Question on 'ohm'.

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Green Sony means VTC. The VTC is the Cadillac of batteries and the one all others are measured against.


And a big "but". Sony stopped manufacturing these batteries quite some time ago and they are flat out not available. The ratio of real VTC's available vs knockoffs is probably 100:1. Or worse. The probability that you got an authentic from you local vape shop is practically nill. In fairness to them, they likely bought a bunch of them and were assured of their authenticity. There are an endless amount of threads on here about fake Sony VTC's -not to mention what you can find on the web in general. Sun Vapors has an article on how to spot a fake Sony. Even there they say that the clones are getting better. There's a reason they are cloned more than any other battery...
In short, get a battery where the reputation of the vendor depends on the authenticity of their products. I would not use the battery you have for anything over a 5 amp load. The Nemesis does not have any battery protection so being cautious is appropriate.


Ultra Member
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Sep 27, 2014
"Paradox", French West Indies
From one corner of the world to any other the VTC Sony's are 'out of Stock', incl the suppliers Susan mentioned. If by some chance, the one you got from your local shop is an original, I would get more from them fast oh, and some for me too!!!

Great that you and your hubby want to 'tinker' with the rba's etc.Here is my Kayfun build of choice after much experimentation:

3mm silica, fold in half, insert a opened out paper clip,
wrap 28 gauge kanthal to make 5-6 wraps(not too close together) one leg to the left, one to the right.
Install and lift off the deck right above the airflow with a small flat screwdriver(to avoid shorts)
check with ohms reader. Should be right around 1 ohm
carefully install chimney parts after trimming the wick and gently placing down the sides of the juice channels.

Works great every time!


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
I just got into rebuilable atomizer and I'm still very confused. And I've looked on here and didn't see an answer. But if this is a repost. I'm sorry. :(

I have a nemesis (clone, I think...). It uses a 37 amp battery. That much I know.
I also have an authentic (dunno if that matters?) Zenith. Version 2 I think.

I am also getting a Russian 91% by the end of the week. I just miss my tank.

Anyways, I think that is all the background that might be needed for this question.

My Zenith, the guy at the shop built the coil setup for me. So I haven't actually done that yet. And I was wondering, for a 37 Watt battery, what should my goal range for ohm be? I am not a cloud chaser, I like flavor. And I don't like it too warm. I'll have my ohm reader in a day or two and need to build for the Zenith and for my new Russian. And about how many wraps for each with a 26 guage wire. I also have 30 gauge wire.

And if there are any links to articles or a YouTube video that better explains ohms and batteries I'd appreciate it.

what should my goal range for ohm be?
If you had a regulated mod you could use anywhere between 1 and 3 ohms and adjust the voltage.
But since you are using a mechanical mod, the ohms you need to choose depends on the wire gauge.

26 guage wire. I also have 30 gauge wire
With 28 gauge kanthal, it's about 1 ohm per coil
With 26 gauge kanthal, I guess it's more like 0.5 ohm per coil.
With 30 guage kanthal, 2 ohms should be good.


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May 24, 2014
Jakarta- Indonesia
people need to stop freaking you out. Just stick above 0.5 and you`ll be fine. Building coils is not rocket science. its simple math. Ohm test it, and if its more than 0.5... go nuts....
For the best of my knowledge there are not many batteries that have under a 9 continuous amp draw.
unless its not IMR, But then your pretty screwed regardless. at 1 ohm, its like a 5 continous amp draw. At 0.5 its 9 and change. but the flavor and vapor you get from 0.5 is so much better. So much more satisfying.


Super Member
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Apr 3, 2014
Orange County, CA, USA
My luck is not good enough for me to have gotten an actual Sony VTC. Someone else on here posted me links of where to buy good quality batteries. I will be doing that as soon as I can. Thank you.

If nobody above mentioned orbtronic (dot com), check them out. Their sx30 battery is virtually identical to a Sony vtc4. I've heard from some places that they are re-branded vtc4 batteries, and from others that they are orbtronic originals. Either way, they will work great for you.


