Noob with sooooo many questions

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New Member
Nov 23, 2013
United States
Hi All,
Newbie here - both to vaping and forums, so please bare with me :D
I started out with a Logic Black Label disposable - partially due to $$ partially due to being totally overwhelmed by this world of attys and cartos and what have you.
A few guys i work with had ego-t batteries and whatever they were vaping always smelled delicious - far better than the stink of a Parliment Light ;-)
So i dove in head first - I bought an itaste vv 3.0 with the dual coil iclear 16 tanks, ususaly vape on 6.0 - 7.0 watts and i also bought an ego-c upgrade battery that one is set on the vv mode and has been working out for me. I also bought a few Kanger Tabac BCC tanks, and some Kanger T3S tanks (all 2.5 ohm) I learned very quickly that i did not LOVE the iClear16 taks, they dont hold a lot of juice, and the hits are sometime dry and makes the flavors wonky - but As a first time vaper and while the Kanger Tanks are being washed the iCLears work in a pinch.
So I ordered some juice and I was ready to emabrk on my vaping adventure - Ive found some awesome flavors, and I've had my fair share of terrible flavors. So here I am, I've got some questions... a lot of questions. and Ive got a lot to learn.


New Member
Nov 23, 2013
United States
Alrighty So Questions - Seems like the warmer the coils the better the pull? I'm currently vaping a cola 25/75 from the Vapor Room in the kanger tabac bcc on the itaste vv set at 6.5 - 7.0 and a hawaiian punch 65/35 from Good Guy vapes (Their own creation) in the T3s on the ego c set at vv the Hawaiian punch gives a harsh throat hit until ive vaped for a few minutes - the same as the cola - but it seems like the cola, no matter which tank or battery i use I get a very airy pull but not always? is that normal?

next up - Green Apple - I ordered a boat load of samples from the vapor room - by boat load I mean 10, I was new and starting out (i'm still new and starting out... but i didnt know what I liked. So I opted for some fruity flavors and some baked dessert flavors. Boo to baked dessert flavors.
My favorites were green apple and water melon, so I decided to get the green apple on this second go. WELL what a disappointment. The flavor is not as good as the first time i go it, and the flavor is burning out my coils within 5 minutes of vaping. Regardless of the type of tank i put it in :-( the flavor & TH is there a nice cool vape is what I'm looking for. Then it starts to burn. Ive tried on new coils old coils bottom coils and dual top coils... what gives?
Before I had this issue I ordered a sweet watermelon from them... i hope I dont have the same problem with that juice.

Freedom Smoke USA - right now they are on my NEVER order from them again list - I ordered (again i'm new at this so try a bunch of stuff and find one you like process of elimination) 6 flavors from them - they arrived Monday - I didnt try to vape them until thursday - First I opened them and smelled each one... hoping for at least a glimmer of what i was going to expect... half of them dont smell. The other half smell like a faint distant cousin of what the flavor is mixed with cheap soap. I tried to vape them no matter iClear16 or the two types of Kanger tanks I have had a different result. No advertised flavor, no odor, flavor of vaping a ivory soap bar. Disgusting. The funny part of this is a friend of mine and his wife started vaping about the same time i did, and they ordered flavors from Freedom Smoke USA the same time and they love their flavors.
Freedom Smokes Customer service - suggestion - let it steep. their second suggestion shake it for 5 - 10 minutes... MINUTES (im not a robot nor do i own a automatic agitator) them let it steep. Oh, and if i wasnt happy with the juice I could mail it back (on my dime) and they would test it. (Sure so you can tell me that it tested fine? You're in AZ i'm in NJ by the time it gets to you what is gonna happen?) While I understand that the flavors need to develop and such is it really likely that the flavors have not odor and absolutely no flavor?

That was really long winded and I'm sorry but I guess my questions have odd backgrounds?
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2013
Steeping really does help some flavors, but not all, some you just ain't gonna like. Keep'em around for awhile, if they don't develop into something you like give them away. As for the cola vaping problems, going to have to wait for someone else on that. I primarily use a protank and there are some juices that just don't taste good with it. New coil, old coil, different voltage, just doesn't seem to matter. That's why I also have a carto tank, a vivi nova, and some cheap ce4's. Ya just never know sometimes.
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