Noisy Cricket and Indestructible RDA

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Senior Member
Sep 19, 2015
Las Vegas
They vape hot and fast. You need to build accordingly because you will be pushing insane wattages through your coils. Most people build for series from .4 (very very hot) and 1.0 ohm with the sweet spot being somewhere around .7ohm. Basic Clapton wire or micro fused claptons seem to be the going standard. I'm seeing lots of 28g basic Clapton (wrapped with 34g or higher) or even tiny fused claptons like 2x30g wrapped in 38g or higher.

For example, a .7ohm build on a series mech will give you about 100W at 12A with fully charged batteries. There'll be virtually no ramp up time and the vape will be warm. Building lower starts to get crazy. A .4ohm build would get you to over 20 amps and over 170W on fresh batteries. This is over the CDR for something like a Sammy 25r and as the batteries discharge could become dangerous.

Series boxes are for technically aware and experienced vapers. Remember, you're doubling your voltage but your available amperage stays the same in series. Therefore you need to build and test your builds carefully before putting anything on a series box. Also, with the NC being a hybrid, you need to have a nicely protruding 510 pin on you atty to eliminate the risk of shorting out.

Study up before going series.

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