PV and Juice for a newb

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John Goings

Full Member
Jan 15, 2012
OK so i have been doing alot of research and there are a metric ton of choices of PV's and juices. basically what i am looking for is a PV that is easy to use. i dont want to spend alot when i dont know if im going to enjoy vaping or not. im a non smoker so im unsure if i will like it. i like the notcigs Buzz Pro look but thats a bit expensive to try at first if i like vaping that may be my choice. also i would like juice that has no nicotine in it and has a great flavor. thanks for all the suggestions in advance. i appreciate it.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 10, 2011
I would start with an E-Power or Indulgence V3. They have removable batteries that stay charged for a long time. They are very versatile, so you can try all kinds of stuff; very sturdy and will hold up to abuse. Replacing batteries is cheaper than replacing a whole PV, and they are as cheap as an eGo. Along with that, get some juice samples and Boge 2.0 cartomizers.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 10, 2011
And the long version:

Welcome to the ECF. I'm glad you made a decision to get away from smoking tobacco. Using a Personal Vaporizer as an alternative is healthier and a lot more enjoyable.

There is a lot of information here, and it can be a bit overwhelming choosing the right PV and juice. However, it can also be easy if you choose good equipment and take your time in learning to use it.

Recommendation for those who don't want to read the whole thing:

This is your shopping list:
  • 1 standard 3.7v mod such as the Indulgence V3 or E-Power
  • 2 batteries for your mod
  • 1 battery charger
  • 2 packs of Boge 2.0 Ohm cartomizers for trying juices
  • 1 carto tank
  • Several sample packs of juice to try out

I know, I know; OMG! he's recommending a mod to newbies! My take is:
  • Small batteries are going to be frustrating and may lead to failure
  • eGo, Kgo and the like cost more money to replace batteries and don't have replaceable parts
  • A good mod will give a better vape, last longer and will be more likely to help you kick the smoking habit
  • Dripping is confusing and difficult for many people. Cartos are cheap, and you can use them to try a sample. If you don't like it, throw the carto and sample out
  • Filling cartomizers is a pain, a tank is easy to fill, lasts all day and needs to be replaced less often. Once you find your all-day vape, this is the way to go


Many kits you will find online are made up of the following parts:
  • Battery
  • Charger
  • Cartridge (cart)
  • Atomizer (atty)

While an atomizer can be handy for testing new juices by direct dripping, this configuration is difficult to use and tends to perform poorly. The first thing you will want to get with your kit is a pack or two of cartomizers (cartos). Cartomizers have their own atomizer and cartridge in one piece, have a more consistent vape, and hold more juice.

Atomizers and cartomizers have a resistance rating in Ohms. You cannot use low resistance attys and cartos on a small battery as they pull too much power and will kill your small battery. You need a battery 450 Mah or higher for low-resistance attys and cartos.

The basic types of cartomizers are:
  • Standard resistance (usually 3.0 ohms)
  • Low resistance (as low as 1.5 ohms)
  • Dual-coil cartomizers
  • Cartomizer tank

The standard resistance cartos are the only cartos you can use on a small battery PV.

Low resistance cartos give more vapor and a hotter vape. The lower the resistance, the bigger the battery you need. For an even hotter vape with more vapor you need more wattage.

A cartomizer tank has a cartomizer inside a small tank. The cartomizer has a small hole punched in it to soak juice into the carto so that you can just fill the tank when it gets close to empty.

The basic types of personal vaporizers in use are:
  • Small battery, cigarette-sized
  • Big battery, cigar-sized
  • Standard modification (mod)
  • Variable-voltage modification (VV mod)
  • Bottom-feeder modification
  • Box modification

The small battery PV's are meant to simulate a regular cigarette as much as possible. These can be convenient as they are small and easy to carry. However, they have a very short battery life and require you to constantly have a battery charging.

The big battery types have a much longer battery life so that you can vape one PV all day without charging.

A standard mod has removable batteries of varying sizes. This enables you to have a PV that can stay charged for very long periods, and the batteries are removable and cheap which saves money. Many mods have replaceable parts so that if, for instance, a switch fails you just buy a new switch and replace it.

Variable voltage mods allow you to adjust the voltage depending on the carto and juice you are using at the time. This allows great flexibility, but you also need to have a workable understanding of voltage and resistance. Not recommended for new users.

A bottom-feeder mod is usually a box mod with a small juice bottle attached. You squeeze (squonk) the bottle to fill the attached cartomizer. Once you get used to sqonking the right amount of juice into the carto, you can get a very consistent vape all day long.

A box mod is just that: a box that contains a battery or batteries, an activation switch and a connection to screw your cartomizer or atty into. These can be small or big and blocky. They can also be variable-voltage.

