new forum member and tired of lurking

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Hi everyone I finally decided to stop lurking this awesome place and join the community :) I'm 23 and have been vaping for about 90 days now. tobacco free since my first vape.

I'm currently using a nemesis all silver clone with a 18650 efest battery and I'm using a bliSS genny atty with 28g kathenal a1 and cotton u wick. I'm glad to finally be here and talk with fellow vapors :)

Cullin Kin

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 28, 2014
The 3Oh!3, Colorado
Welcome to ECF! Congrats on 90 days analog free and welcome to the digital life. Thats awesome!

This place is overflowing with information and 98.361528% of any questions you could ever think of asking have already been asked and answered 428.64 times so use that search function and google search!

Thank you and I'm glad I can finally talk about this kinda stuff. Where I'm at few people vape and my family thinks it's waste. Tired of feeling like the lone wolf lol

Well you are definitely among people who get it now. Every time they say they don't get it just ask them, 'would you rather me smoke?'
Welcome to ECF! Congrats on 90 days analog free and welcome to the digital life. Thats awesome!

This place is overflowing with information and 98.361528% of any questions you could ever think of asking have already been asked and answered 428.64 times so use that search function and google search!

Well you are definitely among people who get it now. Every time they say they don't get it just ask them, 'would you rather me smoke?'
I'll do my best to use the search Cullin. I'm deff not a newb to forums and I know how annoying it can get to answer the same question 30 times lol


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf Chris Skates and we are glad you stopped lurking. You have been missing all the fun. :D Sure everything you will ever need to know about vaping is here but what makes ecf so special are........the people. Good luck to you and happy vaping. :)


Full Member
Jul 26, 2014
Austin, TX, USA
Hi everyone I finally decided to stop lurking this awesome place and join the community :) I'm 23 and have been vaping for about 90 days now. Tobacco free since my first vape.

I'm currently using a nemesis all silver clone with a 18650 efest battery and I'm using a bliSS genny atty with 28g kathenal a1 and cotton u wick. I'm glad to finally be here and talk with fellow vapors :)
welcome! for only 90 days in, you have a killer setup! i've been vaping for about a year, and i just recently got a magneto and my first few RDAs. with that setup, you'll definitely stay off the smokes ;D
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