One year today!!!

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Dancing in the Chaos
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Congratulations, Ace! Very well done!
Congratulations! You rightfully should be very proud of your accomplishment. I too smoked for more than 40 years and thought the kids would have to bury me with a carton of cigarettes by my side. The last time I smoked a cigarette I gagged and had to put it out and throw away the rest of the pack. As I was walking to the trash can I started crying tears of joy. I've been smoke free for 20 months now, and I'm down to 3mg nicotine. YESSS!
If only the whole world really knew just how important and miraculous vaping is!

tappy-tappy talk now Free


Full Member
Oct 8, 2013

You've heard this a million times before.... but! Stopping smoking is no easy task. Ya' went through the process, trying this n' that, learning about what works for you....
I'm proud to hear of your boundless dedication to improve your health, and your optimism through out the entire ordeal. So cheers to your happiness, you truly deserve it!:toast:
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