New Shop in my area and need advice

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Jun 1, 2014
Indiana, United States
I generally walk in with an ego and ce4 on a lanyard and see which direction they try to go with selling me something better. I ask about juice and see if they'll explain to me about TH, pg/vg ratio and the like.

If they start trying to sell me a mech or try to sell me a juice without explaining what I should be looking for in a juice I won't be back.

I'll also probably be a smartass and counter everything they just tried to tell me before I avoid letting their door hit me in the ....


Ultra Member
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Jul 12, 2014
I generally walk in with an ego and ce4 on a lanyard and see which direction they try to go with selling me something better. I ask about juice and see if they'll explain to me about TH, pg/vg ratio and the like.

If they start trying to sell me a mech or try to sell me a juice without explaining what I should be looking for in a juice I won't be back.

I'll also probably be a smartass and counter everything they just tried to tell me before I avoid letting their door hit me in the ....

I don't understand this?


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Jun 1, 2014
Indiana, United States
I don't understand this?

I walk into a new shop acting like I don't know much about vaping and see what direction they try to push me in. If they are patient and try to explain things to me in a way that makes sense then I'll give them business and recommend them to friends.

If they are just out to make a sale and don't explain to me what I need to know about what they are trying to sell me I'll say something sarcastic and leave.


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Jan 24, 2014
I don't play mind games with them. I take in whatever I'm currently vaping on; if they recognize it, great, if not, well then they're not very well informed, since these days I generally vape a Kayfun clone that looks indistinguishable from the real thing. I don't try to find out what they know about PG/VG or any of that; I know what I know, what they know is irrelevant to me. If they have a tasting bar, I'll taste some, and if I find one or two I like, and the prices aren't ridiculous, I'll probably buy them -- I won't waste a vendor's time with tasting if I don't have the money to buy.

If I feel fairly comfortable there, I'll probably return. If not, then I might not; there are a lot of stores around here, and I have a favorite quite nearby, and another which is growing on me, also not too far away.

Also, it's important to note which products are marked up the most; my favorite shop has a really high markup on some tanks, but some aren't much more than what I could get them for online. His drip tips are priced about the same as a lot of places online, so if I need one, I have no problem buying it there. His juices are marked up a little, but no more than what I would spend on shipping if I bought them online, so that's a really good trade-off -- end up spending about the same, but get to taste them first! :thumb:



Ultra Member
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Jul 12, 2014
I walk into a new shop acting like I don't know much about vaping and see what direction they try to push me in. If they are patient and try to explain things to me in a way that makes sense then I'll give them business and recommend them to friends.

If they are just out to make a sale and don't explain to me what I need to know about what they are trying to sell me I'll say something sarcastic and leave.
Ooooooooooo. ok what do you say?

Btw thats a horrible picture you have on the wall?


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Apr 11, 2014
Lansdale, PA, USA
I go in and talk to the people there, customers and staff. The first thing is I have to like it there. If there is a bad fit with the customers or staff and I feel uncomfortable it's not really a place I want to be again.

Part of feeling comfortable is a feeling from the staff that they want to sell me what I want or need, not what they have. I've been places where you ask about a tank and they try to sell you a dripper. A "you might like a dripper because..." is OK if when I respond "no, I want a tank" they accept it and talk about tanks.


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Jun 1, 2014
Indiana, United States
Can I go shopping with you? Lol

It's really not that much fun, at least according to my son. He says he's either embarrassed by me or for whoever is getting the brunt of my sarcasm because they usually don't get that I'm being sarcastic/insulting.

If you can imagine shopping with Rosanne Conner, the character Rosanne Barr played... yeah, that's about it.


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Feb 6, 2014
Boston, MA
I'm a bit confused by this thread honestly. You are a consumer, we all are. You go into local B&Ms knowing you will pay more than you will for the same item online but I for one am willing to do so, within in reason, to try and keep good shops around. You can tell a bad shop a mile away; they will sell almost nothing other than starter kits and house juice, maybe a few low end lines and the people that work there are usually jerks.

The good shops are owned and run by vapers like us! People who wanted to get into the business because they love vaping, love talking about it, love helping others get off the cigs, and maybe just may be lucky enough to eek out a living doing so.

There is no reason to go into any shop with an attitude. If it's just a dbag trying to take advantage of people with crap gear, leave and spread the word. If it is a great shop, spend some time, spend some money, leave and spread the word.

