Need help going forward....

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Nedus Mustafus

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2010
London, Kentucky
Hey, folks! I need help!

I've been happily vaping my Grand for quite a while now. Unfortunately, I'm getting VV fever. Some of my co-workers have the eGo Twist and seem to like it quite well, and it's causing me to want to cheat on my Reo!

I've peeked around in here a little and see that Rob is developing a VV Grand, but I see it uses two batteries? This makes me sad... stacked batteries terrify me! I enjoy a good vape, but I don't want my face to blow off!

My Reo irritates me sometimes because I think I like to squonk too much. My catch cup (I guess that's what it's called) is almost always full of juice. I have used a Cisco LR306 exclusively for the past 18 months, and I'm afraid I'm getting a bit tired of it.

I've even been eyeing Provari's quite a bit, even though all the menu button-clicking looks like it would annoy me. I need to figure out a way to stop juice from getting all over me with the Reo. Unfortunately, that has soured me on the bottom-feeding concept.

I think I might purchase an eGo Twist to satisfy my VV curiosity until a mod purchase comes later, and then give it to my Dad afterward, but I need someone to convince me that I need a VV Grand rather than a Provari. Someone help, please!


ECF Guru
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Apr 20, 2011
Hey, folks! I need help!

I've been happily vaping my Grand for quite a while now. Unfortunately, I'm getting VV fever. Some of my co-workers have the eGo Twist and seem to like it quite well, and it's causing me to want to cheat on my Reo!

I've peeked around in here a little and see that Rob is developing a VV Grand, but I see it uses two batteries? This makes me sad... stacked batteries terrify me! I enjoy a good vape, but I don't want my face to blow off!

My Reo irritates me sometimes because I think I like to squonk too much. My catch cup (I guess that's what it's called) is almost always full of juice. I have used a Cisco LR306 exclusively for the past 18 months, and I'm afraid I'm getting a bit tired of it.

I've even been eyeing Provari's quite a bit, even though all the menu button-clicking looks like it would annoy me. I need to figure out a way to stop juice from getting all over me with the Reo. Unfortunately, that has soured me on the bottom-feeding concept.

I think I might purchase an eGo Twist to satisfy my VV curiosity until a mod purchase comes later, and then give it to my Dad afterward, but I need someone to convince me that I need a VV Grand rather than a Provari. Someone help, please!

Your problem with getting so much juice in the juice well is because you are squonking too hard or too long. It only takes a gently push on the bottle and then a quick unpowered suck. You probably are having flooding issues too. This won't happen once you get the squonking down.


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Jul 22, 2010
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I need someone to convince me that I need a VV Grand rather than a Provari. Someone help, please!

Why rather than a Provari?!

I have two Provari's myself (a regular size and a mini) and I still cannot wait until the VV Grands come out. MUST get one.. no question!!

They both have their places in my vaping arsenal.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
Maybe this will help ya over that Provari, the Provari is a nice unit but it cant do what the VV Grand can do, and that's hold your juice in it, nothing like not having to deal with juice and just squonk away with a great Atty on top :)

Everyone needs to have a VV Reo grand in there vaping arsenal :)


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Rhapsodies Fire

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2010
Bow, WA, USA
Hey, folks! I need help!

I've been happily vaping my Grand for quite a while now. Unfortunately, I'm getting VV fever. Some of my co-workers have the eGo Twist and seem to like it quite well, and it's causing me to want to cheat on my Reo!

I've peeked around in here a little and see that Rob is developing a VV Grand, but I see it uses two batteries? This makes me sad... stacked batteries terrify me! I enjoy a good vape, but I don't want my face to blow off!

My Reo irritates me sometimes because I think I like to squonk too much. My catch cup (I guess that's what it's called) is almost always full of juice. I have used a Cisco LR306 exclusively for the past 18 months, and I'm afraid I'm getting a bit tired of it.

