Never modify a regulated mod like this!

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Electron Wrangler
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
  • May 13, 2015
    This was done by a vaper in the Philippines.


    While I applaud the vapers who safely and responsibly modify devices for their own use, taking a single battery mod and modding it to use two batteries in series is begging for trouble. A single battery mod is designed for 4.2V maximum but if you mod it like that it will suddenly have to deal with up to 8.4V.

    This can destroy components on the regulator circuit board in the mod, possibly causing it to autofire or to even short-circuit the batteries through the regulator circuit. This can cause the batteries to explode.

    There’s no benefit to putting another battery in series, just don’t do it. Even if it somehow increases the power to the coils, the regulator circuit will be running at a power level way above what is was designed for. This adds heat which can also cause the circuit to fail.

    Adding a battery in parallel will increase your vaping time but never attempt to modify a device unless you are completely familiar with ALL of the risks and take every necessary safety precaution.
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