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2014
I looked it up, about my battery. And I do believe it is fake, because it does not have that smart phone mark you can scan.
20141111_204847.jpg 20141111_204900.jpg

If someone on here knows better and feels they are real, i can give you the store I got it from. I got it fron their brick and mortar shop, but they do have a website.
Sorry my dear. Pamela Anderson is more authentic than those batteries. Better to know though! May be a good idea to let your vape shop "know" or at least suggest they should look into it. Sometimes people get put on their back foot a bit too easily.

I think your humility and receptiveness is going to serve you extremely well. You learn more and learn it faster because of this. Spencer said it well in that you shouldn't let people freak you out - just never make assumptions and always be thorough. It's the same as following an intricate recipe though the ramifications are more significant.

The only thing worse than assumptions is actual misinformation (with assumptions there's at least a possibility of being right). So with that in mind I say this to help you and not to put someone else down. Edyl's recommendation on ohms for your coil builds appears to be plucked from thin air. Just disregard. Learn how to apply what you read on an ohm meter, understand why thinner wire (higher guage) is more resistant than thicker wire (lower gauge), and why doing something as simple as wrapping your coils on a screwdriver that is 1 mm thicker will change EVERYTHING. Most importantly - find a resource you can trust and learn from. You're doing great!

PS - Orbtronic batteries are high quality. The same goes for MNKE. Trouble is their capacity isn't great. AW is the same quality (if not marginally higher) with more capacity. Nothing on the market can currently compete with a genuine Sony VTC5.


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2014
Yeah, I try to never assume I know what I'm doing. Or that one source of information is enough. I am eager to learn as much as I can, since I could see this becoming a hobby. Plus, I know a lot of smokers in my life that may benefit if I can learn more and help them. Hopefully they will see how enjoyable vaping is and try it instead. is fun. E-liquid mail is really cool to get. I sit down with my husband and we have a taste testing event, take notes, etc.

I have the following as tools: A screwdriver set to build on. 1/16, 5/64 and 3/32. 26 gauge wire, Kanthal A1, pliers, tweezer, rayon cotton, scissors, and wire cutters. Also, finger nail clippers cause i heard they can come in handy. Oh, and an ohm reader will be here Friday. Till then I'm using the coils built on one at the store. Is there any tool I am missing that would make things easier?

Also, the 26 gauge was picked randomly by my husband. Could you recommend reading material on wire sizes and what is best for what?


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2014
Sorry my dear. Pamela Anderson is more authentic than those batteries. Better to know though! May be a good idea to let your vape shop "know" or at least suggest they should look into it. Sometimes people get put on their back foot a bit too easily.

I think your humility and receptiveness is going to serve you extremely well. You learn more and learn it faster because of this. Spencer said it well in that you shouldn't let people freak you out - just never make assumptions and always be thorough. It's the same as following an intricate recipe though the ramifications are more significant.

The only thing worse than assumptions is actual misinformation (with assumptions there's at least a possibility of being right). So with that in mind I say this to help you and not to put someone else down. Edyl's recommendation on ohms for your coil builds appears to be plucked from thin air. Just disregard. Learn how to apply what you read on an ohm meter, understand why thinner wire (higher guage) is more resistant than thicker wire (lower gauge), and why doing something as simple as wrapping your coils on a screwdriver that is 1 mm thicker will change EVERYTHING. Most importantly - find a resource you can trust and learn from. You're doing great!

PS - Orbtronic batteries are high quality. The same goes for MNKE. Trouble is their capacity isn't great. AW is the same quality (if not marginally higher) with more capacity. Nothing on the market can currently compete with a genuine Sony VTC5.

So. Yesterday my husband dropped his nemesis mod off a two story balcony to the concrete below. The mephesto broke, it landed head first. It also damaged the battery. So I took the green wrap off. This is the only markings on it:
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