*REVIEWS* - HHV Sweets & Desserts

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ECF Guru
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Aug 19, 2012
Powder Keg, 70/30, 18mg nic

OK, since we're all reviewing Powder Keg I'll throw my two cents in. I tried PK some 6 - 8 months ago. I believe Scarfy sent me a well-steeped sample. I really have nothing to add that PopPop and the Lion haven't already said above. They are both pinpoint accurate with their descriptions. It's a 1:1 take on Almond Joy to be sure. Does the candy bar translate into the vape? Well, that depends on who you ask. I'm not a big fan of Almond Joy and the vape was pretty good but nothing I would re-order. That doesn't mean it is a bad vape though. It's authentic. I'm just not big on desserts. If you are, give it a try. Nothing cheap about it.


ECF Veteran
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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
Monkey Wrench, 30/70 PG/VG @ 12mg nicotine.

Described as a 'candy flavor' on the HHV site, and this is. Remember eating 'salt water taffy' at the beach as a child ? The little yellow banana flavored ones ? This e-liquid brings back memories of that soft, sweet taffy flavor. This is certainly not a fruit flavor, far to heavy and sweet to be mistaken as a fruit liquid. Not what I would consider an all-day vape, or even an every day vape, but does offer a sweet change of pace for sweet/ dessert lovers.


ECF Veteran
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Jul 16, 2012
Monroe NC
Trick or Treat, 30/70 PG/VG @ 12mg nicotine.

Had this liquid since the Holidays. Tried early, then several times again. The E-Liquid itself smells delicious, just like opening a fresh bag of the Candy Corn treats that come out around Halloween. Unfortunately, the vape falls short. What little flavor is there is hard to distinguish. Various amounts of steeping time did not seem to help. Perhaps a more distinguished, or more sensitive, taste could find enjoyment in this selection. I did not. :(
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