New ex-smoker saying hello and thanks!

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Jan 25, 2014
Miami, FL
Hello all, new to the forum and almost as new to vaping, thought I would say hi and thank you to the community for the great help and support found here. Lurking here taught me so much.

I was a pack+ a day smoker for 39 years, and had been seriously thinking about quitting for a while. On November 6, 2013 I had my last cigarette. I started with what I knew from ads, Blu/NJOY/nicotine gum. While it kept me from mugging someone for a cigarette it was hard and I gained weight, it was mostly a waste of money. Started doubting my resolve, then I found the world of vaping a little over a month ago and what an e-cig should be about.

Shortly after I started vaping I no longer want cigarettes. Hanging around smokers causes no urges, which is something I thought would take years to achieve. All this and I have new toys to play with :)


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Oct 22, 2013
Denver, CO
Your handle may be "halfempty" but now that you are vaping I think it is more than half full. Congrats on being analog free since Nov 6th. That is HUGE !! Hopefully you have found some little rewards to celebrate your success.

Glad that you found and joined ECF. This really is a great place to get/share information, ask questions and get some fantastic support.

What sort of gear has been working for you? And what flavors of juices have become your favorites.

Thanks for sharing your experience and, again, congrats on being analog free.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 6, 2013
Florida, SW
Hello all, new to the forum and almost as new to vaping, thought I would say hi and thank you to the community for the great help and support found here. Lurking here taught me so much.

I was a pack+ a day smoker for 39 years, and had been seriously thinking about quitting for a while. On November 6, 2013 I had my last cigarette. I started with what I knew from ads, Blu/NJOY/nicotine gum. While it kept me from mugging someone for a cigarette it was hard and I gained weight, it was mostly a waste of money. Started doubting my resolve, then I found the world of vaping a little over a month ago and what an e-cig should be about.

Shortly after I started vaping I no longer want cigarettes. Hanging around smokers causes no urges, which is something I thought would take years to achieve. All this and I have new toys to play with :)

well halfempty, Hello & glad to have you here in ECF

so you thought somewhere between 30-40 yrs was enuff , huh ?

well darn good to hear !

the more you vape, the less you'll care about the 'other'

good gear & good juice will do the trick

tell about some of the gear you're using

good job, keep it up...


Senior Member
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Jan 27, 2014
Congrats !
Similar experiences for me as well.
I was a 40 yr smoker too, quit for 9 months or so 2 years ago w / gum & lots of suffering. It didn't last.
This vaping thing appears to be a more reasonable & effective vehicle.
Was around some buddies recently who still smoke, no problem since I had my kit. Amazing.
Hoping to get them on the vape too ..


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Jan 25, 2014
Miami, FL
... What sort of gear has been working for you? And what flavors of juices have become your favorites...
Started with some cheap cr@p starter kit off eBay, that lasted about a day and gave it away. Found a B&M real close to my house and bought a kit from them with a Vivi Nova and a regulated 1100mah passthrough. That setup was good for at least a week, now I have a couple of Novas, a mini PT2, a couple of Aspire tanks, and a Smoktech Winder.

For now I'm concentrating mainly on tobacco based juices. My favorite so far is Premium Tobacco from e-cig-express, but I just received a bottle of Copper Creek House Blend that's steeping. I must say though that I got a strong coffee juice that I find very pleasing. Maybe the move away from the tobacco flavors has already started.

... the more you vape, the less you'll care about the 'other'

good gear & good juice will do the trick ...
I already don't care about the 'other'. This vaping thing has made it really easy!

Thanks for the encouragement on finding good gear. It helps me justify buying the new toys gear :) I have a basic carto setup and a Smoktech SID on the way.


Super Member
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Jan 25, 2014
Miami, FL
... Was around some buddies recently who still smoke, no problem since I had my kit. Amazing.
Hoping to get them on the vape too ..
I used to stand next to any smoker so I could inhale their smoke LOL. now I don't care.

I too am trying to help a couple of friends at work transition. It is also a good outlet for the stuff I don't need/like that I bought on impulse.
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