortable for me while driving (even bottom feeders). I am pretty much not replacing them as they break. The stock of these only used an hour a day devices will gradual dwindle to nothing by attrition for me.

The fact is vaping is a very personal thing. The people answering you are most likely speaking the absolute truth from their experience. They just vape differently and have not seen what you are seeing. It does not make them shills for vape shops or liars. Just different.


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Aug 15, 2013
Tacoma, WA, USA
That's because half the people on this forum work in (dishonest) vendor shops. It gets pretty obvious after awhile. I've had completely different attitudes and information given by vendors who are trustworthy and give me the facts straight up.

I think your credibility is in jeopardy when you make statements like this. Half of the people on here work at dishonest vendor shops? Half? Then referring to the faulty heads as an epidemic. That's where I'm having some problems with your posts. Sweeping generalizations and what I perceive to be gross overstatements.


Vaping Master
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Jun 22, 2012
Plant City, FL
That's because half the people on this forum work in (dishonest) vendor shops. It gets pretty obvious after awhile. I've had completely different attitudes and information given by vendors who are trustworthy and give me the facts straight up.

half the people work in shops?



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2013
Philadelphia, PA, USA
half the people work in shops?


Dishonest shops!

See, this is the problem. Many people have proffered (Bad)GoodNews advice in good faith, as you have done in this very thread. Truly, your effort is admirable. But all anyone gets in return for their sincere efforts to help are unsupportable and broad-brush ad hominem attacks. More on this later, when I have more time to provide links.

I think we can all agree that the vaping industry isn't what it could be, in terms of consistency and quality control. I think we can all agree that different types of device will suit different people, well, differently. Some people can't do clearos, for example. Maybe the OP is one of those.

But there is no vast conspiracy, either here on ECF or in the vaping industry generally, to conceal the flaws in various products, or to trump up the efficacy of vaping devices as a whole. We have to take the bad with the good; along with variety and fast-paced innovation comes a corresponding lack of consistency. On the other hand, it's become clear to me that GoodNews is, for whatever reason, an uncommonly particular consumer. I base that opinions on his own statements, both here and elsewhere.
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Sep 22, 2013
South Florida
That's because half the people on this forum work in (dishonest) vendor shops. It gets pretty obvious after awhile. I've had completely different attitudes and information given by vendors who are trustworthy and give me the facts straight up.

That is a bold statement. Inaccurate as well. I would be willing to bet that people that work in ANY vape shop make up for an extremely tiny fraction of the user base here.

From the bottom of the forum.

Active Members

That is a heck of a lot of people working in vape shops. lol
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 27, 2011
Fukuoka, Japan
Look... i get it... you're frustrated not being able
to get your gear to work right.

Maybe go back to the stuff you have been using the past 4 years?
Surely there must have been something that worked for you, right?
Or else you wouldn't have kept at it that long, right? ;)

If you are really picky about your vape, there's just no way around rebuildable atomizers.
It is no witchcraft and fairly easy. There are sooo many good guides on youtube on how
to do that... totally sufficient to learn the ropes. Then... you only got yourself to blame,
if the vape is really bad ;)


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Aug 30, 2013
That's because half the people on this forum work in (dishonest) vendor shops. It gets pretty obvious after awhile. I've had completely different attitudes and information given by vendors who are trustworthy and give me the facts straight up.

Ummm... Wow. Are there even that many vape shops in the US? I live in the third largest city in the US and I know of 3. I would guess they employ around 15 people total. That doesn't make much sense. It's a pretty big slap in the face to the members that have tried to help you to call them dishonest shills.


Vaping Master
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Sep 11, 2013
Sugar Hill, Georgia
That's because half the people on this forum work in (dishonest) vendor shops. It gets pretty obvious after awhile. I've had completely different attitudes and information given by vendors who are trustworthy and give me the facts straight up.

ummm...nope, don't work at a vape shop. Nor do I think half the people here do. It's very sad that you have such bad luck. If you don't care what all of us liars say, why do you keep coming on here looking for validation? Just because most of us don't agree with you, it doesn't mean we're liars who secretly work in vape shops. Good luck with the reviews (trying to get free stuff) career though.


Moved On
Oct 19, 2013
808 State
I'll further repeat: No, I'm not doing anything wrong with my devices. If you want to accuse me of doing something wrong, please, pay like $600 for plane tickets and $200 for a motel, travel to where I live, help me out, and if you see that I'm performing some sort of black magic curse on my devices to purposely give negative reviews, then hey, you'll catch me in the act. Until then, either nut up or shut up. I've asked for help several times in this forum, no one wants to reply to my posts asking for help. Rarely does anyone actually know what they're talking about, and even less do the people who know what they're talking about even answer my original questions without trying to dance around facts.

Fly out to where you live to help you out or just shut up?

There are always people who will perceive themselves as victim of whatever circumstance and will only offer remedy that usually defies common sense. You have to understand that when a large majority percentage of people are in sync regarding whatever product is working well, and then someone comes along and claims it complete rubbish, logic dictates that the likely problem is user error. Its that simple.

With that said, perhaps you could focus on reviewing something more in sync to your abilities, maybe something like nicotine patches or chewing gum. I look forward to reading about Nicorette gum tasting burnt or like saltwater ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2013
Philadelphia, PA, USA
With that said, perhaps you could focus on reviewing something more in sync to your abilities, maybe something like nicotine patches or chewing gum. I look forward to reading about Nicorette gum tasting burnt or like saltwater ;)

Worse still is the prospect that Nicorette gum might taste like Nicorette gum. :)
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