My head is killing me!

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New Member
Apr 10, 2009
I just joined the forum so that I could make this post. I've been watching the forum and vaping since early February. I was using 4mg nicotine - yes, super low nicotine. Apparently I went overboard one day, because I woke up very dizzy and had some dizzy spells the next day. It also was hurting my teeth.

I stopped vaping right then, and ordered 0 mg (menthol) liquid. That solved the problem. Someimes I mix it 2 to 1 with the 4mg. I don't seem to miss the nicotine (just need that throat hit). I'm concerned that so many people on this forum are using such high levels of nicotine. It's scary enough inhaling an unproven substance, let alone the possibility of nicotine overdose.

So, I recommend going with the lowest nicotine level you can handle.

Vicks Vap-oh-Yeah

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
West Allis, WI
Don't beat yourself up for temporarily going back to analogs - you had a setback. It's not a failure unless you give up.

Cut your nic liquid down to lower levels, and you should do great. Occasional spikes with higher nic's if you have a bad craving.

And never be afraid to ask questions here - we're all going through this together.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2009
Thank you Jamie, wishkc, and vicks for your responses. All three of you really helped put this whole thing into perspective for me. I picked up the pg today at the pharmacy but I'm not going to begin vaping with the cut down juice until Monday. My bp has dropped 50 points but I still have a way to go before it's back down to normal. The headache is just about gone with my bp coming down. It will be a fresh start...and I'm excited! Wishkc I really appreciate you sharing your experience with me....I will be vaping with much lower nicotine juice. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to my post!
Happy Vaping


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2008
Port Arthur, Texas
Forhim, if you don't totally quit analog today it is not the end of the world. Your trying to hard and that is stressing you out. Vape and smoke and gradually move over to vaping only. A lot of folks on the forum have done that and it worked for them. Some did not plan on quitting, but they did.

We want you to stay with us and get were your want to go. This is like an adventure, you never know what will happen next, One time I had to go 10 days before my replacment parts got here. I now keep extra stuff. We learn as we go.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2009
12've made a very good point and really given me something to think about. I think I am putting too much pressure on myself and I didn't even realize it. The reason I'm sure is because I've tried so many times to stop smoking analogs and I've always failed ..... but when I received my pv and tried it I really thought "I can do this". When the whole bp problem started it just made me feel like "I failed again". I realize now that isn't true. Thanks for shedding light on an aspect I hadn't thought of.
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