I've even been eyeing Provari's quite a bit, even though all the menu button-clicking looks like it would annoy me. I need to figure out a way to stop juice from getting all over me with the Reo. Unfortunately, that has soured me on the bottom-feeding concept.

I think I might purchase an eGo Twist to satisfy my VV curiosity until a mod purchase comes later, and then give it to my Dad afterward, but I need someone to convince me that I need a VV Grand rather than a Provari. Someone help, please!

Hi Nedus Mustafus :)
Well...I'm going to try to address this point by point.

The first and most important point is your concern with stacking batteries. I'll not imply your concern is unfounded, because it certainly is. The design of the REO allows for heat & gasses to vent unhindered, meaning there is no pressure buildup in the device itself when a battery fails, therefore the device won't explode. And batteries fail, even when they are not stacked not often...but it does happen.
In the case of a short circuit, the nice thing about the REO is that as long as your spring isn't over compressed, it will collapse in the event of a battery overheating...stopping the short circuit from continuing to damage the battery or device. The electronics on the VV version also recognize a runaway situation and will shut off.

Having a catch cup full of juice all the time would be an annoyance for me too, really...I don't tolerate that kind of mess for long. If you are finding this to be an unending source of annoyance, you may want to try a cartomizer instead of the 306. While I love my atties, I admit that there is a definite advantage to the carto as it holds onto more juice...lessening the concern of spilling juice. My guess is that you are indeed over juicing your atty...there should hardly be any juice in the cup most of the time. I am guilty of over juicing occasionally, but not often enough to bother me.

You may also be experiencing what we call auto-feeding...where juice tends to just keep coming, keeping the catch cup full all the time. This can happen as a result of several things. The cap on the bottle can be on too tight or too lose, the atty being used could be partially clogged or the temperature could be elevated so that the bottle is under more pressure than it normally would be. I have a mini that auto feeds all the time...but it's due to me running my atties for too long between cleanings and me having my mini in the car when it gets hot. If auto-feeding is occurring, you can try cleaning your atties and/or possibly drilling out the holes on the sides, you can adjust the tightness of the cap...and worst case you could try installing the reducer tube that came with your mod...if you bought it new. The reducer tube (pictured below) just needs to be inserted in the bottom of the feed tube. You don't need to use the whole piece and you don't need to insert it very far. It restricts the flow of juice more so that auto feeding doesn't happen.

Honestly...if none of these suggestions help, I would recommend getting a hold of the shop and sending it in for a once over. It's not supposed to behave that way. One of the reason's Rob designed these the way he did is because he HATES juice spills and leaks with a purple passion.

Now as to your last statement...I don't know that I can even start to try to justify one device over the other. Both are good devices. We have a Provari here at the house, and it's a cool device. For me, I adore the juice feeding aspect. I hate dripping and filling cartos...always have. That's why I found the bottom feeders suit my needs better. The REOs make it easy for me as I have had very few issues that weren't easily solved by myself....most of my issues were usually user error anyway. Tanks satisfy the problem of dripping & topping off for most people, but I still find them to be a hassle for me. And the most important aspect to my success as a vaper was that it needed to be easier than smoking. Check.

So can I convince you? Probably not. Nor will I try. I think for now, the most important part (to me) is figuring out a way to help you find resolution to your issue with the full catch cup. And I really mean it....if it's not something that can be easily resolved on your end, then it should get a once over by the shop to make sure everything is good. Whatever you end up deciding...all that matters is that it's working for you and you're cravings are kept at bay. ;)

So now before I post the pictures (mentioned above) I just want to let you know...that I am moving this discussion to its own thread so it doesn't get lost in this one. I think this merits further participation and discussion. I'll send you a PM with a link so you know where your post went. :)


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Rhapsodies Fire

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2010
Bow, WA, USA
Oooh...I almost forgot...I see you're in Kentucky. Did you know there is a vape meet coming up in Lexington? I know for a fact that some REO veterans will be there. If you have the time, it might be a good chance to meet up with other REOnauts to see if there is something else that I may have overlooked. :) Just a thought.
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Nedus Mustafus

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2010
London, Kentucky
Thanks for all the replies, folks! I'll try to get around to responding to all of you!

