Quick question about Provari & 510 cartomizers

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Full Member
Jul 16, 2011
Hi All,

OK, now using my new Provari, 510 LR Cartomizers, filling w menthol 24 mg juice from ecigexpress.com.

All seems to be going well. I just fill cartomizer w about 10 drops, spin it ( by hand, or with vial type contraption that I made from old Dramamine container ), put in another 10 drops, spin lightly again, then top off w about 6 drops, cap it & vape it. I vape pretty heavy, I think, I have it with me all time, puff &/or inhale every few minutes, I think. Every couple hours, I'll drip in another 4 - 10 drops, spin by hand & keep going.

Problem is that after 2 - 3 days, It tastes different. same juice. It seems to taste harsh, hurts lungs, little or no menthol taste.Seems to taste harsh, dry & tasteless.

Not sure what the problem is. Am I OVER - filling, givin that this ussually takes a couple days of topping up w juice ? Am I underfilling ? burning matting ? ( I dont think so , cause I have really saturated carto sometimes, & it still tastes harsh & flavorless.

Or, is it simply that I have used up the cartomizer & need to open & fill a new one. This seems to be the answer, cause this solution always works. But is that right that a 510 LR will only last 2 -3 days of heavy vaping?

Is there any way to wash out cartomizer, dry it up & re-use it? I am thinking that I am building up residue around the wire / matting area, and that this residue tastes terrible. Is that assumption correct.

Do I just expect a cartomizer to last the 2 -3 days, & have plenty others around?

What should I try next ? Drip tip ?

Thanks for all the help



My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
If your talking about a Filler type carto, Overfilling doesn't cause a harsh taste, It's usually Under filling.

There are Huge diiferences in All Cartos Quality/Performance wise.

When I used filler cartos, I found Boge to be the best. But of course, this is going to start a huge carto debate.

My advise is to try filling them more often and or another OEM.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
What PG/VG juice, what color juice, and what voltage are you using

I can get 1.5 weeks or more use out of a standard resistance Boge. For good wicking I only use juices with 20% or less VG and I avoid juices that leave a lot of flavoring sediment to clog the carto stuffing

LR's will singe more easily even on 3.7 because they run hotter and they probably vaporize more liquid on each drag. You need juice that will wick quickly enough through the stuffing to keep it damp. How high are you cranking the 2.0's?

BTW super-saturated is never the best carto flavor/vapor for me. At that point they are a bit flooded. They are best for me fill but not overfilled. And if it makes a difference - I don't spin - I just wait 15 seconds to let the first 18 drops of juice soak in then add a bit more. And after the first fill, before vaping it, I lay the carto on different sides for 15-20 min to make sure every bit of stuffing is damp.
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PV Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 23, 2010
Homeish now
Try lowering your volts with an LR you want like 3.7.

Here check out this chart... http://www.pbase.com/kentc/image/126942330/original.jpg

With the provari...hit button 5 times...go to Ao to check atty resistance exactly(attys, even LRs vary) and cross reference with the chart for more accurate results.
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Full Member
Verified Member
Aug 15, 2011
My Boge LR cartos tend to last many times longer than you're reporting, but you seem to vape a lot heavier than I do.

There are many ways to clean/try to resurrect cartos. I've had good success with the
Turkey Baster method, but the always excellent pbusardo has a boiling method that seems popular.

One thing to keep in mind, and I wish more reviewers made this clear: the amount of heat a conductor (the coil in your carto, in this case) generates is determined by the current running through it. That heat is what does the "work" in vaping, vaporizing your juice, warming that vapor, and ultimately frying your carto if you're not careful.

A Boge LR carto (2.2 ohms) draws as much current at 3.7V as a standard-resistance carto (2.5ohms) does at 4.2V.

This is why many folks around here say "LR cartos let you simulate higher voltage vaping," or something to that effect.

This means that on a Provari, you need to treat LR devices as if you have the voltage cranked up much higher.

At 4.3V, a LR carto(2.2ohms) coil is being heated by nearly same amount of current as a standard resistance coil is at 4.9V.

Most of the high-voltage (5V+) vapers will tell you that carto/atty care (keeping them wet, giving them time to wick between vapes) at that level is much more important than it is at 3.7v.

Also be sure sure to check the resistance of each carto at least daily (they change through the life of the carto, and vary between cartos). I've seen LR cartos get down to 1.8ohm at points - and vaping one of those at 4.3V is pushing the same current (and hence heat) through it as vaping a standard 2.5ohm carto at 6V - which is very much burn-through-the-juice-like-crazy territory.

If you're using a LR carto at 4.3V+ and regularly letting it get the point where it can hold 10+ drops on a refill, you may be letting it get drier than is healthy for it the amount of heat it's generating (compared to folks who vape them at 3.7V). You could try refilling more frequently, with fewer drops on a refill.

You mention that you're using a menthol juice. In my personal experience, I've found that strong menthol flavors can really obscure the wow-my-carto-is-getting-dry taste I get with other juices, right up until the point that they're toasted (totally fried a carto that way), so that may be part of the issue for you as well.
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