Possible to extract nicotine from vegetables (eggplants, etc.)??

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
I dont even like ketchup I was just making a silly post. Everyone knows hot dogs are best roasted with a stick over a open fire with bake beans and mustard on it! ;-)

Nothing Wrong with Ketchup.

Ketchup on Fries
Ketchup on a Burger
Ketchup even on Eggs Sometimes
Just Not On a Hot Dog


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
Any member of the nightshade family has nicotine inside in varying levels. I've seen reports on levels of nicotine in tomato, potato and eggplant but Id love to see how much is in Jimson weed, paprika and capsicum.

The Pituri bush from Australia is also very high in Nicotine.The leaves are crushed and dried and then used as a chewing tobacco.It should be noted that Australians only use the bushes from the Mulligan River area as they are higher in nicotine and contain less nornicotine which is a potent poison.....as are many other nightshade plants.
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Equine Disrespect
ECF Veteran
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Jun 3, 2012
Jarhead City
you might get more than you bargained for if you try to extract nicotine from jimson weed.

I've never had a chicago hot dog. maybe they have them at sonic. I usually have mine with with spicy brown mustard, sauerkraut, and raw onions. but chilidogs are fun, too.

But if you think ketchup on a hot dog is bad, this'll blow your mind: i often cut mine in half lengthwise and then each in half and put it on a hamburger bun instead. :p


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
you might get more than you bargained for if you try to extract nicotine from jimson weed.

I've never had a chicago hot dog. maybe they have them at sonic. I usually have mine with with spicy brown mustard, sauerkraut, and raw onions. but chilidogs are fun, too.

But if you think ketchup on a hot dog is bad, this'll blow your mind: i often cut mine in half lengthwise and then each in half and put it on a hamburger bun instead. :p

Im not advocating extracting it, just curious actually.

The Pituri bush on the other hand? If the FDA did decide to go after nicotine from the tobacco angle, might prove to be a a viable alternative. At least for a little while.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
The problem trying to extract nicotine from plants that don't contain much nicotine (besides the bulk of plant matter) is that nicotine is not very stable. By the time you get the small amount separated and rinsed from everything else you end up with nothing or not enough to be worth the amount of chemicals it took to get you there.

You'd be better off dreaming of synthesizing nicotine.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
The problem trying to extract nicotine from plants that don't contain much nicotine (besides the bulk of plant matter) is that nicotine is not very stable. By the time you get the small amount separated and rinsed from everything else you end up with nothing or not enough to be worth the amount of chemicals it took to get you there.

You'd be better off dreaming of synthesizing nicotine.

Yeah... And if that Fails, there is Always 0mg e-Liquids.

If a person used 0mg e-Liquids, it would be Hard for the FDA to Stick their Nose into Your Business.

Crash Moses

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Nov 30, 2012
Lansing, Michigan
you might get more than you bargained for if you try to extract nicotine from jimson weed.

I've never had a chicago hot dog. maybe they have them at sonic. I usually have mine with with spicy brown mustard, sauerkraut, and raw onions. but chilidogs are fun, too.

But if you think ketchup on a hot dog is bad, this'll blow your mind: i often cut mine in half lengthwise and then each in half and put it on a hamburger bun instead. :p

Ditto...and if hamburg buns are in short supply, two slices of bread work just as well. You can have my mustard/ketchup hotdog when you peel it from my cold dead hands.

Back on topic...synthetic nicotine is the way to go.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
Yeah... And if that Fails, there is Always 0mg e-Liquids.

If a person used 0mg e-Liquids, it would be Hard for the FDA to Stick their Nose into Your Business.

Except I need nicotine for medicinal reasons so they would be sticking their nose into my business and tying me to BP or risking my health and quality of life.
Nicotine treatment for ulcerative colitis

Getting off nicotine so vaping could not be banned for me was my original plan. Got down to 5mg/0mg in a month or two, stayed there for about 4 months while getting diagnosed in case it was something else. After diagnosis I got doctors' permission to add nicotine back in as long as I wasn't talking about smoking.

Many others are also self-medicating for a variety of reasons.
Being that these are medical conditions with medical testing, the FDA knows about the uses of nicotine, they'd just rather line their pockets from BP, BT and ANTZ than protect the public health.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
Except I need nicotine for medicinal reasons so they would be sticking their nose into my business and tying me to BP or risking my health and quality of life.
Nicotine treatment for ulcerative colitis


I think for Someone like yourself, I would but a 1,000ml Bottle of 100mg Nicotine Base. And then Split it Up/Dilute into Smaller Bottles and Freeze it in Glass Bottles.

1,000ml @ 100mg is 1,000,000mg of Nicotine.
Using 30mg a Day, 1,000,000mg should last you about 3333 Days.
Or about 9 Years.

Maybe in 9 Years they will have come up with Something besides Nicotine or that the Long Term Studies will have shown that Nicotine is Safe. Or Not Safe.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
I think for Someone like yourself, I would but a 1,000ml Bottle of 100mg Nicotine Base. And then Split it Up/Dilute into Smaller Bottles and Freeze it in Glass Bottles.

1,000ml @ 100mg is 1,000,000mg of Nicotine.
Using 30mg a Day, 1,000,000mg should last you about 3333 Days.
Or about 9 Years.

Maybe in 9 Years they will have come up with Something besides Nicotine or that the Long Term Studies will have shown that Nicotine is Safe. Or Not Safe.

I'm considering it.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
I'm considering it.

Might be the Best $120 you will spend in the Next 9 Years.

100mg Nicotine solution - 500ml

I'm not sure what PG|VG you do? But if you one of these in PG and one in VG it would be Dead simple to pour them together start with 50|50 100mg.

BTW - I spent more than $120 on cigarettes in ONE MONTH when I Smoked. Don't want to even think what it cost for 9 Years.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
Might be the Best $120 you will spend in the Next 9 Years.

100mg Nicotine solution - 500ml

I'm not sure what PG|VG you do? But if you one of these in PG and one in VG it would be Dead simple to pour them together start with 50|50 100mg.

BTW - I spent more than $120 on cigarettes in ONE MONTH when I Smoked. Don't want to even think what it cost for 9 Years.

I use 100% PG free. So that part is easy until I get to flavorings.
I like the idea of RTS better since they extract their own.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
I use 100% PG free. So that part is easy until I get to flavorings.
I like the idea of RTS better since they extract their own.

100% VG would be a Piece of Cake.

Just add VG to Dilute and Flavor/Sweeten to Taste.

Whatever you decide, have a Back-Up Plan. Maybe even a Back-Up to your Back-Up.
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