New Vapor Guy here........need some advice

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Full Member
Mar 13, 2012
new york
I just want to say hello to everyone on ECF. I have been smoking for 17 yrs, (Menthol)....and also recently tried those analog e-cigs. Those things are a waste of money, and they didn't really help, and taste nasty. But then I found out about vaping....and i am really excited, and 110% sure this is for me. I wanted to start out with the Joyce Ego 650 Mah, ordered it, but got a call saying they were out of stock. So in 2 days I'll receive an ego T (a type), along with a couple of 50/50 18mg e liquids to start off with. I m not sure I will like the tank thing they have on it, cause I heard that they leak alot. But I need to ask some advice....

There are sooooooooooo many reviews about different attys, carts and clearomizers. Its really confusing to choose a good one. With every good review, there is a bad one. My question is this, what cart or clearomizer (a Novice) should I try? I want something that dosen't leak, because i travel alot, something that holds a good amount of juice, and gives off a good amount of vapor and throat hit. Any Advice would be great!!! So far i ordered the CE2 Ultimate (XL) Clearomizer, and the TurboTank DCT V2 for when i m relaxing at home. I m also going to order some 510 attys soon, which i see are good to test out the e liquid you get. I m also thinking about getting some star dust clearomizers, because there seems to be a lot of good reviews about them.

Any advice for a novice such as me would be awesome.....I did read the threads on here, but for someone new, it can be a little confusing, lol. Again, any advice would be great........



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Feb 22, 2012
Charlotte, NC
I like the Smok Tech 2.0-2.5 cartomizers on my eGo. They hold a lot of juice and work well. I also use drip tips so the end is easier to remove to top off throughout the day. I have tried a bunch, but seem to go back to these. They are $6.49 a 5 pack from and cheap elsewhere.
Key to the low resistance is it drains the eGo battery faster, like half the time compared to 2.5, not scientific testing here so it may be 33% faster drain.
I have 5 ml tanks from madvapes, and the same system can be had from many places. I can punch these Smok Tech cartos myself and use the tank on them. Last a longer time IME. I do not like dual coil, it seems the vapor is cooler for me. I like a little warmer. Good luck!


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Oct 3, 2009
Richmond, VA
I recently switched from clearomizers to the Stardusts and I love them. They hold slightly less liquid than my XL clearos, but they are so easy to refill that it hasn't been an issue and although they will burn through liquid quickly, I'm still using less as I had a lot of leaking issues with my clearos.


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Nov 8, 2011
Hi and welcome. It was really overwhelming for me when I first started, too. SO much information! I agree with Johnny's recommendation. IKV is Ikenvape. His atomizers are the best, especially the i06. Buy a 1.5 and a 2.0, and get drip tips for them from him too. I also agree that dual coil cartomizers are good. Try the Smoktech 1.5 dual coil cartomizers. I don't know much about the Ego T, sorry.

If you want to get a Kgo, you can also get the dual coil cartomizers from the same place, Hoosier Vaping. The Kgo has a longer lasting battery at 1100mah, and two set ups and a charger will cost you $44.00. It comes with atomizers that are good to start with.


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Mar 14, 2012
I recently switched from clearomizers to the Stardusts and I love them. They hold slightly less liquid than my XL clearos, but they are so easy to refill that it hasn't been an issue and although they will burn through liquid quickly, I'm still using less as I had a lot of leaking issues with my clearos.

I second that i love the stardust its the only ce range i get on with all the others just pale in comparison tbh.


Full Member
Mar 13, 2012
new york
Hey everyone, thank you so much for all the great advice and info!!! I m going to get a little bit of everything posted here, lol. My ego t dosent come with any attys, so i m gonna order those 1st, along with a regular fitting cone and one to fit my CE'2s. Again, thanks everyone....takes away some stress trying to figure out what to start off with. So many attys and ce'2s out there, its can be overwhelming.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 13, 2012
St Augustine FL
Order some eGo visions they are amazing very clean taste and no wicking problems. I started on an eGo-T after stepping up from Blu and I later ended up removing the whole tank set up and using attys / cartos and a cone. My latest order I got the eGo visions and I have loved them three days of vaping on these two visions and I have yet to see a drop fall out any where and not one burnt or off flavored hit.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 13, 2012
St Augustine FL
Hey everyone, thank you so much for all the great advice and info!!! I m going to get a little bit of everything posted here, lol. My ego t dosent come with any attys, so i m gonna order those 1st, along with a regular fitting cone and one to fit my CE'2s. Again, thanks everyone....takes away some stress trying to figure out what to start off with. So many attys and ce'2s out there, its can be overwhelming.

Just fyi the cones do not fit over a ce2 or ce3 unless you try the metal ce2s maybe they will work i dont own any to try it but i have cones and ce2s and 3s neither fit the cone. My bad i didnt read they already told you about specialty cones made for ce2s disregard this comment :)
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