Preparing VG nicotine for storage...................

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Aug 22, 2013
Hi all! I have some 100mg VG nicotine base that I want to put in the freezer for storage. {This is my first experience with VG nicotine.} I have some 4 ounce blue glass bottles and the polycone caps.

-My question is: Do we have to worry about the nicotine being homogeneous in the solution before pouring since it is thicker than PG nic? Do I need to mix it somehow to ensure there are no "hot spots" in the VG? Do you VG nic folks heat it up a bit and shake or anything like that? I want to get this right the first time, and this nic will not see the light of day for awhile.


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Jan 14, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
I'm no expert but my understanding is the nicotine will tend to settle at the bottom (oversimplified version).

I use only VG nicotine and when I store it I will let it sit, with cap on, at room temp and flip the bottle upside down. I wait 10-15 minutes and then flip it back over, slowly. I then will break it down into smaller bottles, filling almost to the top to minimize head room, and cap and freeze them. I can't say that my method actually accomplishes anything but it makes me feel better :)

I've heard of people warming and shaking it but to me this seems it would add a lot of unnecessary oxygen into solution and quicken degradation.
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