restarting vaping due to family emergency.

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Ultra Member
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Mar 6, 2011
Central Ohio
I smoked for 35 years and quit with the help of vaping. I gradually quit vaping too. I have a family emergency going on and really feel the need to puff on something. I picked up a Blu disposable. It's ok but it has nic which I don't want. I have a big stash of 0 nic eliquid. It's unopened but nearing 3 years old. I opened a couple of bottles. It seems vapable but the favors are very weak now. Any issues with vaping anything that old? Also, I had a vape I loved which was a blackberry ( I think) with just a hint of menthol. Does anyone one know where I can get a juice like this? TIA


ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2015
My Mountain
Shelf life on mixed flavored ejuice is on average 1 year.. but of course means of storage can affect that quite significantly, for instance in the freezer it will keep years longer than in warm conditions..

If you want a blackberry jam with menthol go to HHV and see about their Crackberry if you want it sweet and jammy, or if your looking for something more fresh natural fruit rather than jam, then go for their Black and Blue - just check the menthol box when ordering to add that hint of menthol.

Welcome back and I'm sorry to hear of your family issues..


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
I smoked for 35 years and quit with the help of vaping. I gradually quit vaping too. I have a family emergency going on and really feel the need to puff on something. I picked up a Blu disposable. It's ok but it has nic which I don't want. I have a big stash of 0 nic eliquid. It's unopened but nearing 3 years old. I opened a couple of bottles. It seems vapable but the favors are very weak now. Any issues with vaping anything that old? Also, I had a vape I loved which was a blackberry ( I think) with just a hint of menthol. Does anyone one know where I can get a juice like this? TIA

Hi cookiebun. Good to see you again.

3 Years, to me, would be getting on the Fringe of what I would consider Too Old.

I don't think you would get Sick from it. But 3 Years is kinda a Long Time.


Vaping Master
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Apr 25, 2014
toledo ohio
It could be alright, but you’ve been away from it so long, how would you know? I have had juice as old as yours that was fine, a couple that were not. But I could tell because I was still used to how they should look, smell, and taste. Just get a fresh one, I’d say. Sorry I can’t help with where, as I make my own.


Citrus Junkie
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Apr 2, 2017
West Frankfort, IL
I smoked for 35 years and quit with the help of vaping. I gradually quit vaping too. I have a family emergency going on and really feel the need to puff on something. I picked up a Blu disposable. It's ok but it has nic which I don't want. I have a big stash of 0 nic eliquid. It's unopened but nearing 3 years old. I opened a couple of bottles. It seems vapable but the favors are very weak now. Any issues with vaping anything that old? Also, I had a vape I loved which was a blackberry ( I think) with just a hint of menthol. Does anyone one know where I can get a juice like this? TIA
Welcome back, shame it is under these circumstances. I suspect it is likely your juice is fine to tide you over until you can get more. I'd still recommend new juice sooner rather than later.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
IDK about the juice but it may be better than getting hooked on nic again (the Blu is not SUPER low nic, to put it mildly.) Like others have said, replace when you can vape cautiously and like, keep an eye out.

I NEVER puke EVER.I can count on the fingers of one hand probably the times I've ralphed, I just have a cast iron stomach.

Nic overload made me puke one time. I was using Ridiculously Strong Snus, not vaping, but stomach stuff is a sign of nic overload.

It could be that, it could not.; Experiment with how much and how quickly you are vaping all at once.

After that ONE big episode of nic poisoning, I promise, you will start to recognize the earlier symptoms. it's rather, ah MOTIVATING.


Jenn Perry

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The thing is this....I do not think it will make you "sick" rather if it had NIC in it that is what would have degraded over this long of time. What others have mentioned is very true...ow this has been stored is key. I keep all my liquids in dark drawers in a cold room never reaching more than 60 degrees even in the summer. Nicotine should be stored the same and if not used within a years time frozen into smaller batches.

I would say liquids with vanillas will be very dark in color by now and if they taste weak it is because they have degraded a bit. If they have been left sealed I would say...ehhh...Give them a try if they taste off throw them out. Opened I would most definitely toss them, I would not risk it as bacteria could have formed in the VG as most eliquids are higher in VG than PG which is the anti microbial element in all liquids.

As for blackberry...Well I have no clue. That is not a big flavor for myself. I would check out some from the other suggestions or check out the ELR Forum for recipes and see what you find there. If you are looking to replace you DIY supplies I am sponsored through Liquid Barn and use NVR15 for 15% off your purchase at checkout (excludes Tastemaker line).

Hope this helps :)


Full Member
Nov 9, 2019
Hi cookiebun. Good to see you again.

3 Years, to me, would be getting on the Fringe of what I would consider Too Old.

I don't think you would get Sick from it. But 3 Years is kinda a Long Time.
I believe with Nic added, Juices usually always have a 2 year from date of birth. The Nic goes bad and Ew. It'll taste pepper-ish or perfumish and the juice turns super dark. I've tossed many Juices that went from a light light yellowish tan to a deep deep brown... Kinda like the color of this box I'm typing in now.

As for non Nic juice, I haven't the foggiest idea.


ECF Guru
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Sep 12, 2010
Thanks for the replies. I diy too but that stuff is just as old too.
Different materials have different age rates. Mixed materials acquire the age rate of the shortest lived component. Flavorings are already mixed components. Probably some but not all of the flavorings in this case.

since you’re 0 nic, one of the shortest lived components is taken out of the equation.

what is the shelf life of VG? I’m seeing only scientific stuff regarding pure glycerol. Numbers seem to vary between 1 year and “on the label”

What is the shelf life of PG? Again, only experimentation grade. The big things are it is susceptible to oxidation and it’s hydroscopic so bottle type is going to matter. A glass bottle will prevent oxidation better. Seems to be generally shorter than VG, but again the only number I’m seeing is “read the label”
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