Just my $.02


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 12, 2014
It's really not that much fun, at least according to my son. He says he's either embarrassed by me or for whoever is getting the brunt of my sarcasm because they usually don't get that I'm being sarcastic/insulting.

If you can imagine shopping with Rosanne Conner, the character Rosanne Barr played... yeah, that's about it.

Na I understand lol I can be a sarcastic guy as well

Ill take it as you know what you want and if thry cant make you happy then they deserve to grow a brain cell or 2


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Jun 1, 2014
Indiana, United States
I'm a bit confused by this thread honestly. You are a consumer, we all are. You go into local B&Ms knowing you will pay more than you will for the same item online but I for one am willing to do so, within in reason, to try and keep good shops around. You can tell a bad shop a mile away; they will sell almost nothing other than starter kits and house juice, maybe a few low end lines and the people that work there are usually jerks.

The good shops are owned and run by vapers like us! People who wanted to get into the business because they love vaping, love talking about it, love helping others get off the cigs, and maybe just may be lucky enough to eek out a living doing so.

There is no reason to go into any shop with an attitude. If it's just a dbag trying to take advantage of people with crap gear, leave and spread the word. If it is a great shop, spend some time, spend some money, leave and spread the word.

Just my $.02

If that's directed at me... please let me explain why I'll walk into a shop and allow them to think I'm new to vaping. I really don't walk in with an attitude. My attitude depends on the shop and it's keepers.

I have a lot of friends and acquaintances who recently started vaping, as I have. Many of these friends don't spend time online and don't shop online, therefore they haven't done the research nor do they have the information they need to make informed purchases. When I walk into a shop not only am I checking it out for myself I'm checking it out for friends and co-workers who need a place they can trust to buy their goodies. I don't want to know how their going to treat someone who already knows (somewhat) what they are doing, I want to know how they are going to treat someone who has very little information to go on.
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Ultra Member
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Aug 9, 2013
A new vape shop opened somewhat close to me and the only other places I have gone was online and a really rip off shop even closer. Any advice on how to know if this shop is good? Should I ask certain questions or just wing it and hope its not a rip off shop.

Test their knowledge. Act like you know a little less than you do and ask them about things or products and see if they tell you something completely wrong or try to wing bs. Most B&Ms will obviously charge more than an online shop, so if you have a phone with internet check prices and call other shops to see if they have the same item and how much they charge.


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Feb 6, 2014
Boston, MA
If that's directed at me... please let me explain why I'll walk into a shop and allow them to think I'm new to vaping. I really don't walk in with an attitude. My attitude depends on the shop and it's keepers.

I have a lot of friends and acquaintances who recently started vaping, as I have. Many of these friends don't spend time online and don't shop online, therefore they haven't done the research nor do they have the information they need to make informed purchases. When I walk into a shop not only am I checking it out for myself I'm checking it out for friends and co-workers who need a place they can trust to buy their goodies. I don't want to know how their going to treat someone who already knows (somewhat) what they are doing, I want to know how they are going to treat someone who has very little information to go on.

Wasn't directed at you at all, sorry for giving that impression. I just noticed there were several posts where people were saying they go in with a certain attitude and I understand why. Vape vendors still play in what I'd call a wild west environment with few restrictions other than state and local laws about age restrictions. Other than that they can sell whatever they want for whatever price they ask and we've all experienced some really bad vendors I'm sure.

My post was meant to point out that there are very good shops out there owned and run by people that really are trying to help. We can't afford to treat them all the same way and the shady ones will burn out quickly enough. I know I can buy anything online for better prices but I still do what I can to help support the good local shops. Without them the only resources we will have will be online vendors and, as much as I like many of them, I like the idea there are good local shops too.

Honestly, my favorite local shop doesn't offer any gear I need nor any juice I have to have but I buy something from them now and then when I can. I know they make their money off of starter kits, that's what keeps them in business, but they sell decent starter gear and provide an invaluable service to the new vaper and I like supporting that. They don't pretend to play in the high end space at all, they just want to be able to offer decent quality rigs mostly for the new vaper. They are careful about not selling to minors and are good guys.

I've met more people in the wild that have tried vaping and quit than those that stuck with it and every time the reason is they tried to start with junk gear and terribly house juice. It's a recipe for disaster. The shops that push this junk need to be snubbed, no doubt about, but the ones that are honestly trying to support the vaping community need to be supported by us in return.

Wasn't trying to point fingers or make anyone feel bad, sorry about that.
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