New to this forum - Need some help with my AVP.

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Full Member
Jun 6, 2014
Dagenham, London.
Hiya everyone,

New to this forum as I was searching for some help with my AVP.

I'm currently using the Innokin iTaste MVP 2.0 with a Kanger Aerotank (2.0 ohm coils).

I've been using the Aerotank for a few days with some new liquids I got (from a UK Vendor called JooseJuice).

First four fills tasted brilliant, good vapour production and everything. (Been vaping at 3.7v, ejuice is 30% PG / 70% VG + 24mg Nicotine)

Then today, I filled it with one I know tastes good. Yet, for some reason it has a really horrible taste to it.

So much it's pretty much unbearable.

Would someone please be able to help?

Thanks in advance.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2014
Dagenham, London.
Hello Corey,

It is possible the coil is dead?

Have you mixed flavours up by adding something new to the tank?

I thought this initially myself.

and as the tank came with a spare, I put that one in, put it back on my MVP and still the same flavour.

(and yeah, it does taste like dirty socks. lol)

Confused as to what I'm doing wrong, or what has gone wrong? :unsure:


Full Member
Jun 6, 2014
Dagenham, London.
70% VG is pretty thick. Maybe it's not wicking well. Does it taste like burning socks?

Sent from my easy chair using brain waves.

I thought that, when people have always said that VG heavy liquids are a lot thicker, I thought this may be the case.

But when I received these liquids in the post, they are actually quite thin and runny still. (this is the first time I've got VG heavy liquids)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 3, 2014
Sounds like your coil was crudded up. Not familiar with the aerotank coils, but, a lot of new coils will taste a little burnt at first, especially if you dont give them time to wick up some liquid before you start firing. It's not a bad idea to drip a little drop into the "chimney" of the coil and/or give some no fire draws before actually firing the new coil.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2014
Dagenham, London.
You juice have to wash out your coils and give it a few dry burns to clean it up a but I used to have the same problem with my protank3 they use the same coil heads there's tutorials on yt that will help it takes like 5 min and keeps the coil head going for awhile

Alright, thanks mate.

Just washed out the tank and other pieces for it.

But not the coil.

So far the flavour is how it's meant to be, so hopefully it should stay OK.

But if I have any more problems, I'll clean out the coils.

Any ideas on how to do that? or a link for it? :)

Thanks everyone. Been a lot of help. :)

(if anyone here is from the UK. You should try out JooseJuice, the flavours are phenomenal.) :p


Vaping Mistress
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
Welcome Cory!

I don't use the Areotank, but googled rebuild areotank coils and found this: The Kanger Aerotank - review and rebuild (w/pics) Quite interesting IMO. I wasn't quite sure how a dual coil would work (all mine are single coils), but the theory is basically the same.

There are a number of other links (just google something like "rebuild ecig coil", perhaps for your specific tank) Plus, TONS of good information here in the forums. So many links available in other threads, I started rebuilding my own coils (and the change is amazing!) Now I'm en route to a kayfun (clone for now).



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 20, 2014
Rome, NY, USA
Welcome, Cory! If you start to get an off taste, the juice in the tank will also be affected to some degree. Replacing a coil and washing out the rest of the tank is the thing to do, as you found out. Rebuilding coils for Kanger heads is pretty easy to do, and there are hundreds of videos on YouTube as well as threads here on ECF with instructions on how to do it. If you choose to rebuild, you will be very happy; it will give you performance from your AeroTank that you wouldn't believe to be possible.

Watch some videos, and give rebuilding some consideration. If you wish, feel free to PM me for help with it, and best of luck to you!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 13, 2014
Central Florida
Alright mate,


So far, I've not done any rebuilding of coils or atomisers or anything.

Sounds a bit complicated at first to be honest. :)

Trust me, if I can do it anybody can!!! I am not good at mechanical stuff but I have found that building the coils is very easy.
@Coalyard & Lurch.

Thanks a lot for encouragement.

Maybe once the coils that came with it are done, I'll have a look at rebuilding one myself.

I've watched videos for different RDA's and that. I love the idea that you can get a lovely flavour and tons of vapour, but it just sounded complicated to me.

I guess I'm still relatively new to the whole vaping thing.

I got an Ego battery with five clearomizers about four months ago. I was using Vapouriz juices just because they were in the store I was at. (They tasted ok, but the throat burn was a little harsh. They were 50%PG/50%VG & 24mg Nicotine.)

Then a month ago I got my Innokin MVP 2.0 and it came with the iClear 30. Was ok, but even with the vapouriz for some reason it started cracking.
So that's when I decided Kanger tanks looked pretty decent for the price point and everything, and I was also talking to a guy down my street about juices and he pointed me to JooseJuice (a UK vendor).

Got the Aerotank and the JooseJuice liquids in the post the same day, and straight away I was blown away. The Aerotank aboslutely kills the iClear 30, and the quality of the liquids from JooseJuice is crazy.

They do lots of mad flavours. I got myself six of the 10ml bottles. Each 10ml bottle is £1.49 + Postage, I guess for most of you thats $2.50 + Postage. But I think that's very cheap considering the Vapouriz ones were over double that price. Plus, with JooseJuice there's a lot more flavours and more customization.

On all my liquids from them I got, 30% PG / 70% VG (as I had heard the flavours and vapour production would be better with heavier VG), 24mg Nicotine and I choose to have the flavour stronger than normal ones.

I got, Black Gold (A Honey and Tobacco mixture), Apple Pie, Strawberries and Cream, Cheesecake, Toffee Cappuccino and Chocolate Brownie.
Have already tried a little of each flavour, and they are all amazing. Especially the Apple Pie. You initially get the pastry flavour with a hint of apple, and then a little bit of cinnamon. It's amazing.

Loving all this stuff so far.

Glad the Vaper community is always so helpful too. :) :thumbs:
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