Rafalicious vs Boba's and Gorilla

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Sep 27, 2011
So... for someone who has never tasted RY4 - what does the Raf taste like? I'm a big fan of Boba's and Gorilla Juice - so what's the special something about Raf?

It is nothing like Boba's or Gorilla. It is the exact opposite IMO. Boba's and Gorilla are in your face strong while Raf is silky smooth and slightly sweet with a great throat hit. I have found most ry4's taste very different from one another so I don't know what to expect each time I try a different vendors version. So far raf is the first juice I have found I can vape all day. Now we just need 100ml bottles!


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Jan 19, 2010
IMHO raf tastes like no other ry4. The components are so well combined that they work perfectly together and individual flavors are blended into a single unit. Simplest way I can put it is raf is a slighty sweet tobacco flavor. Very mild, very enjoyable. Here is a review with a much more eloquent description.

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Full Member
Jul 13, 2011
Seems like everyone agrees that Raf is a much milder flavor than BB or GJ, and I definitely agree. I've also found that it is much stronger with a low resistance cartomizer.

I usually vape GJ on a standard eGo with horizontal coil cartomizers that are rated at about 2.7 ohms, and the amount of flavor is perfect for me. When I tried the Raf with this set-up I liked the taste, but it was barely there. I then put it in a 1.7 ohm dual coil and it really popped.


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Oct 19, 2011
pittsburgh, pa
I've got all 3 in front of me right now for the first time. I just finished trying Boba's a moment ago and am amazed at the manliness of this stuff. Glory be to God... no perfume, no incense. The first toot nearly tore my head off! What's really wild about Boba's is I'm getting some serious sour mash, fermented grain taste. While the tobacco taste is not what I associate with real tobacco (as every tobacco juice I've tried to date has failed to capture) somehow the tobacco side of it melds wickedly with that sour mash essence, and the result is that I feel like I'm getting a real tobacco smoking experience... expecially on the cigar side. It's like sitting down with a premium Dominican and a well aged single malt scotch. It's just putting me in the zone.

Now the GJ is phenominal! I just can't get over the salty finish underneath that excellent banana flavor. Just perfect! I can vape this stuff all day I think. AVE, you've created a monster.

I haven't tried the Raf yet becuase I'm finding it difficult to put down the GJ, but I'm really looking forward to trying it.


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Sep 27, 2011
After letting both the Bobas and Gorilla settle down a bit I have to say these 2 have to be the best juices I have had yet. My only complaint is I can only get 1 fill with bobas in my fluxes before I have to clean and dry burn so they will wick again then I only get 2 fills before it goes in the trash. The gorilla juice wicks much better. I have filled the same flux 4 times now without cleaning but will need to before the 5th refill. I tried bobas in a carto and it flat killed it in less than a day. The draw on it tightened up way too quick!! I got tired of running a thin rod through the center to open it up so I threw it out. I need to find something better to vape the bobas in since I can't afford to go through cartos or fluxes so quick. What do you guy's use to vape this stuff ?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 24, 2009
I use boba's with either dual coil cartos or HV atties and usally vape it at 5-6v and don't have any problems and taste is great..........actually lately have been vapin boba's at 7.4v with 3.0ohm DCC and using same carto for a week with no drop off yet,now I do rotate thru about 4-5 different set ups thru the day.


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Oct 19, 2011
pittsburgh, pa
I acquainted myself with Boba's and GF dripping into a standard Joye 510 atty - self de-bridged. When I got around to trying the Raf, I felt that the first 2 juices were corrupting the flavor of the milder Raf, so I attempted to fill up a 510 LR carto with it. But it just would not absorb down into the filler. Hehe... that thick stuff just sat there on top of the filling and wouldn't budge, no matter how much I blew on it. So I just went back to dripping.


Ω Destroyer
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Aug 15, 2011
New Hampshire, US
What do you guy's use to vape this stuff ?

I've found that both of those work really well in carto tanks. Getting the juice to soak into the carto filler the first time takes a little patience, but after that it's just refill the tank and go! Considering how thick they are, I was surprised how well they worked, but then again those two juices surprised me in a lot of ways . . . I don't like tobacco flavored juices, but I instantly loved those ;-)


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ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2011
pittsburgh, pa
I figured dripping was the answer. I am a messy dripper so I need to get me one of those fancy 306dca's

Hehe.... one of the first lessons I learned in my vaping odyssy is that paper towels are a drippers best friend! Next time I go to the super market, I'm gonna pick me up some (Boba's) Bounty paper towels.


Resting In Peace
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Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
It's actually pretty cool how the Boba's gives off different flavor tones at different resistances at different voltages/Watts. I happen to find the best flavor with this juice for me comes with using a good 1.5ohm LR 901 Atty. Then when I want that more tobaccoish flavor I switch it up to a good Iken HV 3.5ohm 510 Atty, it all depends on the mood I'm in, either way its a super Mix 2cool:
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