My PROVARI... Why? "Sigh"

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Full Member
Dec 29, 2012
Lisbon - Portugal
Hello everyone.

I’m from Portugal and this is my first ever thread around here.
I’ve been following this forum for quite a long time but never wrote since English is not my native language.

Anyway, I have decided to open this thread for 2 reasons.

First, to share my recent PROVARI story which could be soap-opera material

Second, to praise the fantastic service that I´ve been getting from Mark in particular and Enjuice company in general (UK)

Around a year ago I decided to purchase from Enjuice a V1 PROVARI, following the fantastic reviews this particular PV was getting.
Sure, it was not cheap but a year after I can say that I have been a happy customer and never bought another PV, mechanical or VV / VW, because I was a happy customer and didn’t feel the need anything else.

A few weeks ago, I was changing batteries (I have 2 18490 AW IMR) when suddenly the PROVARI started shaking (once the battery would make contact with both pins), the button led would blink very fast, with some kind of red faded colour. There was also a light burnt smell and a very subtle smoke coming from the interior of the tube once I got out the battery.
I tried the other battery and the result was the same.

So, consequently, I´ve contacted Mark from Enjuice, who swiftly responded and we agreed that I would send him the PROVARI which was still under warranty.

A few days later Mark contacted me back and apparently the problem was solved. Because I had never cleaned it (the inside pole and so on), it had accumulated some amount of dirtiness that caused the problem described above.

I don’t need to tell you how stupid I felt, right?

Don’t even ask why it never occurred me to clean it. I guess I believed that the super PV would do anything by itself!

Of course that one year of heavy use without any cleaning sign… what could I expect?

Anyway, I was happy to learn that the “problem” was solved and Mark immediately sent it back with a cleaning kit included, without questions asked.

Now, I have to insist on this matter since I’m not used to this kind of professionalism, courtesy, kindness and swiftness by any company, let alone an oversea one that I buy from the internet.
This is a 5 stars service that I highly praise, recommend, and in my behalf, Mark has gained a faithful customer.

Anyway, I received the package back yesterday and was absolutely excited.
I inserted a battery inside, the red button led blinked once (suppose it is normal), pressed the button five times and… nothing! No menu information, no display information, no firing, no matter what I did.
Ok, so tried the second battery with the same result.

Charged both batteries, even if I was sure that a least one of them was fresh from the time I was changing batteries when all happened in the first place.
For this reason I also found strange that both batteries took longer than 3 hours to charge on my ultrafire charger… Damn, I was almost sure that at least one of the batteries was already fully charged.

This led me to believe that maybe, when trying both batteries at the time of the problem originally described, the both went bad! Is that even possible?

Once again, I exchanged several emails with Mark, that assured me that everything was working flawlessly after he cleaned the PROVARI. He even tried several batteries and atomizers to make sure of it.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any other batteries to check if the problem is from the batteries or not.
I have ordered another 18490 battery and now I will have to wait for it to arrive to check this out.
If the problem is not from the battery, Mark already confirmed that I will send him the PV again and have it checked for a repair or possible new one.

Anyway, despite all of this, I have confirmed 2 realities that I had read about but never experienced.

First, purchasing a PROVARI it is much more than what the PV has to offer to you in the immediate. It is a long term service guaranteed and provided any time you need it.

Almost a year due and the Warranty is being activated exactly the way promised. In the worst case scenario, It has been already confirmed by Mark that the unit will be replaced by a new one. In my book, gentleman, this top notch service.

Second, Enjuice are faithful to everything they advertise in their website.
They might not always be the cheaper store for every product but they swear for a top custom client service. I can vouch for that, so much that I have just ordered a Provari Mini V2 from them without even blinking.
I will never again, be without my favourite PV, for one day despite what the reason may be.
If something should happen again in the future, I can relax and enjoy my “spare” unit, while Enjuice and Provape make their “magic” to solve whatever problem I may have with their units.

Once again, I have to thanks Mark for everything. Even yesterday, in just an hour I have exchanged 5 or 6 emails with him. Even 24 Hours would be a respectable time for an answer, let alone minutes….

Now it is also my concern that with a possible replacement, I would not get a Chrome V1 Provari like it is the case. It seems the production for those stoped and I just love the chrome Look. It might also become a collector´s item in the future

Thank you everyone for reading and I´m sorry for the long post. It was not my intention to make it so long!

Best regards.



Full Member
Dec 29, 2012
Lisbon - Portugal
That is indeed an excelente suggestion. But since it is still under warranty, let´s see what comes out of this and if needed what they suggest doing.
I prefer not to spend anything, since it is under warranty, that having to pay for something more.
I already invested in a V2 Mini satin / blue led that I will be geting in the next days... so that is already a lot of money for now;)
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