The next thing you will need is juice. This is probably the most difficult part. Every one's tastes are different, and your tastes will change over time. You may even have periods where you can't taste anything, or everything tastes terrible. You may have a hard time finding juices you can vape all day. The best thing to do is try small samples until you find something you like, and then stock up on those. You will just have to experiment.

One important thing to know about juice: no juice is going to taste like burning tobacco. You aren't burning anything, you are creating vapor. The "tobacco flavored" juices taste more like chewing or pipe tobacco than cigarettes.

This is just my personal opinion, take it with a grain of salt. You are the only one who can decide what's best for you.

Finally: quitting smoking is difficult no matter what method you use. Take it easy on yourself. Take your time and if you still need to smoke as you're learning; go ahead and smoke. You will set yourself up for failure if you stress yourself out. Be patient, and you will get there.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
If you are a non-smoker, why would you want to vape? To most of us, it's a way of cutting down and quitting tobacco. Is vaping becoming a cool thing to be seen doing? Lots of us get nasty looks because people think we are smoking in places they'd rather us not.

Most all juices are available in 0 nic levels. When you visit a supplier site, each juice has a selector for size and nic level. First you have to decide between tobacco flavors, fruit flavors, and candy flavors. Then you can pick and choose your juice. Most sites have ratings and reviews your can read for guidance. There are lots of juice discussions on ECF where people describe what they like and how it is better than a similar juice they have also tried.

Once you get 5 posts and wait about an hour for the mods to enable your privileges, you can go most anywhere on ECF. Use the forum button on the main page to look at list of available forums and pick one that discusses juices. Preference is pretty much individual and you will have to choose and try the ones that sound good. One person's favorite can be another ones Yuucckk juice. So be advised that it's a trial and error journey.

Here's a place to start: E-Liquid Reviews
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 21, 2011
Panama City, FL
Welcome! :)

Look around and see if you have a vape shop in driving distance. If you do, you will be able to test pv's and juices to see if you want to buy.

I am also curious as to your reason to start vaping. You may have seen there is a great debate currently happening on this subject. (I am pro- "it's safe, let them vape if they wanna", so no judgement here. Just curious. :) )

Warren D. Lockaby

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2011
South Carolina, USA
John I'll pretty much ditto what tidegirl said... no judgement here but can't help wondering. I'd also suggest an E-Power, if you are serious about wanting to try vaping without breaking the bank and still want a quality setup. I bought mine - a 14650 in black - from Sweet-vapes, along with an assortment of e-liquids, and I LOVE their chocolate fudge brownie. As a smoker for almost half a century I figured I'd like the tobacco flavors so that's mostly what I ordered, but don't care for them. Anyway if you're a non-smoker whatever you do, don't even experiment with nicotine, stick to Zero nic. BTW the Sweet-Vapes price on the E-Power kit at the time was $42 and I think it still is, in black or chrome. My whole shipment including 5 or 6 small bottles of juice came in at around $73 including Priority shipping. Good luck, happy vaping & welcome to ECF!

Warren D. Lockaby

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2011
South Carolina, USA
ok when i said non smoker i ment tobacco. i dont smoke (edit)anymore but i enjoyed the relaxation of smoking when i did so i was hoping vaping would give the same feeling with out the legal ramifications and possibility of losing my job. i may be way off base but heh worth a shot.

Well sorry, no buzz, but there are some "MJ flavored" e-juices available if that helps. :vapor:
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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida


Ultra Member
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Dec 21, 2011
Panama City, FL
Oh, forgot to mention the juice selection... Let us know what kind of flavors you like (dessert sweet, fruity, minty, spicy, etc.) And the good juice connisseurs (sp?) here can lead you to your perfect vape. I can't help much there. Mine have all been locally bought and I am just starting to explore the DIY world.

Given your reason for wanting to try vaping, I think you may enjoy it. :)


Full Member
Jan 14, 2012
Miami Beach
On this note I found a company in Texas that makes organic e- juices. I like the concept of vaping pure and organic products, especially since you are a non tabacco smoker. For me it's quite a mystery how all these companies manufacturing their juices, not much regulation out there. And with artificial flavor we do smoke chemicals again.

John Goings

Full Member
Jan 15, 2012
On this note I found a company in Texas that makes organic e- juices. I like the concept of vaping pure and organic products, especially since you are a non tabacco smoker. For me it's quite a mystery how all these companies manufacturing their juices, not much regulation out there. And with artificial flavor we do smoke chemicals again.

do they have a website or is it just a local company?


Ultra Member
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 28, 2010
There are companies that are now testing their juices scientifically to see what the vapor contains. It'll be good to know because while nicotine and PG have a lot of research, the flavorings do not, so we can't really be sure what we're inhaling with various flavors. I still think it's way safer than cigarettes.
I would think organic juices would be extracts. So if they extracted cyanide from bitter almonds that would be alright with you.
I know what is in my juice do you know or care what is in an organic juice?
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