Your problem with getting so much juice in the juice well is because you are squonking too hard or too long. It only takes a gently push on the bottle and then a quick unpowered suck. You probably are having flooding issues too. This won't happen once you get the squonking down.

I'm a power-squonker, what can I say? I do have one of the old-school bottles in my Reo. It's relatively soft and easy to squeeze. I got a new tube and bottle from Robert about 6 months ago due to having a torn tube, but I just pulled my existing one off and flipped the ends. The torn portion is now down in the bottle, and it's still working fine, so I'm holding off on changing the tube until this one tears. I noticed that the new tube and bottle are much different than those that came with the unit when I bought it new, so that probably makes a bit of difference. That bottle seems to be a little thicker... would be much harder to squeeze, and the tube is also quite larger than my old one. Thanks for your response. I suppose I just need to control my squonking.


ECF Guru
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Apr 20, 2011
Thanks for all the replies, folks! I'll try to get around to responding to all of you!

I'm a power-squonker, what can I say? I do have one of the old-school bottles in my Reo. It's relatively soft and easy to squeeze. I got a new tube and bottle from Robert about 6 months ago due to having a torn tube, but I just pulled my existing one off and flipped the ends. The torn portion is now down in the bottle, and it's still working fine, so I'm holding off on changing the tube until this one tears. I noticed that the new tube and bottle are much different than those that came with the unit when I bought it new, so that probably makes a bit of difference. That bottle seems to be a little thicker... would be much harder to squeeze, and the tube is also quite larger than my old one. Thanks for your response. I suppose I just need to control my squonking.

Power-squonker. LOL! Yep, that's your problem. The thicker bottle will help with that though. You'll get it. Everyone has trouble with squonking at first.

Nedus Mustafus

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2010
London, Kentucky
There should be little to no juice in the catchcup. You are over squonking. With 306s a clear drip tip helps to see the juice. Just a tiny amount over the metal part is enough for good vapes.

I've had a couple of clear drip trips, and I always end up breaking them. I have a short Black delrin tip that I absolutely love, but I have no idea where I got it from. I'd actually like to order more of them. I had two originally, and one of them got broken when I dropped the unit onto concrete... it happens often with me. I'll post pics and see if any of you guys recognize it.



Nedus Mustafus

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2010
London, Kentucky
Why rather than a Provari?!

I have two Provari's myself (a regular size and a mini) and I still cannot wait until the VV Grands come out. MUST get one.. no question!!

They both have their places in my vaping arsenal.

Because I'm poor, and I can't afford both. Mortgage payments do that to a guy!

Nedus Mustafus

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2010
London, Kentucky
I agree I love my provaris for on the go at work they slip into my back pocket and my VVW for when I'm at my desk

My Grand is attached to my hip wherever I go. I bought the thing in Feb. 2011 and haven't bought a single PV since, save the eGo-C kit I bought for my Dad a few months ago. The Provari looks nice, but I'm just afraid it can't stand up to the abuse that I'll put it through. For example, look at the bottom of my Grand. The thing looks like I've used it to hammer nails! I couldn't possibly count the times this thing has been dropped, and I work standing on concrete floors all day, so it isn't exactly hitting a soft surface. I was thoroughly advised to buy this thing due to it's ruggedness, and I have to say I was given good advice!


Nedus Mustafus

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2010
London, Kentucky
Maybe this will help ya over that Provari, the Provari is a nice unit but it cant do what the VV Grand can do, and that's hold your juice in it, nothing like not having to deal with juice and just squonk away with a great Atty on top :)

Everyone needs to have a VV Reo grand in there vaping arsenal :)

Well, yes, that is quite lovely, but what kind of wacky drip tip is that? It reminds me of those swirly straws I used as a kid, but that's not necessarily an insult!
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