Scardie cat newbie

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2012
Northern Nevada, astride the "49er trail
I'm as new as the day is long,,this can work, I know it. I'm just staying open and trying different setups. It's worth the time and money to find what I really like.

That is where I am at Herb. I love the ecig and I love the juices I got but I am still working on getting the whole thing set up right for me. There is a bit of a learning curve. I went with a product that is easy to use but I could buy biger batteries and still use my original kit. Also, I can buy some clearomizer thingeys. I didn't know when I started that I would probably need this or that to be happy so I have to keep tweaking as I go.

Juices - hate the fruity ones, love the tobacco ones. Who knew until I tried?

I am very happy to make the effort since I feel so much better and am smoking less and less as I get dialed in.


Unresolved Status
ECF Veteran
Aug 15, 2012
Citrus Heights, CA USA
Hello and welcome. What seems to have worked for a lot of people (myself included) is to simply jump right in. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, vape instead. Just keep vaping. Sometimes you'll be unable to resist an analog and that's alright, just have one (I mean "one" - no chain analoging :laugh:). In no time at all, you'll be down to a pack a day and then less. Just vape as many of the urges away as you can and don't be hard on yourself if you have to fall back once in a while. What you're doing is cutting down - a lot - and eventually you'll be smoke free.

Hi all, I totally agree here. This is how I'm doing it. I was down to three analogs a day, then I had a little trouble with my equipment, ended up smoking a couple of extra cigs for a day, and back down to 3. Soon it'll be two, and so on. I think it's very important to remember that we smoked for a very long time, most of us, and with determination and time, we'll be successful.


Unresolved Status
ECF Veteran
Aug 15, 2012
Citrus Heights, CA USA
Congrats! Just make sure your juice is strong enough...I was 2 pad, and vape around 30-36mg juice. Once you find a flavor you like grab a bottle of high strength, and a bottle of 0 nic- then mix it to find your sweet spot.

This is a great idea! I may give this a try.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2012
Northern Nevada, astride the "49er trail
Congrats! Just make sure your juice is strong enough...I was 2 pad, and vape around 30-36mg juice. Once you find a flavor you like grab a bottle of high strength, and a bottle of 0 nic- then mix it to find your sweet spot.

That is such a good idea!


Senior Member
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Aug 20, 2012
One quick lesson...

My daughter wanted pink pancakes and blue milk this morning. Quirky kid, but I grabbed the McCormick Assorted Food Colors and Egg Dye and was about to mix some up when I noticed that the ingredients said "Propylene Glycol". I'm thinking "Hey"..."That's PG, right?". So now I have this crazy notion that I could drip some of this food coloring into an atty and blow out some red smoke. How KEWL would THAT be?.....

Well, let me tell you.....a 6 year old will never laugh harder than seeing her father with red food coloring around his lips and hands while trying to puff on a black magic marker. Apparently the PG in the food coloring is so small it doesn't vape and makes you look like a complete ... while getting red stuff everywhere......LOL

Have fun with your vaping's sure been a blast for the rest of us.......

now that sounds like something i would do lol of course i like green so i would be a very green person ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
i also recommend getting hi nic juice when you first start. it makes a big difference on the cig cravings. if you use low nic in the beginning, you will likely be chain vaping and still craving a cig. i was a relatively light smoker and i was not satisfied until i got 24mg strength (2.4%) so for heavier smokers, you're probably gonna want at least 24mg.


Super Member
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Sep 4, 2012
Congrats Lilag! For you to come out and consider vaping is an indication that you may be ready to stop gigarettes.

I smoked 1 pack every 1-1 1/2 day for 20+ years since I was 15. The last few years it has been crossing my mind but could resist the urge. Plus the Dr has been on my .... since I'm reaching 40 and she says its time to stop. Not sure if its the throat hit, nicotine or just the routine of smoking.

I always thought about e-cigs but never really had the time to ready up on it or even knew which was the one I wanted until 3 weeks ago. I was at a Labor Day get together and a buddy of mine had a Vtube. I test vaped and after the first few hits I knew I could do without cigs with vaping! Exacly two weeks ago today when my Vtube arrived I have not touched a cigarette! I thought about keeping cigs around "just in case" but very suprised I have not touched them.

All I can say is, get a kit you can afford to start using daily. Doesn't have to be fancy unless you want it to be. Match the nicotine mg to what you currently smoke. And most of all, give it a chance to get used to. Don't overwhelm yourself with all the different options just yet. Enjoy it!

From one noob to another. :)
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Full Member
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Sep 13, 2012
Austin, TX
For me, it was almost just the habit of having something to do with my hand, mouth etc. The way I made the switch was to get rid of everything but my ecig and force myself to adopt/adapt this new habit. It's very similar and if you're the kind of person that likes to fiddle with things (I love trying different combos of atty's, batteries, mods, juices etc.) then this almost in a way helps to keep my mind occupied and not thinking about anything other than vaping.

Not sure if any of this is helpful but good luck!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2012
Waynesboro, Va
I was a lil aprehensive at first too, but with the support of this forum, and my "Binky" in hand, I'm now 10 days in!:D It has helped ALOT also getting into the spirit of for supplies, tasting new juices, charging my batteries and getting ready for my day, etc. And I've spent alot of time here!:) Exactly what Sushi said!!:laugh: You can do it, hang in there and look to the forum when you need support! They rock!:D


Full Member
Verified Member
May 27, 2012
I tried everything under the sun, this worked for me because:
-my starter looked and felt like a ciggy
-produced "smoke" like a ciggy and the vape had taste. Also the inhale and exhale could be felt, as it was a real sensation that mimicked the old habit in a close enough way.
_ the nic kept away all cravings for a cig as I was still getting nic from my vape (24 mg worked for me to start off)
-after 1 week tastebuds re-vitalized
-after a few days started the productive cough that after a week I could actually take in a deep breath and it felt "clear", also lungs felt great and no more tightness.
-lots cheaper than smoking! Saved money which I promptly spent on vaping stuff lol.
-made new friends as it was a great conversation starter
anyway you look at it, there were no negatives, so what have ya got to loose? Go for it!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
I just had to jump into this one...because my 1st e-cig experience was kind of funny.

I went to the tobacco shop and saw a sign for an e-cig (YES! In a tobacco shop!). Thought about it and picked up a Smoke51 Trio as a 1st e-cig. I now know it was a little overprice...but not that bad. And the connector is 510 too. The atomizers and carts on it my preference. However, it got me into e-cigs and finding ECF was well worth it.

Anyway, I remember when I 1st opened the box and charged the thing. Put a cart in and ....wasn't sure I even wanted to puff on it! :D

Now this is after three decades of smoking burnt tobacco. Still thinking..."What is this?????". I puffed without inhaling at first. Also did a lot of research. Finally inhaled it most of the time (necessary for me to do in order to quit the smoking habit. But that's me.) Anyway...I remember the trepidation and concerns. I also remember researching e-cigs, safety, and trying to understand how "bad" this is compared to smoking.

Well, it's been over two years with e-cigs now. And a progression from the s51 (basically an 808 but with a 510 connector...not bad) and then 510s, then eGo units and mods. VV box mods now.

So...I understand the concerns. far as we's A LOT better than cigs. A LOT less harmful. A LOT less stinky. A LOT less expensive. A LOT tastier. It's different, but "close enough" that it works.

Good Luck!
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