Perfume? Ack! Help!

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Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
Phoenix, Arizona
Yesterday I recieved my 901 from Puresmoker and was all kinds of excited. Put my new batteries on the charger for 12 hours and was really looking forward to using it.

This morning I assemble it and attach the low nic cartridge and start puffing, only to find its like I am attempting to inhale perfume! The smell is very similar to a bad perfume and oh man is it strong, and the taste I am pretty sure is someone out to kill me, ha!

Now I know (from reading these forums for quite awhile, thank goodness for them!) that new atomizers can come with an odd tasting primer on it, and in fact I believe there is a post about this on the Puresmoker section of the forums.

I know I just kind of have to "get through it" or what have you, but really is there anyway to speed up the process? I mean the taste, it''s....well it's just bad. I tried adding some of the juice I ordered but you can't taste any of it over this chemical perfume flavor.

Anyhow any advice is greatly appreciate, I wanna quit analogs something fierce and really would like to get this to a usable state as soon as possible.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 11, 2009
Try blowing real hard on the battery end of the atomizer. This usually works for me. Do it over the sink though because all of the primer is going to drip out of the atomizer. I put my lips around the atomizer and blow real hard like I am trying to get a stuck peanut out of a straw. (sorry that was bad...just couldn't think of any other way to describe it hahaha) Then just keep going until liquid stops dripping out of the atomizer. Put your cartridge back on it and wait for a good three minutes or so to make sure you have re-soaked the atomizer because you do not want to heat it up still dry. Or you can drip a few drops of e-liquid on it. Hope this helps!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2009
Lufkin, TX
Try blowing real hard on the battery end of the atomizer. This usually works for me. Do it over the sink though because all of the primer is going to drip out of the atomizer. I put my lips around the atomizer and blow real hard like I am trying to get a stuck peanut out of a straw. (sorry that was bad...just couldn't think of any other way to describe it hahaha) Then just keep going until liquid stops dripping out of the atomizer. Put your cartridge back on it and wait for a good three minutes or so to make sure you have re-soaked the atomizer because you do not want to heat it up still dry. Or you can drip a few drops of e-liquid on it. Hope this helps!

I would definitely try this method first before using mine.


Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
Phoenix, Arizona
Sorry I should have been more clear, was in a bit of a rush earlier so I apologize.

To answer your question, I actually tried both dropping liquid on the atomizer and onto the cart. Keep in mind this was with 2 separate atomizers. I dropped onto the atomizer with one, and tried dripping into the cart with the second, no change in either. I will try giving it a good blow out, and hope to goodness it works.

Thanks all, I'll keep ya posted


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 5, 2009
Sioux City, Iowa
My personal experience with my PS 901 atomizer is that it'll wear off over time. Nothing against PS, but their atomizer vs cigtechs (initial taste wise) is night and day. No funky flavor from my cigtechs, but the PS... yuck! PS, if you are listening... help us! (I was hoping mine was just a fluke, but it appears that most PS atomizers has this funky taste). BTW, it (at least with mine) has never gone away :(. It's tolerable now though, but if I use my cigtechs 99% of the time and only the PS when I really have to (over heated my cigtechs for example).

EDIT: I should also note that I have not tried to blow out my PS atomizer as described above. In my case, it might be too late for that as I think the taste is burnt onto the atomizer now. (Worth a shot though). I'll give it a go, and post up if it works.

L8r, x
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 11, 2009
Haha sorry, I couldn't help but laugh. Anyone with a dirty mind will read this whole thread COMPLETELY wrong. hahah!!

On a serious note. I have blown out all of my atomizers from PS before using them and have never gotten any kind of funky taste with any of them. Usually straight out of the box, I get 4-5 good solid drops of primer out of them. 4-5 drops will linger in your atomizer for quite some time! MarlboroMan, I am afraid you may be right, at this point you may have burnt the taste into your atomizer. Kreed, use this as an example and act fast!


Full Member
Mar 4, 2009
Phoenix, Arizona
Well I did it, got a good few drops of liquid out of it, then changed tips (just to be safe) dropped a few drops of my flavoring on it and while the taste is noticeably less, its still there and so is the smell. Then again it could just be the fact I can hardly smell or taste anything else at the moment. Guess I'll just have to keep at it, but at least now it is within a somewhat manageable range.

Thanks much,


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 11, 2009
I put my 2 new PS atomizers in a shallow pan of water on the stove until it was boiling for about a minute. The bad taste was immediately totally gone.

Didn't think of that. Good way to get burnt on taste out. I wonder if soaking them in rubbing alcohol and letting them completely dry would help too?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 11, 2009
Well I did it, got a good few drops of liquid out of it, then changed tips (just to be safe) dropped a few drops of my flavoring on it and while the taste is noticeably less, its still there and so is the smell. Then again it could just be the fact I can hardly smell or taste anything else at the moment. Guess I'll just have to keep at it, but at least now it is within a somewhat manageable range.

Thanks much,

Glad to see that helped Kreed!! Try Houdini's idea, may help even more!!


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Feb 21, 2009
New Jersey
Didn't think of that. Good way to get burnt on taste out. I wonder if soaking them in rubbing alcohol and letting them completely dry would help too?

i read in a different post on this forum that someone soaked it in isopropyl alcohol and it was ruined by the taste of the alcohol.
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